
Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Simple Spring Vignette..."Faux" Real!

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

What's been blooming in your neck of the woods?

We are way behind schedule here in NJ.

I was looking at some photos from last spring, and saw 
that my forsythias started blooming in mid-March.

But this year? Hel-lo? It's April, yet not a bud in sight.

So until I get some "True Blooms," I have to make do with 
faux blooms inside my house. 

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Since we spend most of our time in the family room, 
it's the first place I wanted to "springify."

You may recall my buffet, when I showed 
you my super-easy New Year's Eve centerpiece
After I packed away the champagne glass, I filled a vase 
with snowy branches, red berries and flowers.

Now, it's time for those to hibernate for the winter. 
They've been replaced with some faux forsythia and pussy willows. 

 Wouldn't you know it, 
right after I bought the pussy willows at Michael's, 
all of the real ones started showing up at the supermarket.  

I keep meaning to buy some real ones, and replace the faux...

Which would make my spring vase half-faux, half-real.
I kid you not, it would be...
"faux" real! 

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Changing the flowers 
definitely made it feel a little more like spring, 
but the red decanter that was on the silver tray 
felt out of place.

Hmmm...what to do, what to do.

I let that percolate in my brain a little, 
and focused on my coffee table instead. 

Years ago, I bought potted flowers from a local nursery. 
They came in a fun "bowl" which I've been using on my coffee table, filled with glass balls. 

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

When I saw moss-covered balls at Pottery Barn, 
I thought I'd mix them with the glass balls,
to add a little touch of spring.

It just didn't look right,
(I didn't even keep it that way long enough to snap a picture), 
but then I remembered about some of other decorative baubles I had. 

They kind of reminded me of birds' nests, 
 and looked just right with the mossy ones.

Not bad, but it was a little drab, 
so I added a few "faux" lemons 
that I bought at Pier 1 years ago, to perk it up.

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

And then I had a vision of the moss balls being chewed to pieces 
by a certain four-footed, furry little girl 
who would think that they were her new toys.

If this arrangement was going to remain intact, 
I had to find a place for it on higher ground...
which is when the buffet called out to me, and said, 
"YooHoo, how about over here?"

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It looked pretty good, but perhaps a little bare, 
so I kept playing around with it, 
and adding other things to the table...
 decanters, pictures, books, all kinds of "tchotchkes"... 
but nothing looked right with the curved arms of the bowl.

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I think it just needed its space.
Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Sometimes less is more, I guess.

Simple Spring Vignette --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

And sometimes, more is more...
as in chocolate, shoes and cheese.

But one thing is "faux" sure...
this vignette was SO (saux?) simple to do! 

Linking With:
Whimsy Wednesday 
Home and Garden Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Home Sweet Home
Be Inspired
Let's Get Real 
Simple and Sweet Friday
Weekend Bloggy Reading  
Sunday Showcase
Bouquet of Talent
Metamorphosis Monday 
A Return To Loveliness
The Scoop 
Tweak it Tuesday  
Best of the Weekend


  1. A beautiful spring vignette! Nothing much blooming here in OK either.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! I've been checking the forsythia every day...the buds are getting there...I think any day now it will bloom!

  2. I love, love that bowl - it looks great how you have filled it for spring :-)

    1. Thanks, Vicki! I really like it, too. It looks good with whatever I put in it...just has a great shape for "stuff."

  3. Beautiful! I love forsythia, but we've got nothing going on here either!

    1. Soon, Michelle...I see the buds turning from brown to green, so it's coming!

  4. Now THAT looks great! I LOVE the graphic quality of your vignette. It is perfectly balanced and gorgeous- xo Diana

    1. Thanks, Diana. Of course, after I posted the pictures, I realized I should have moved the lamp a little to the left...oh, well!

  5. I love the colours you used, very spring, even if spring is only "for faux" for you right now!

    1. Soon, Magali! I see little signs of spring that are growing each day. It's coming!

  6. It looks great...especially with the lemons!

    1. Thanks, Corinne! Those lemons were a great purchase -- I've used them over and over again!

  7. Less is More looks wonderful there!

    No blooms here either but I recall a few years back when everything came in to bud early then we had a cold snap and little bloomed in May so it's probably better / safer this way

    1. I know, you're right, Deb! Timing is everything. I do remember that last spring, the forsythias lasted way longer than usual. I think maybe because we had a lot of rain -- Can't recall, but I'm hoping for the same this year!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Angie! It helps brighten things up even though everything outside is still bare.

  9. Beautiful Amy ! I buy fresh lemons and lime in the groceries just to display and then they rot - time to get some faux ones I think LOL
    How come Faux sounds so much better than fake?
    LOVE your Forsythia - LOVE !!!
    This better be one hell of a gorgeous summer after this miserable winter, that's all I'm saying :)

    1. Thanks, Suzan. It took real talent to put those balls in the bowl, LOL! I am with you on that thought about summer...and we better have a spring. It's still pretty chilly!

  10. What a nice cheerful way to start my morning on this rainy day. Your humor adds to the fun of your blogs.
    Your arrangment and placement look great.

    1. Thanks, Phyllis! I'm always happy to see a comment from you!

  11. It all looks so beautiful - love the addition of the lemons. Our cherry and pear trees are blooming and it makes me soooo excited!

    1. Thank you! Cherry trees? Pear trees? Oh, how I would love to have those in my backyard!

  12. Amy, this is so beautiful. The colors and proportions work perfectly with each other. I can "feel" how it brightened your living room. I also love how versatile the pieces are: the vase and the bowl can be filled with so many different things depending on the season, as you have shown.

    1. Thanks, Mila! I'm all about simple, as you can see...I don't have the patience for anything too elaborate. It can't get any easier than putting some flowers in a vase, and balls in a bowl, LOL!

  13. Faux real? Ha ha ha. Seriously though, I love the lemons and forsythia, or maybe it's the color of sunshine I'm loving. We got 6 inches of snow last night.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia, for getting my pun! Oh, no..not more snow! I think I would cry if we got more at this point, which of course, is completely possible!

  14. I love how fresh and simple that new vignette looks! I love the pops of yellow you added. I have faux forsythia in storage that I can pull out if needed. I've used it on my front door before in a hanging door basket. I like it because you can see it well from the street. Our forsythia is blooming outside now but that's because our temps have been hot enough already. Yours will bloom as soon as mother nature cooperates!

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I think our forsythia will bloom in a couple of days, and I can't wait! We added a lot more bushes last year, and I can't wait to see them in all their yellow splendor!

  15. Everything looks fabulous! May I ask where did you get the vase?

    1. Thank you, Jane! I got the vase at Home Goods! I meant to mention that in the post, but forgot :(

  16. This looks so fresh and typically spring. I can't believe the forsythia and lemons are faux! Our spring flowers are in full swing now and I am willing them all to slow down so I can enjoy them for a bit longer. Have a wonderful weekend xx

    1. I'm envious that you are all a-bloom (is that a word?) Last year, everything stayed in bloom longer than usual, and it was a real treat!

  17. I think you have a good eye for decoration – your arrangement is eye catching. I also looked at your past posts and loved your pictures, especially of the Bahai gardens.

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you took the time to poke around my blog!

  18. Dear Amy, Your post was fun to follow along with and everything looks springy and like a bit of sunshine entered, faux sure!.
    Very nice. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  19. We are full of blooming things here in Southeast Texas. I need to get out and take some photos. Maybe this week.

    Love the forsythia. I have the faux stuff on my front door, as we don't see much in this part of the country.

    1. I can't wait for ours to start blooming. It's still pretty chilly here, but the forsythia look like they will open in the next few days. I love that burst of yellow while everything else is still bare!

  20. Spring has taken a step back again here. Your flower and fruit decorations are lovely!

  21. I enjoyed reading your post. it is always interesting to have a 'peek' into someone else's home. Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog.

  22. Great decorating idea. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at the Let's Get Real Friday Link Party.


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