
Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is a multi-part series about our Danube River Cruise.

The historic Jewish Quarter in Prague is not to be missed | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #JewishQuarter #

I'm up before the alarm goes off, and wide awake. Why is it so easy to get myself out of bed when I'm on vacation? One of life's great riddles, I suppose. After breakfast, we meet our local guide, who will take us through Prague's historic Jewish quarter on this glorious morning. 

A collection of historic synagogues, a cemetery, and other landmarks make up what is called the Jewish Museum. We learn that rather than destroy the area, Hitler decided to preserve it as a "museum of an extinct race." Regardless of whether that is true or not, it is an emotional walk through this small section of the Old Town.

The oldest synagogue on our tour, and possibly the oldest operating Jewish temple in Europe, is the Old-New Synagogue, which was constructed in 1270. 1270! Our guide tells us that when it was built, it was call the New Synagogue; then, when newer temples were built around it, it became the Old-New Synagogue. I'm disappointed that we don't go inside.

The historic Jewish Quarter in Prague is not to be missed | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #JewishQuarter #danuberivercruise
Old-New Synagogue

We do go inside the jaw-droppingly beautiful Spanish Synagogue. Word has it that it is the most beautiful Jewish house of worship in Europe. Word, indeed.

The Spanish Synagogue in the historic Jewish Quarter in Prague is not to be missed | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #JewishQuarter #SpanishSynagogue #danuberivercruise
Spanish Synagogue

Silently, we make our way through the Old Jewish Cemetery. For hundreds of years, it was the only place Jews were allowed to be buried in Prague. There are thousands of tombstones from as early as the mid-15th century, but we can see only the top layer. There are seven or eight layers of graves below them.

The Old Jewish Cemetery in the historic Jewish Quarter in Prague | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #JewishQuarter #OldJewishCemetery #danuberivercruise
Old Jewish Cemetery

After our morning outing, I'm chomping at the bit to go to a local restaurant for lunch. It's not to be, because we don't have enough time before the afternoon tour. Lunch in the hotel will have to do. Such are the trade-offs one must make when on an escorted trip.

I'm super-excited for this afternoon's tour of the Strahov Monastery library. A Tauck tour exclusive is the ability to actually walk through the library, whereas most folk only get to peek inside the two spectacular rooms through a doorway for a few seconds before someone clears their throat to make them move on.  We arrive, enter through an unassuming door, and..........
Oh. My. Heavens. 

Our collective jaws pretty much drop to the ancient floor as we look up at the ceiling. I'm trying to pay attention to what the guide is saying, but I'm too busy snapping pictures.

The volumes of books that fill the rooms of this abbey founded in 1143 leave us breathless. 

The Strahov Monastery library in Prague is not to be missed | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #StrahovMonastery #danuberivercruise
Strahov Monastery Library

The second room is just as extraordinary as the first. I could get some serious work done in this library.

The Strahov Monastery library in Prague is not to be missed | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #StrahovMonastery #danuberivercruise

Back on the bus, our guide asks if anyone would like to be dropped off to walk across the Charles Bridge.  I raise my hand and look around -- I'm the only one. Oh well, see y'all! I've waited three days to get up close and personal to Charles, and by golly, I'm going to cross that bridge when I get to it!

The towers can be climbed for magnificent views, but that's where I draw the line. I opt to stay at ground-level, a decision I know I will regret in hindsight. 

Stroll across the medieval Charles Bridge in Prague | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #charlesbridge #danuberivercruise
Charles Bridge Tower

The bridge is packed! There are musicians, artists, souvenir vendors, and, I think, every tourist in Prague must be here. I make my way through the crowds, taking in the statues, and the views.

Stroll across the medStroll across the medieval Charlieva Charles Bridge in Prague | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #charlesbridge #danuberivercruise
One of many statues on the Charles Bridge

I'm keeping an eye out for a certain statue -- St. John Nepomuk.  It is said that if you rub the spot where it shows him being thrown into the Vltava River, it will bring you good luck, and insure a return to Prague. I am so intent on getting a photo with no one around, that I forget to rub it. Uh-oh........

It is good luck to rub St. John Nepomuk statue on the Charles Bridge in Prague | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #stjohnnepomuk #charlesbridge
St. John Nepomuk

I catch my first glimpse of the Legion Bridge. It doesn't take too long for me to cross from Mala Strana to Old Town. It is HOT, and I'm sweating. Time to go back to the hotel to shower before dinner.

Stroll across the medieval Charles Bridge in Prague | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #charlesbridge
Legion Bridge

Before leaving for vacation, I made dinner reservations at La Finestra, based on excellent word of mouth. Now that I've been here three days and have yet to sample any local food, I start to question my sanity as to why I picked an Italian restaurant over Czech cuisine. Our meal, however, is outstanding, and we're all happy with our selections.

Three days in Prague were full and satisfying, yet I will realize once we're home that we missed seeing the Charles Bridge lit up at night.  We also didn't get to see the Dancing House, a uniquely designed contemporary building that stands out among the older architecture of Prague. And.......I never did get to taste anything on that "Must Try" list of Prague specialty foods. I'd console myself with the thought that there's always next time, but, darn it, I forgot to rub that statue to assure that I'll be back in Prague one day.

Ah, well, no use crying over spilt mleko, as they say here in Praha.

Views of Castle Quarter at dusk in Prague are stunning | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #castlequarter
Castle Quarter at dusk

I'm worried that three days of Prague-blogging is overkill, but I can't help myself. Fear not, dear readers......... I'm done with Prague for now! 

In the morning, we are off to Germany!

To be continued......... 

This is a multi-part series about our Danube River cruise. 

Read 10 Things To Know About River Cruising here
Read Our First Day In Prague here.
Read Our Second Day In Prague here.
Read A Day In Medieval Regensburg, Germany here.
Read Picturesque Towns Of Austria Part 1: Engelhartszell here.
Read Picturesque Towns of Austria Part 2: Salzburg here.
Read Picturesque Towns Of Austria Part 3: Durnstein here.
Read Scenery Of The Wachau Valley here.
Read Vienna: Exploring The Old Town here.
Read Bratislava: Slovakia's Charming Capital here.
Read Budapest: The Pearl of the Danube River here.

We spent three days in Prague before our Danube River Cruise started. Magnificent city! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #prague #danuberivercruise

Tauck Tours
Intercontinental Hotel Prague
Rick Steve's Eastern Europe (affiliate link)
La Finestra Restaurant



  1. OMG! The ceilings are stunning! It’s both inspiring and sad at the same time to see these gorgeous displays of architecture, because they sure don’t make “em like this anymore. Thank goodness they were spared the destruction of WWII.


    1. It's amazing that most of Prague was spared from WWII bombings.

  2. Maybe its me, but I had a bit of trouble finding where to comment. Its very small. Whatever...I'm a blonde! lol!

    I am loving your pictures and narrative. There is a history in Prague that is beautiful, and at the same time tragic and heart tugging. I admire you dedication to seeing as much as you can cram in in one day. Kudos to you. Looking forward to your next post.

    Thanks so much for your visit. I think when anyone opens up my posts, they know they are in for a long read. And you're smart, just comment on what means the most to you. :)

    Jane x

    1. I know - the Comment section is hard to find. It's the one thing I don't like about my blog design, but unfortunately can't change it. Thanks for following along on my river cruise adventures, Jane!

  3. Overkill!? Never. I am having a great time traveling along with you via couch. The architecture is just amazing and I am drooling over that library.

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying! The library was so amazing, I'll have to do a separate post on it some day!

  4. Very nice photographs! I am just amazed that you venture off my yourself for some sightseeing on the other side of the world! Have a wonderful trip to Germany!

    1. Thanks so much, AnnMarie! In populated tourist areas, I feel totally safe - although one time I did get lost in Naples and that was a bit scary! We are already home from our trip - went end of April, and came back early May.

  5. I am loving taking this cruise and all the sights along the way with you!

    1. Thanks so much, Jackie! I've got lots more of the cruise to take you on!

  6. Thanks, Claire! I look forward to the day you get back to blogging, and will happily follow any of your adventures!

  7. What a fun time you had in Prague. I totally enjoyed reading about it and looking at your awesome photos. Thanks too for sharing this at our Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    I can't wait to read up more about your river cruise. :)

  8. Amy, seriously? Overkill? Not in a million years. I waited until my dogs and husband were fed and sat down behind closed door to read these 3 posts and could easily have enjoyed pages more. Maybe because our son was there summer before last for 3 days and while he was great about sending me photos, there was little text. So I read your descriptions avidly. I thought your trip to Italy couldn't be beat but this was spectacular. The Tyn Church was a tiny bit spooky but the St. Vitus Cathedral was breathtaking, despite its unattractive name. And the Spanish Synagogue was amazing and just layered with with history.

    Daniel loved the city and like you, while the others were resting he didn't waste a minute and was out alone photographing everything. He did that in every city the film crew was in, couldn't understand how they could just hang around the hotel after work with each other instead of out exploring and meeting the locals.

    You both are adventurous spirits, wish you could meet him someday. He's in NYC often thru the year as their parent company, Hearst, is there. Maybe I can arrange it sometime?

    Where to next, Amy? Will there be pictures from Germany?

    Love to you,

  9. Me ha gustado tu blog mas amenudo lo visitare.

  10. I enjoyed your Prague posts. I didn't get tired of seeing all the sights or hearing about what you did. You are an excellent tour guide. I probably won't get back there so I appreciate your posts. They deserve a second read. We did the Viking Danube Cruise but missed signing up for the post Prague tour and it was full. So, we opted to go to France. We always try to cram in all we can. We spent three days in the Loire Valley and three days in Paris before going home.


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