
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Best of the Weekend - Features From December 18 Party

Happy New Year!
Welcome to a special edition of Best Of The Weekend!
For those of you who celebrated Christmas,
I hope you spent it doing whatever it was that made you happy! 
We were away the last few days -- I'll tell you all about it, soon.
Although there's no link-up this week.
we want to share our features from last week's party.
Have a quick look, 
and you should still have plenty of time to get dressed 
for your new year's celebration later tonight. 

Last week's "Most Clicked" will be shared next week.

Oh, one more thing...

I'd like to raise a glass (filled with champagne, of course),
and make a toast to all of you who read my blog... 
whether regularly, occasionally, or you're here for the first time.
May the year ahead bring you all that you hope for, and more!  


We'd love it if you would follow the BOTW co-hosts...

My features for this week:

Chewy Gingerbread Caramel Popcorn from Houseful of Handmade 

Classic Homemade Almond Roca from Suburban Simplicity

Outdoor & Rustic Christmas Tablescape from The Coconut Head's Survival Guide

If you were featured, grab this button!

See you next week, where we'll be sharing our favorite posts of the year!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Guest Room Amenities: Getting Ready For Holiday Visitors

Are you expecting house guests during this holiday season?

I had a friend stay over just last week. 
She came down from the Boston area to go to our high school's 90th jubilee.
Please don't confuse that with our class reunion...
we're old, but not that old.  
The high school threw a big bash and invited anyone who was ever a student 
or faculty member, to attend.
We had a fun time seeing some former classmates and teachers.
The highlight of the evening was the introduction of  
the oldest alumna in attendance...
 99 years old, from the class of 1933

Guest Room Amenities - Make your house guests feel welcomed! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Before my friend arrived, I was busy getting the guest room ready.
I still have more work to do in this room, 
which is why I'm not showing you the entire thing just yet.
I figure if I sprinkle some pretty things around the room,
maybe my guests won't notice the old pine dresser that needs to be painted,
or the white night tables, that could use some freshening up. 

Someday, when everything is done, I'll show you the before and after pictures,
but at the rate I'm going, that may not be until 
the next supermoon lunar eclipse rolls 2033.

A few years ago, we "neutralized" this room, 
re-painting the seafoam green walls a light beige,
 replacing the carpeting with a nice beige berber, 
and installing a new, neutral window treatment.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Other than new bed linens, and the beige table I re-purposed,  
that's as far as I've gotten. 
The room has been camouflaged with pretty amenities 
to detract from the things that still need to be done. 

Punches of color come from art that we inherited from Mr. Goo Shoes' dad.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The pillows on the bed pick up those vivid colors. 
And you know me...a room's not a room without a few animal prints.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The room's so bright, you gotta wear shades... 

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

This iPad pillow comes in handy for guests that like to use devices in bed.
Hey...I mean electronic devices. 
This is a family-friendly blog, you know.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

There's nothing more embarrassing than heading down to the kitchen 
in someone else's house with your knickers literally in a twist,
because you can't see yourself.
A large mirror is a necessity. 

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Truth be told, my guests have a better place to put on makeup than I do. 
I need to do something about that.  

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The leather benches can double as luggage racks,  
except that I never remember to tell anyone.
Consider yourselves told. 

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I'm a sucker for fancy toiletries. 
Mr. Goo Shoes says, "What is this, a Bed and Breakfast?"
Why, yes, honey, that's exactly what I'm going for.
I made the bed, and you can make the breakfast.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Fluffy towels and a fresh bar of soap...

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
 Pretty slippers to help keep tootsies warm...

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

...and a bathrobe, are other niceties.
Space in the closet and empty drawers are always appreciated.
(Notice I didn't show the other side of the closet.
I'm still working on clearing that out).

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

A chair is a nice thing to have...even if it's just used as a clothes rack.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

If my guests' sleeping habits are anything like mine,
they need something to do in the middle of the night. 
Magazines, books, crossword puzzles, and info about the local area 
should keep them entertained during the insomnia hours. 
The WiFi password is also provided for pre-dawn Pinterest trolling, 
and checking Facebook 'likes' when sleep alludes.

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Fresh flowers go without saying...except that I just said it. 

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Guest Room Amenities | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Our next house-guests will be staying over on New Year's Eve.
The sheets have been washed, the furniture has been dusted, 
and the floor has been vacuumed.
Now all I need to do is put the 
Bed and Breakfast "No Vacancy" sign out on the front lawn.

Happy Holidays, friends

Tweak It Tuesday
Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party
Metamorphosis Monday 
Wow Us Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday 
Share Your Style 
Cooking and Crafting With J & J