
Thursday, September 8, 2016


A simple "To Do" Wall Project for your home office | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Are you a procrastinator when it comes to doing paperwork?

I am probably the worst.
Mr. Goo Shoes does the bulk of ours, 
but I am quite the dilly-dallier 
when it comes to doing things on my To-Do list that I don't want to do. 

To add a little inspiration to my home office,
I created a "To Do" wall.
I'm still putting off till tomorrow what I don't want to do today, 
but at least I have something nice to look at while I'm not doing what I should be doing.
Come over to A Little Claireification and I'll tell you all about it.
As always, you'll make my day if you leave me a comment over at Claire's.

Linking With:
Best of the Weekend
Foodie FriDIY


  1. What a cute idea! Love it! I also love the books you have displayed on that shelf.


  2. You and me both! I need this wall:) What a cute idea.

  3. It takes a REALLY special person NOT to procrastinate when they don't want to do something. I've been meaning to organize a lifetime of photos for almost two years, but finally got started today.

    I love your little office area, and the books you have say a lot about you ;).

    I tried to leave a comment on Clair's blog, but I got a pop up that directed me somewhere else and then the site crashed. I'm not sure if it's an issue at my end or Claire's, but it's happened before so forgive me if I don't hop over there.


  4. I am horrible with paperwork. I can't stand it at all. Maybe from being an executive secretary did me in. Super wall.



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