
Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Unexpected Gift of Blogging: My Two Year Anniversary

Unexpected Gift Of Blogging | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
If you are a blogger,
what did you expect to get out of it when you started?

I never thought I'd get even a handful of readers.

One could hope, but so far, 

I've made enough for a cup of coffee at Starbucks Dunkin' Donuts.

Who would care enough about what I had to say, let alone comment on it?

Free Stuff?
I didn't even know this was a perk back when I started blogging.

That's about the only thing I did expect...I could harness all of my creative energy,
and combine all of my passions under one cyber roof,
which would be quite satisfying, even if no one read my stuff.

I thought I'd be sitting here at home, anonymously writing away 
in my own itsy-bitsy piece of the blogosphere.
Getting to know other bloggers never entered my mind. 

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Wanna be friends?
Two years into this, and I've come to realize a Totally. Unexpected. Gift.


Yup, I've made friends. Real ones. True ones.
My in-the-flesh friends can't get over it 
when I tell them that in the two years I've been blogging, 
I've made friends all over the world. 
 And, yes, I think of friends in the truest sense of the word.

I rejoice when you're happy...
I worry when you're going through tough times...
I try to help you if you have a problem...
I feel motivated when you inspire me...
I celebrate when you're successful...
I LMAO when you are funny.

I've never met a single blogging friend (YET!), 
but I know that if I wrote and said "I'm going to be in your neck of the woods,"
we'd do our best to arrange a rendezvous.

So what sparked this burst of mushy sentiment?

It was a card that came in the mail a few weeks ago,
 from a blogging friend in Tennessee,
Dewena, from Dewena's Window.
She saw it in Trader Joe's and thought of me. 
And bought it.
And mailed it.
And made my day.

Unexpected Gift Of Blogging | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Unexpected Gift Of Blogging | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 That gesture got me to thinking about this most unexpected gift of blogging.

I can be in a market, and see a bottle of vinegar, 
and think about a blogger from that region of Spain.

I can hear tragic news about France, or Israel, 
but it seems much more personal because I know bloggers who live there.

 I can get a dozen emails asking if we're ok, 
because they heard of the horrible snow storms in NJ.

I can be in my synagogue, when the son of a blogger-friend in Canada 
comes to mind during the community prayer for healing.

I'd like to mention all of you by name, but that's the point...
I've made so many bloggy friendships,
I couldn't possibly list everyone!

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
It's good to hang around with your friends.

Just know that whether you are from...

 Down south, down under, or upstate NY;
 the midwest or southeast;
Germany or Greece; 
somewhere in Russia or somewhere I've never heard of;
 Israel or Italy;
the Heartland or Poland;
Canada or California;
Oklahoma or Oakland;
a rural town or a major city; 
England or New England;
Amsterdam, or the damn place I can never remember;
Vegas or Vienna; 
New Zealand...or right here in New Jersey...
you mean the WORLD to me. 

By my third blogging anniversary,
I'd love to have a friend from each of the 50 states,
and as many countries from around the world as possible.
I'm gonna work on that!

Thanks, Dewena, not only for the thoughtful card,
but for making me think about my bloggy blessings.

Unexpected Gift Of Blogging | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I may not have gotten famous from blogging (yet),
and I surely haven't gotten rich (yet).
And, come to think of it, I haven't gotten any free stuff, either (yet)...
But, I do have the gift of your friendships...
making it a very Happy Two-Year Blogiversary!


  1. Now you got it! Fulfillment and friends, yup!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  2. I'm loving this post. I was thinking of pretty similar thoughts lately. I noticed that I was getting more and more involved in my bloggerfriens' lives. I remember who's family member got sick or got married, etc. I noticed that I genuinely care about them the same way they are to me. Sometimes I get surprised that someone remembers some trouble I had confessed before. They think of ne the same way I think of them. I tell my husband ideas we share in each other's blogs. You are so down right with your realization. I do much appreciate friendship I made in the blogosphere too. :)

    Happy Blogging Anniversary.

    P.S. I have bloggerfriends who did meet each other when one went to visit another's country. I think that is great :)

  3. Happy Blogging Anniversary, my dear.. Loved your post and I agree with it all..
    Sending hugs from Canada.. xo

  4. Awww, gees. I didn't know we were already upon your two year blogiversary Amy!!
    You are such a dear bloggy friend (and also an amazing contributor to my own blog. You make me laugh all of the time. Here's to MANY years to come!!
    (and you BETTER call me when you're coming to FL again. Or else.). ;)


  5. What a wonderful paean to blogging you wrote, Amy! Happy anniversary and best wishes for the future - I am looking forward to read more of your always bright posts, no matter what you write about.
    I started out in the early Holocene of blogging. Back then I did not even understand that not only my friends were able to read my posts, for laughing out loud! ;-)
    I seriously hope I can shlep you from one coffee house to the next when you come to Vienna.

  6. Hi Amy, Happy 2 year blog Anniversay! Wow what a great accomplishment and so glad to have found yiu and your lovely blog! I love reading yiur blog posts and yiur funny stories. Wishing you many more years of happiness blogging.
    Hugs, Julie

  7. Happy 2 year blog anniversary, Amy! This is a beautiful post where you expressed what so many of us feel about our blog friends, and you're right, our blog friends do become a very real part of our lives--in my case, even of my husband's life! I just told him "Oh, Amy just included my card to her on her 2 year blog anniversary post." And he said, "Amy from New Jersey?" Isn't that cute!

    So see, you are famous!

    You are a bloggy blessing to me, Amy,

  8. Dewena is so lovely. You have a friend in Oklahoma: me. Happy blogging anniversary. I've never bet a better bunch of folks in all my life.

  9. Congrats on your upcoming 3rd. year! consider me a Missouri friend! so amazing how blogging can change your life!

  10. Happy Blogisversary! What a great tribute to something that is the perk of blogging.......those cyber friends we may never meet but have so much fun chatting back and forth with. I definitely have my blog friends that I don't miss a post or a chance to comment and say hi to from all over the country and a few from around the world. I especially enjoy your posts with the humor mixed in with great content so count me in with your Upstate NY friends!!

  11. You said it so well! I've thought exactly the same thing.

  12. Happy anniversary!! I agree with you that meeting people from all over the world who share similar interests is the best thing! From someone from the deep south, I love your blog and enjoy all of your posts! I hope you continue for a very long time and I hope you are not getting snow today. You should visit my neck of the woods - our Cherry Blossom Festival begins today and the 300,000 cherry trees are blooming (sigh! so lovely!) to greet our visitors!!

  13. I love this. It was one of the unexpected gifts I've received too. Happy Blogaversary, friend.

  14. Congratulations on 2 years Amy! I just entered my 5th year this month. Would have never imagined I'd be at it this long when I started. That card was certainly meant for you - love it! Always enjoy reading about your never ending adventures in life. Have a great weekend!

  15. Unexpected gifts are the best ones! Congratulations on your bloggy anniversary Amy. What a fantastic post - I would LOVE to meet you someday and certainly enjoy your delightful sense of humour. I am always humbled and slightly embarrassed when I realize that people are actually reading my posts - I started blogging when I realized that I was about to turn the big 6-0 and simply wanted to document a few things (mostly for my daughter's sake). I also am constantly inspired and encouraged by reading blogs like yours! You have a friend in Ontario!

  16. Oh so perfectly written! I wrote a similar piece a few months ago when I realized that friendship -- worldwide -- really was the perk of blogging. I sometimes think my blogosphere friends know and understand me far better than do some of my long-time face-to-face friends and family. I also find myself thinking of them and talking about them (my husband often asks if they are my "Harvey" friends - like the rabbit in the old Jimmy Stewart moviethe ones I can see but no one else can) as if we'd just met for coffee and I was telling about my visit. You've got a friend in Kirkland, Washington with a foot in The Mani, Greece - do hope we meet up. I've had the luck to meet three 'blogger buddies' and in each case we started chatting as if we were life-long friends. Congrats on your two-year anniversary!

  17. Happy Two Years Blogging Anniversary.

    I love blogs and have great satisfaction and enjoyment at reading all sorts about all things on so many different blogs. Just love your photo's here.

    Take Care and I will keep in touch ..... in blog-land !

    All the best Jan

  18. Happy Blogiversary, Amy! That card is adorable! :)

  19. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    I do agree with you. I feel I have friends all over the world thanks to blogging and I think about them at so many different moments of the day, hearing the news or choosing an avocado while shopping ;)

    Wish you many more of happy blogging :)
    It's a very lovely post

  21. Just two years Amy? You're still a blogging baby. It's almost threes years for me this April. Yes, by three years no doubt you'll meet your goal as you have a great head start! You can check off massachusetts ;).

    Dewena is a treasure for sure.

  22. Happy 2nd Blogiversary, Amy!!

    You burst onto the scene with your delicious recipes, great girlfriend adventures, and LOL humour, and are still going strong, providing us with fun and entertaining posts.

    Receiving a real card from a blogger buddy, makes them real life pals, in my book, and Dewena is that kind of friend to me and others. I am not surprised that she is the inspiration for this commemorative post, too.

    Congrats, again, and of course, it goes without saying, that you got a friend in the land of baklava!


  23. Amy, I read this a couple of days ago, and then I needed to come back and read it again. Well said! I agree that blogging brings people together.

  24. Good Afternoon Amy, Happy 2nd Blogging Anniversary. I have just found you after visiting Treasure Box Tuesday and I am so pleased I have. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. Isn't it wonderful that as bloggers we are able to be friends with so many people from so many different countries from around the world.
    I look forward to getting to know you.
    Best Wishes from England.

  25. Happy two year Blogaversary, Amy! You have a friend in Arizona too :)

    Dewena is so lovely, isn't she?


  26. Yes, Amy! Your are a friend! I always enjoy visiting you. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for joining HSH!

  27. Dear Amy, Such a beautiful post. Happy Anniversary and I am very blessed to call you my friend too. xoxoxo Catherine

  28. Happy blogiversary, Amy! That is definitely the best part about blogging! :)

  29. Great post! Happy Anniversary! Pinned and tweeted. Thanks for being a part of our party. I hope to see you tonight at 7. Lou Lou Girls

  30. I just found your blog today via The Home and Garden Thursday link party and have really enjoyed looking around your site. I have been blogging for less than a year and I agree with everything you have written here. I am happy that I found your blog and want you to know you have gained another subscriber and follower.
    Dorene @ Seasonal Chapters


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