
Friday, April 27, 2018


Greetings, all! 
Thanks for stopping by our Best of the Weekend party!
I hope you'll check out my features from last week's party, below. 
However, I am on a short blogging break,
and cannot supply the link to tonight's party.
Please click on over to my co-hosts' blogs
to browse, or to link up your posts.
Ginnie - Hello Little Home
Paula - Sweet Pea
Katherine - Pender & Peony  

We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

 A few of my favorites:

Sweet Potato Brie Fries | The Scrap Shoppe Blog

  Pineapple & Kiwi Margaritas | Home Cooking Memories 

 Wall-Mounted Drop Down Desk | Rain On A Tin Roof

 Five Sustainable Travel Trips - How To Travel Sustainably | The Kindest Way

Grab our button if you've been featured!


Friday, April 20, 2018


Hi there, friends!
Welcome to Best of the Weekend!

If you are in need of some inspiration in the form of 
recipes, DIY, home decor, travel and more,
you've come to the right place! 
Just scroll on down, and visit a few of the links........
you're sure to get some new ideas!

Ready to party?

We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last week's most clicked:

Rustic Sourdough Bread | The Lazy Gastronome

 A few of my favorites:

Grab our button if you've been featured!


Let's link up!

Monday, April 16, 2018


Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Is there a place you've been to that holds a special place in your heart?
I have a bunch of them -- what can I tell you, I've got an enormous heart!
The island of Santorini is one such place.
My heart goes a-flutter whenever I think about it. 
Santorini was at the top of my bucket list for such a long time.
The many pictures I'd seen of white-washed buildings with turquoise trim,
the purple bougainvillea, the deep blue sea.......
I was itching to go to Greece so badly, I could taste it.
And by taste it, I meant that literally, especially the baklava. 

In June of 2007, I got my chance.
Mr. GS, Junior GS (who was not quite eight years old), 
 Aunt GS and I hopped across the pond.
We started in Athens (read about that here), and then flew to Santorini.

One of the first glimpses of Santorini's breathtaking beauty 
was when we rounded a corner and came upon this view.
The town of Fira is built into the cliffs of a crescent-shaped caldera.

It stole my heart right then and there.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I didn't think I could be more in love...........until dusk fell.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 Looking over the cliff, the view was a different kind of spectacular.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I didn't know a thing about Greek food growing up.
My culinary education in that regard began in college when my friend, Chris, 
who is Greek, shared her mom's care packages of home-cooked meals.
(I told you about her here).

The food in Greece exceeded my every expectation.......
Mousaka, pastichio, dolmades, Oh My!  
The Greek salads, with sweet, ripe, red tomatoes
were as satisfying as a piece of galaktoboureko.
Okay, that's not really true, but they were delicious in their own right.
And I'll take a Greek pastry over Italian or French any day.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The ambiance at every restaurant we went to was picture perfect.
When I'm in Europe, I wish that my stomach was a bottomless pit,
so I could go from restaurant to restaurant all day long, 
to soak up the atmosphere, and enjoy the food.........
without gaining a pound, of course.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

For dessert, Santorini serves up eye-candy in the form of bougainvillea,
which grows like crazy all over the island.
I don't think I'd ever go indoors if I lived in one of these houses.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

One thing I love about Europe is that you never know what you'll find around each corner.
Sometimes it's ancient ruins, sometimes it's.......
Oh, hello, Donkey-Hotey!

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

As charming as Fira was, there was a lot more to see on Santorini.
We drove up to the top of a mountain
for a fabulous view of the famed black sand beach, Kamari. 

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We had some company up there on the mountain top.

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

After viewing it from afar, we had to go down to "see level."

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 We unknowingly saved the best for last........
On our last night, we went to the town of Oia.
 It is forever etched into my mind how spectacularly beautiful it is.
How is it that some people get to live there........
and I get to live in New Jersey?

Breathtaking Santorini should be on everyone's bucket list | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
I love going on throwback vacations..........
Half the fun of traveling is looking at pictures and re-living the trips.
But that always makes me want to go back for real.

Take Me Away

Friday, April 13, 2018


Hello, all!
Welcome to Best of the Weekend!
Do you dread Friday the 13th's arrival,
or are you oblivious to it?
Whatever your position on superstition,

I hope you had a wonderful day today!
Now, here's a proposition -- 
come party with me.......
Your sure to find some inspiration!

We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last week's most clicked:

How To Downsize and Organize Like Never Before | Little House Living

 A few of my favorites:

Stuffed Avocado - Easy Low Carb Dinner Idea | Life, Love and Thyme

Pineapple & Gorganzola Toast | Coffee Break Reads 

DIY Topiary Trees With Boxwood Sprays | Repurpose & Upcycle 

DIY Paper Flowers | My Printly

Grab our button if you've been featured!


Let's link up!