
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Six Tips For Accessorizing a Tabletop

Six Tips For Accessorizing a Tabletop | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Can I ask you a personal question?
What's on your entrance hall table?

If it's anything like mine, 
you might find:

Things to return to Home Goods
Cell phone
A bag of groceries
Dog leash
Half a bagel 
I needed to put a stop to this insanity.
 I spiffed it up with some pretty accessories,
so it would make a nice impression when people came in, 
but really, so there would be less surface space to junk up.

It worked.
 Kind of. 

Of course, now all that stuff is somewhere else, but...
the table has stayed pretty much clutter-free.

If you have a table you'd like to accessorize,
I've got six tips for you over at A Little CLAIREificaton today.

Click right here and it will take you there.

As always, I'd love for you to leave me a comment over at Claire's, 

just so I know that you stopped by.

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  1. I have a vignette of birds and a a pic a few posts back. One of my pet peeves is when people visit and set their "stuff" on my entry hall table...even when it is decorated. Have to politely move stuff - and my table is an antique wood one. *sigh*

    Checking out link...

  2. The sideboard I have in my entryway is a huge mess... I'm going to follow your tips!

  3. What a lovely post you did over at the other blog today. I love your entry way it's so pretty and elegant. It snowed all day today. No spring in sight. Maybe soon I hope. Have a nice Friday and weekend.

  4. I will head over there now. I don't have a table in our foyer anymore, but I do have a bench. That's where most people's things end up that come over to visit. Our stuff ends up in the kitchen most of the time. I hate all of the clutter too. But, we do have to live here. LOL!

  5. Gotta check that CLAIRification! lol Hope you had a good day- xo Diana

  6. Checked these tips and the table really looks amazing! Love that play with heights.

    House cleaners Balham

  7. Half a bagel, huh? :) Off to your link to visit :)

  8. Looked at your tips and mine is not bad at all. :)))))
    I have the lamp and the candles, a lovely little dish for the keys and a great big mirror over it on the wall. I only don't have the photo's, going to do that soon. Thank you for the tip. Have a nice weekend.

  9. I'm in an apartment. No entrance table.

  10. I tried to leave a comment, but I'm not sure it worked. It looks lovely :)

    I don't have an entrance table, but you could use that advice with many things.

  11. I agree, it's hard to have an entrance that doesn't get junked up! I have a chair and coat hooks at my kitchen entrance and they are always piled with stuff.
    I would love for you to stop by my blog and join our Something to Talk About link party each weeK!
    We are Monday-Thursday.
    Have a great day!

  12. Oh my…great ideas! I'm always get so excited to see what you have brought to the party! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being part of our party. I hope to see you on tonight at 7. Lou Lou Girls


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