
Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday On My Mind 2. 29.16

So let me get this straight --
 I'm supposed to get rid of everything in my house 
that doesn't "spark joy?" 

There are some good tips in this book about the Japanese art of tidying up, 
but should I really toss my iron? 
My bathroom scale?
My dental floss?
 If you stop by, and I'm cleaning my house in an evening gown,
you'll know that I complied.
Oh, wait -- I'll have tossed the cleaning supplies, too.

Hmmm, maybe this is a good idea, after all. 


Can someone explain why everyone in Billions 
only wears gray or blue? 

What were the odds that I woul
run into my hairdresser at a restaurant,
when I was having 
The. Worst. Hair. Day. Ever?   


If you are me, the odds were very, very good.


Is it just me, 
or does this bird remind you of someone?

Actually, it's not just me...I asked Mr. and Junior Goo Shoes, 
and they guessed right away.



 No wonder I don't get anything done.


That's what's on my mind this Monday morning.

What's on your mind?


  1. I'm right there with you, in evening gown and sans cleaning supplies. Spark joy, my Aunt Fannie!!
    My regular hair appointment is on Wednesday, so you KNOW that the past few days have been less than great in the hair department. Today - yikes! I will stay in the office, with my back to the door. Tomorrow? In prison all day, where no one will see me! (working, you understand, working!)

  2. You are absolutely HILARIOUS !! Thanks for the great laugh!!!! You made my day!!!

  3. Amy,
    What a fun post. Around 5 years ago I had a couple friends over for Sunday brunch. One guy who is a very successful businessman in his spare time loved auctions and flea markets. He owned 3 houses and all 3 basements housed his collections of treasures. He'd scatter them throughout his house seasonally, It. was always enjoyable to see what unique pieces he had found. Well long story short he over brunch announced he was now following the idea of living with 100 things of necessity or less. I told him I have more than 100 items in my cooking tools (I love to cook) to which he said "well you need to free yourself from them"!!! I will not be reading your book, we have already purged and donated late Winter and was feeling good about it.

    Love Millions, Hmmm maybe it's that old belief bad guys wear Black? I'm going to send your bird photo to my Grand he will love it. I really chuckled with your photo. Thanks for a fun Monday post.

  4. Ok, I must be out of the loop. What's millions??

    Actually, I KNOW I'm out of the loop. Kinda feels good lately ;).

    Hope you're well Amy!

  5. I used the "spark joy" mantra in cleaning out my closet before I re-did it , and it worked! Feel very happy with everything I have, not overwhelmed!

  6. You are so funny! Decluttering has been on my mind as well - the book you are reading sounds fascinating! Maybe I should read that .... lots of things around here that certainly don't "spark joy". Don't get me started about my bad hair - eek!

  7. Too funny! I showed my husband and son the picture of the bird and neither one of them got it! They are HUGE Darth Vader fans....duh! My son said he should have gotten it. It was fun anyways. I think I might need to read that book. Been trying to clean out but just can't let go....

  8. OMG - my hair is so bad I feel like I need to get it done before I go to the salon. Your post reminds me of myself on one of my tirades. And the blue and gray? They're the dreary, greedy little people who get rich on your 401k and live in Westport, CT... (They labeled the location on the first episode!) You are hilarious!

  9. Haha thanks for the giggles on this busy Monday!!!

  10. LOL....when I go to B&N and view the acres of self-help books, no matter what it may be about ...I wonder why there isn't a book telling you how you need Self-Help I really chuckled at this post...I'll meet you at the cleaning aisle of walmart in my evening gown, anytime!. Sandi

  11. What got me about this particular Monday was it's the last day of February, where is the year dis-appearing?

    I wish you a good month of March.

    All the best Jan


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