
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Butter Him Up With Matzoh Brei

I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better today. That's the good news. The bad news is that the morning started off with me spilling a glass of water all over the computer keyboard. That did not go over very well with the hubby. I am now in the doghouse, while Sadie, I'll have you know, is making herself quite at home on my side of the bed. 

I decided to butter him up by making some matzoh brei. No, really, I am literally buttering him up -- there's more butter in this recipe than we eat all year. And eggs. And salt. Very bad-for-you ingredients. Not to mention all that matzoh. My cholesterol jumped 20 points just making this. This is not the best recipe to post after what I just wrote about eating healthy, but it's a once-a-year indulgence to help us remember our foremothers, who had a little nosh of matzoh brei in the dessert, as they got ready to flee Egypt.

This recipe should be enough for 5 servings for a normal family, but mine has a bottomless pit when it comes to matzoh brei.  I don't know why, but it never makes me feel full. Gross, maybe, but not full. It's a good idea to follow this with a prune-juice chaser.  Enjoy. 


1 Box (14 sheets) Matzoh
8 Eggs
Salt or Cinnamon and Sugar

Break matzoh and soak in warm water for 1-2 minutes. Drain.
Beat eggs; mix into wet matzoh till coated, and let sit a few minutes. 
Melt 3 Tablespoons of butter in large skillet. 
Add matzoh mixture, and spread across pan.  Let sit for a few minutes, then stir.
Keep stirring  (like you are scrambling eggs) until the matzoh brei is lightly browned. Add more butter, if needed. I always seem to add another tablespoon, at least. 
Sprinkle with salt or cinnamon and sugar. 

How do you like your matzoh brei -- salty or sweet? 

Don't all these matzoh recipes look alike? 
Doesn't he look happy? Think he'll forgive me?


  1. I like mine salty! I've never seen a recipe for Matzoh Brei like this. Interesting. Must be delicious.

  2. It's a combination of different recipes that I've made over the years. I've been making this one for the last 4 or 5 years. It's pretty decadent, so we eat it only once a year!


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