
Friday, June 19, 2020


 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

What do you do when your son comes to spend his spring break week in Florida, 
and it rains the first five days of his vacation?
You toss out a whole bunch of suggestions of things to do, 
hoping that one will pique his interest.

And let me add right here, coming up with activities 
for a 20-year-old to do with mom and dad is not easy.

Most times, the answer was, 
"No, thanks, I'm just going to watch Netflix."

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

Suggestion #437 was a family excursion to Flamingo Gardens 
on an on-and-off rainy afternoon.
I did not expect this one to fly, so to speak,
but this bird-brained idea that I'd hatched was a winner.

 "Yeah, okay."

I'm sure that part of his agreement to tag along 
had to do with taking some cool pictures for Snapchat.  
Frankly, my own desire wasn't much different........
I couldn't wait to turn my camera lens onto those exotic fine-feathered beauties. 

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

My Minutecast weather app said "no precipitation for the next 120 minutes."
We took advantage of the open "weather" window,
jumped in the car, and headed down I-95.

As soon as we arrived, the skies opened up with a soaking downpour. 
So much for Minutecast, which is, well, usually pretty accurate to the minute. 

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

We had to kill time in the gift shop until the rain let up. 
As one would expect, everything was flamingo-themed. 
However, my wallet would be staying in my purse, because,
when we bought our place in Florida, 
I had one unbreakable decor rule:

It would be a flamingo-free zone.

No flamingo salt and pepper shakers....... 
No flamingo bath towels.......
No flamingo dishes, picture frames, or figurines........
And, absolutely no plastic flamingos on the terrace. 
Only pictures of flamingos that I took myself would be allowed in our apartment.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

But, being trapped in a flamingo-themed gift shop 
can break even the toughest flamingo-resistor.
I cracked under the pressure, and bought a spoon rest, and a pencil. 
I can live with that.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

The rain let up and we followed the map to the flamingo pond.

Considering that the name of the park is Flamingo Gardens, 
one might expect that flamingos would be roaming around everywhere.
Not so.
The flamingo area is a fairly small section of the 60-acre park.
It's kind of a flamingos-gone-wild situation.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

Flamingo Gardens is actually a not-for-profit botanical gardens and wildlife sanctuary, 
hosting a wide variety of endangered plant and bird species. 
Aside from birds, there are otters, alligators, bobcats and more.
All of the wildlife residents are permanently injured, non-releasable animals.
Here, they are given a home where they have a safe refuge.
It's like assisted living for wildlife.  

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

The flamingos did steal the show, though.  
The long-legged birds of pink and orange plumes 
offered this blogger quite a satisfactory photographic opportunity. 
Their graceful poses and contortions were a source of endless entertainment.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

Had I been alone, I could have taken pictures for hours,
which in turn would have eaten up all of the storage space on my laptop.
 Lucky for you, I was prodded along by Mr. and Junior Goo Shoes,
to move on and see the Aviary and Bird of Prey Center.  

We saw........

White Ibis.......

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #whiteibis


 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #pelican


 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #spoonbill

Muscovy Ducks.......

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #muscovyduck

Egyptian Geese.......

Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #egyptiangoose


 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #owl


 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #hawk

and glorious Bald Eagles.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #baldeagle

There were some that I couldn't identify.  
Is this a juvenile Wood Stork?

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

And could this be a white pelican?
Please help me identify them if you can. 

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

Peacocks did roam the grounds freely.
They were definitely the runners-up for Most Popular Bird, 
second only to the namesakes of the park.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #peacock

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #peacock

Just as we were leaving the park, one decided to show off, and
give us our money's worth.

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #peacock

And just in case you were wondering what the back of a peacock looks like.......

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #peacock

The end.  

PS - Junior Goo Shoes did, in fact, enjoy Flamingo Gardens! 
We all did!

 Flamingo Gardens in Florida has a lot more than just flamingos! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos

Please follow me on my new Instagram page,
Ms. Toody's Birdhouse.

Ms. Toody's Birdhouse on Instagram | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #flamingos #instagram


  1. Fabulous pictures!!! The flamingos and peacocks are my favorites. Almost any outing becomes a photography opportunity for me it seems....nature, kids activities... if only someone could follow me around and blog about it all for me... I can't spend the time!! (And do crafts too, and cook for my family... sigh.)
    I hope your family is doing well.

  2. The Flamingo Gardens looks like a great place to visit. Your pictures are stunning. Such interesting birds. Hope you are doing well.

  3. I'm a sucker for flamingos, so I'd love this -- and it looks like a great diversion despite the rain (bet it was muggy as all get out). I would have been in my element there (although I have to agree, some do go a bit overboard with the flamingo theme!) The spoon rest sounds lovely.

  4. I am not one for flamingo decor either but do enjoy looking at the actual birds; though peacocks are my favorite with those bright blue and green feathers.

  5. Oh, wow...they remind me of greyhounds with wings...just more colorful and very pretzel like, lol. You caught their beauty and never said anything about the noise, LOL. Grins, Sandi

  6. The flamingos are just so beautiful and glad that JGS like them too. You took great photos and it sounds like a fun day.

  7. Fantastic pictures Amy, I never saw a real Flamingo, Pelicans yes.

    The Peacock was gorgeous and it did put on quite a show.

    Hope you're hanging in there.


  8. The colors on these birds. Amazing.


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