
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Involuntary Macslaughter

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Have you ever made a really costly mistake?
A costly dumb mistake?
Yeah, been there, done that.
But when it could have easily been prevented... hurts even more!

Let me give you some advice right off the bat.
Don't drink and type. 
I want you to get up right now,
and move that mug of coffee, glass of wine,
can of soda...whatever...
far, far away from your computer.
OK, that's better.
This was supposed to be a blog post about a 
delicious chocolate cake recipe, 
but instead, it's about Mac.

He's dead.

He drowned in a cup of coffee.

I'm the one who killed him.
 It was involuntary macslaughter,
and I am full of remorse.

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I first spotted Mac back in September,
in an Apple store.
Yeah, I was "looking,"

but I'm not the kind of girl who settles.
The room was full of other potential contenders,
yet he stood out in the crowd. 

It wasn't love at first sight, though...
I thought he was too big for me...
Maybe a smaller one would be just fine.
I'm mean, does two inches really matter?
Size isn't everything you, know. 

I took him to the Genius Bar to get to know him.
Mac handled my interrogation like the Pro that he is.
In fact, his processing speed was 
almost faster than I could ask the questions.  
And, he had a lot more drive than the other laptops.
 "OK," I told him, "I'm sold. Let's do this."

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It didn't take long for us to fall into a comfortable routine.
I liked to turn him on first thing every morning.
He could go for hours.

But it wasn't always about him.

He never once complained about accompanying me,
no matter where I wanted to go.  
Whether it was outside on the deck...
on a vacation far from home...
or just to the iMovies...
Mac and I were attached at the hip.

I could count on him for his logic...
He could multi-task like no one's business...
and whatever my preferences were, he was totally agreeable.
His memory? It was virtually photographic!

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
My lap-dog and my lap-top

Yet, it wasn't a perfect relationship.
Oh, he was a cursor, all right...
at times, his words had real byte!
And, he was very complex.
I couldn't really get inside his head.
Sometimes he sent me messages that I just couldn't understand.
 I had to go to someone else, 
and say, "what do you think he means?"
At other times, he completely shut down on me.  
(and pssst -
I think he had Narcolepsy...because many times, 
he would go to sleep right in the middle of a sentence).

I admit it -- I cheated on him sometimes.
I mean, can you blame me?
The desktop was constantly beckoning from the office.

It was hard to resist the temptation...
of its large, 27-inch screen.

So, back to what happened...
The other morning,
I was drinking and typing.
Risky behavior, I know. 
I'd done it way too many times than I care to admit.
But sitting down with Mac and a cuppa joe
was the perfect way to start the day...
or so I thought.  

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

My coffee mug was to the right,
and in one fell swoop,
Mac was drowning in hot Java.

"Oh, Mother - #&%$  Board!" I cried.

I jumped into action, 
trying to save him.

I gave him CPU CPR,
and for a few minutes, he lingered on...
And then...just like the finale episode of The Sopranos,
his screen went dark.

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes 
He never knew what hit him.

Yes, Mac was the iPhoto of health.
Never sick a day in his life...not even a virus. 
I wish I could go back in Time Machine,
and start the day over...
or at least, retrieve all of my pictures.

 And, now, I've snapped him shut for the last time.
I'll never forget him...he was iconic, and can 
be replaced by spending a lot of money
never be replaced.

RIP, Mac...
 we had a great gig while it lasted...
with lots and lots of memory.

Don't Drink and Type  --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Linking With:
Let's Get Real
The Weekend Social 
Weekend Bloggy Reading
Fabulously Creative Friday 
Best of the Weekend  
The Scoop 
Metamorphosis Monday
Turn It Up Tuesdays 
Treasurebox Tuesday 
Sunday Showcase 


  1. This is brilliant!!!! You are so funny. I just moved my glass of wine onto the counter-away from my Mac!!!! Thanks for the warning and my sympathies....

    1. Thanks, Rosella! Glad I got you to move that glass of wine before disaster strikes!

  2. You are too funny. So sorry you killed it. I'm sure it knows it was an accident. I need to get a Mac some day.

    1. I am devastated that I had to buy a new one, but I'll never make that mistake again!

  3. Hahaha - this is brilliant and just oh so sad at the same time. He was so young!!!
    I just inched my glass a little further away from my own MacDaddy. He's been tried and true since 2010 and, while he may be a Pro, I think the Pinot would win that battle.

    1. And I just saw Rosella's comment above. See, you are saving Macs all over the country. His loss was not in vain.

    2. So sad, yes! Sadder still, pulling out my credit card for a new one! But you are right, at least I'm saving other laptops!

  4. So sorry for your loss. I whacked a glass of water onto my Macbook Pro a couple of months ago and had to spring into action. I instinctively turned it over and gave it a little shake. I prayed that it would survive...didn't want to learn that lesson the hard way. Anyway, it seemed to pull through with nary a hiccup. I'm so sorry yours didn't do the same. I'll be keeping the glasses far,far away from the computer from now on. Hope you find a good deal to replace it.

    1. Glad you were lucky, Nici! I didn't find a "deal," but I do have a new laptop now.

  5. Oh my word. No Macinsurance? I am so so sorry. My Mac will appreciate the warning. My sister did the same thing to hers. Yikes. No more coffee and Mac time for me.

    1. No, no insurance, Katie :( Had to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Keeping liquids far away - like in another room!

  6. Sorry to hear about Mr. Mac's demise, but I really enjoyed the story! Very creative!!

  7. Oh- I am so sorry! I lost a laptop, too, for no reason anyone could figure out. Luckily- I had just downloaded everything a couple of weeks before to a zip drive (pictures & documents) so I was lucky that I didn't lose much that way. My daughter always takes the insurance out and has had her computer replaced three times after they died! (I say- 3 kids at home-3 dead computers) Good luck- I hope you can get another one! xo Diana

    1. I had almost everything backed up - I only lost one day of photos, and that was upsetting. I am backing up religiously, now, and yes, I had to fork over the money to go buy a new laptop.

  8. Oh no! I feel your pain!! Hope you can get another soon :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle :) I did get another, although it was painful pulling out my credit card!

  9. try putting it in a bowl of dry rice and leave it for a while while it dries out

  10. involuntary Macslaughter, LOL. You are too funny. I dumped a cup of coffee, with cream, on my bed yesterday reaching over to set it on the bedside table. The cost was only in time to clean it up, although I think my featherbed will forever smell of coffee. That coffee is tricky stuff!

    1. Oh boy, that's not good! I hope the caffeine in your featherbed doesn't keep you awake, LOL!

  11. You are too funny but I am sure it isn't really funny for you. I am very careful around my computer. My husband has drilled that into my head for years and this one took, LOL.


    1. It's good that you are careful - my husband drilled it into my head, to, but I didn't listen LOL!

  12. You are SO hilarious!! I am huffing and puffing from the wheezing in my chest, which is what happens to me when I LMHO!!! STOP! You're KILLING ME...too!!

    Ahem. Right. Sorry, this is a time of mourning, after all. He lived a happy life. 'Good to the last drop'.;))


    1. I had to write something funny about it, so I could stop crying, Poppy! He did have a good life, although short ;)

  13. That was the best requiem for a computer ever! I'm laughing over here, but I am sorry for your loss. I have a terrible habit of eating and drinking at the computer all day - I'm sure I'll be sorry someday.

    1. Lana, take my advice and drink elsewhere! I really learned this one the hard way, or should I say, the expensive way! I'm trying to save other computers now, lol!

  14. So sorry for this accident! But our mistakes make us wiser! Thanks for coming and linking up at The Weekend Social. Please be sure to come back next week starting Thursdays at 9PM EST on ! I hope to see you there!

  15. You are hysterical! :)

    Reminds me of years ago one of my son's friends spilling beer into my keyboard, ugh.

    Hey, I answered you on my blog but in regards to my camera: Amy it’s a Nikon DX…I bought it when my grandson was born so I’ve had it for close to five years now. I wanted one that took good pictures and videos since my son was in Iraq ( here for the birth / had to return ) and I could post on FB for him to see. It just has a standard lens that zooms a little…( Nikkor 18-105) and I’d bought it at Best Buy where as long as I paid on time monthly, it was interest free for a year.

    Well, enjoy your new laptop when you get it! :)

    1. Thanks, Deb, for the camera info. I hope to get a new one in the fall. Got to wait a bit, now that I had to go out and buy a new laptop :(

  16. OH Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sit her sipping on my coffee, I just moved it far away. Believe me I have had a spill or two and just missed the spill of death. Don't feel too bad though, I have made many costly mistakes around here. Let's not talk about the spray paint incident in the garage, and then the very next day backing out into my husbands know the saying!

    1. Yup, I did it! I'm laughing at what you wrote, because, this hasn't been my only costly mistake, either. Like when I back the car out of the garage, but didn't open the garage door. Yeah, stuff like that :)

  17. Poor Mac! I am so sorry for your loss. Who knew the dangers of coffee? LOL! Have a great day!!

    1. Very dangerous, that coffee! Keep yours far away from your computer, Elizabeth :)

  18. That is such a bummer! I'm sorry Amy!! How many of us are just a coffee cup away from doing the same thing?! A long time ago a friend spilled a beer on my PC. It was not good.

    1. I know, it was such a careless mistake! The guy in the Apple store says that whenever anyone brings in a computer for repair, the first thing they do is check for liquid damage. I guess I'm not the only one!

  19. What a cute post! You have such a great way with words. At times, it was almost rated X too! Guess that's my mind being in the gutter though. LOL! Sorry about your computer. I drink and type too, I'm afraid. I have spilled mine on my desktop computer's keyboard before, but it actually didn't kill it. And if it did, replacing a keyboard is cheap compared to an entire laptop. Hope you'll find another one that you will like just as much without making you broke.

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I did go buy another, and it was a painful purchase! I didn't get another 15 inch, since there is only one version now, and the price was SO expensive! So I settled for a 13" and I'm really happy with it.

  20. Funny Funny!! Never done this, but I have come close, I am never as careful with beverages as I should be. Sorry about Mac, hope you find a decent replacement.

    1. Be careful, Susanne! It's an expensive accident! I did buy a replacement, but a smaller one than I had, since the same size had gotten way too expensive.


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