
Thursday, May 1, 2014

SHOW US YOUR APRIL Link Party is Live!

I'm SO excited...
and a little bit nervous, truth be told.
It's my first-ever linky party, after all.

Fortunately, I'm not going alone.
My "date" is the lovely Claire,
from a little Claireification. 
I am so happy to be throwing this soiree
with such a seasoned hostess.

Here in north Jersey, April ended on a wet note --
it's been raining cats and dogs all day today.
Speaking of dogs... 
If you saw my April Photo Diary earlier today,
you know that I ended with a sweet picture of my dog, Sadie.
Doesn't she look like an angel?
Let me tell you what she did to deserve the coveted 
final-photo-of-the-month slot.
This morning, Little Miss Sadie went into 
the bathroom garbage can and pulled everything out.
She took a tissue -- the very one Mr. Goo Shoes just blew his nose in --
and tore it to shreds under the bed.
(Sorry, I know that's gross, but this is real life, here). 
Let me tell you how much fun it was to clean THAT up.

And then...THEN...
Someone came to my house and left her bag in the mud room,
With her sandwich...
and paper cup of coffee.
I had no idea.
Until I walked in and saw...
A Mess. 
Let's just say we don't call Sadie "Miss Mess" for nothing.

Sweet little Sadie girl 
had herself a fine lunchtime feast.
She ripped the bag to pieces, 
spilled the coffee, 
and ate the whole enchilada.
Well, actually, it was a turkey sandwich,
and lemon cookies.
Maybe she drank some of the coffee, too...
she's been running around like a nut. 
Thankfully, there was no chocolate.

So, you see, every picture tells a story...
it just might not be readily apparent,
unless you look deep into those sweet brown puppy eyes...
and see a little bit of guilt lurking there.
What are your stories for April?
If you haven't put anything together, 
there's still time. 
We're keeping the party open till May 9. 

Your diary can be anything at all --
photos from your blog posts this past month,
pictures of your pets or your kids,
photos of your garden springing to life...
what you ate this month, 
or birds visiting in the backyard. 
Just use your bloggy creativity! 

Are you ready to Show Us Your April???
 I showed you mine...
Now let's see yours!


  1. Hi Amy, I'm the first to link up, the good thing about living in Europe time-wise! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. Thanks again!

    1. Thank you so much, Corinne, for taking the challenge! I'm going to check it out right now!

  2. Replies
    1. She's VERY bad, LOL, but fortunately for her, she's cute, too :)

    2. I'm so happy you linked up your April, Deb! Can't wait to check it out!

  3. I love this idea - I might have to be a late-joiner!! I did read an earlier post from you, about the idea of a photo a day and have already committed myself to that for May. It might be difficult, but I love a challenge!

    1. Join late, Diane! I think the link party may be a one time thing (because it IS a challenge!), but I'd love to read your May diary regardless!

  4. Ms. Toody Goo Shoes you have had an exciting month! I just checked out all your fabulous photos. I love the one you captured with the birds in the birdbath. Sadie sounds like a real character! You have your hands full ;)

    My photo diary got a little messy. It's been a crazy month and some days I forgot to photograph. Most of my photo diary will be food photos but I'm going to try and get it together the best I can before May 9. I don't know if it will be as organized as yours! ..But I'll be more prepared for the month of May. Will you be having a May linkup? I certainly hope so! Off to visit Claire now! :D


    1. Whatever you could pull together would be fine, Tammy! And what could be better than a lot of food photos! I doubt we will be doing this for May - we just wanted to try it for a month.

  5. Dear Amy, Sadie is a character! with big beautiful eyes that melt you! What a sweetie!! Blessings dear. Catherine

  6. What a great post and such a lovely idea. I am not blogging much these days but when I am ready I will join the party some other month in the future.
    Have a nice week end

    1. Hi Riet, I think we are doing it just this once . But it is a fun idea, even if you just want to try it for your own blog!

  7. Whew, I did it. Thanks for hosting, Amy. What a great idea for a party. It was a fun post to write.

    1. You sure did do it, Katie! It's great! I love how different bloggers put their own distinct spin on it. I am so appreciative that you participated, and glad that you had fun writing it!

  8. I've been creating a monthly review post for a short while now and love looking back on our month! It's a little like digital scrapbooking!! Thanks for hosting this party! I found your blog from reading AnnMarie @ Vintage Junkie.

    1. I'm thrilled that you found our party! I agree, each month is a great scrapbook of life. Thank you so much for participating! You've got some spectacular photos in your post!

  9. Oh Amy, count me in for next month's party ! Such a fabulous idea - ( wish I could take a decent photo ! )

    1. You take great photos, Suzan...are you kidding? I don't know if we are making this a monthly thing. To be determined!


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