
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

Have you noticed all of the attention that apple cider vinegar is getting lately?

It's bigger than kale.
 Trendier than quinoa.
Hotter than green tea.
Cooler than almond milk.  
Hipper than greek yogurt. 
"Chic"-er than chia seeds.

Apple cider vinegar seems to be at the top of everyone's current "it" food lists.
It's been called "life changing," and why wouldn't it be,
claiming to be a virtual cure-all:

Aids weight loss 
Lowers cholesterol
Soothes sunburn
Prevents indigestion
Whitens teeth
Cures hiccups
Reduces heartburn

And that's just some of it's magical powers.

 In order to maximize those benefits, 
you pretty much need to drink apple cider vinegar every day -- no joke!
I haven't been able to take that step (gag!), 
but I figure that working it into my menu planning even in small ways  
has to do us some good.

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

I was searching for an apple cider vinegar dressing for my broccoli slaw,
when I came across this recipe on
The fact that it calls for brown sugar sealed the deal for me. 
Granted, the sugar may cancel out the benefits of the vinegar,
but it sure is yummy!  
Chopped cabbage would be equally tasty, if you prefer to use it instead of the broccoli. 

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

It took mere minutes to whip up
(well, except for the fact that I had to run out 
in the middle of preparing it to get the celery seed, 
which I thought I had, but didn't.
Why do I always, ALWAYS forget one ingredient?  

This salad definitely tastes better after sitting in the fridge for a couple of hours,
giving the flavors a chance to meld,
so be sure to build that into your prep time.  

It's a great accompaniment to burgers and hot dogs, 
pulled pork or brisket, grilled steak, barbecued chicken...
you get the idea.

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

12 oz. bag broccoli slaw (I got mine at Trader Joe's)
      or chopped cabbage
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar  
1/2 tsp. celery seed

In a large bowl, whisk together brown sugar, mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar and celery seed.
Add broccoli slaw and toss to coat.
Let it sit in refrigerator for approximately two hours before serving.

Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

I have to admit that after several helpings, my weight didn't change,
and my teeth weren't any whiter, 
but I feel better just knowing that Broccoli Slaw with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing 
is in my medicine recipe chest.

You may also like:

Black Bean and Corn Salad 

Simple Macaroni Salad 


  1. Sounds great! I love broccoli slaw. I did try adding the high end apple cider vinegar in my drinking water everyday but I couldn't do was nasty!! Forget the health benefits, bring on the brown sugar!

  2. I love cole slaw and especially love finding new ways to dress it and enjoy it. :)

  3. I love the broccoli slaw from TJ's too Amy. I love that dressing. Thanks for sharing it! :)

  4. I've been taking a tablespoon of Fire Cider every day for the last few weeks (when we were home). Talk about gagging! It contains some spices such as turmeric which is supposed to be beneficial and give me the body of Halle Berre. Unfortunately it's more like Rosie O'Donnel :/.


  5. Where have I been? I didn't know there was such a thing as broccoli slaw but I'll pick up a bag at TJ's soon. I've jotted down the ingredients and I happen to love apple cider vinegar. this sounds good!

  6. Wait - is this going to make me younger? I'm in!! Seriously, this looks great - pinning!

  7. It wasn't the apple cider vinegar that grabbed my attentiion in your recipe, it's the broccoli! After a very strict diet of six month, I'm reintroducing things one at a time (minus the ones that are forbidden due to allergy) and broccoli is the one I reintroduced this week, with no problem... So I think a salad (sans the mayo) is in order this weekend!

  8. I will admit I am completely addicted to apple cider vinegar! I wouldn't know what to do if we were out of it! I have a stockpile of the good stuff! This looks delicious...can't wait to try it! :)

  9. "Yumscious!"
    What a great word!

    Looks delicious, thanks for sharing.

    All the best Jan

  10. Super easy. I found the broccoli slaw mix at Walmart in the produce section. Very delicious, I absolutely love this. I made this to go along side some cheeseburgers for a simple meal. Not to mention something different than an every day green salad, and I didn't want to serve up fries.

    1. I'm so glad that you liked it! Thanks so much for letting me know - it's great to get feedback!

  11. I think that I'll make this over the weekend! It sounds so good!

  12. Super easy. I found the broccoli slaw mix at Walmart in the produce section. Very delicious. I absolutely love this. I made this to go along side some cheeseburgers for a simple meal. This would be an excellent addition to cookout.

  13. I add dried craisins too!!


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