
Friday, May 10, 2013

Around My House: New Deck Railing

Do you ever feel that by the time you finish all the projects in your house, it will be time to move?

We've been in our house over 11 years, and I'm finally getting around to making the deck a nicer outdoor living space. It wasn't a disaster; it's just that it was never finished, and I am determined to get it "deck-orated" before the summer starts this year. 

The deck has slowly been evolving. When we first moved in, there was a lower deck with a built-in table and bench. (This picture was taken before we purchased the house).

Not only was it unsightly, it was awkward to climb in and out. Plus, we kept getting splinters in our butts, which was annoying, as well as uncomfortable. And it's not that easy taking splinters out of one's own posterior, if you know what I mean. We ripped out the table. Buh-bye. 

Besides, we had our own table from another house. I would have preferred to replace it, but while it was in good condition, I couldn't justify it. For seven years, I kept waiting for the mesh to tear, or the metal to rust, but…Nothing. It looked as new as the day we bought it. And then, one evening back in 2009, I went outside to set the table for dinner, and this is what I found:

Shattered! The deck furniture gods finally answered my prayers! We had a stretch of 100-degree days, which was highly unusual for April in the northeast, and I guess the glass just couldn't take all that heat.  I was secretly thrilled! No, truth be told, I was overtly thrilled.  And, needless to say, we ate inside that night. 

I hightailed it to the outdoor furniture store to pick out a new set.

When our puppy, Sadie, joined the family, we wanted her to be out on the deck with us, so we put up a plastic fence to keep her in. And we left it there. Yup, for four summers. I don't know why, but I guess we got so used to seeing it, that we hardly noticed it. Plus, I didn't spend much time focusing on an alternative. Until...

...A few weeks ago, Mr. Goo Shoes and I were sitting outside, and that darn plastic fence was glaring at me. "I wish there was something we could do to get rid of that ugly thing." Maybe it's whatever was in his lunch that day, but suddenly, Mr. Goo Shoes had a brainstorm: extend the railing, and put two gates by the steps. The solution was so simple... it was amazing that we hadn't thought of it in all these years.  

And then, I wanted it done NOW. I thought I was going to have to nag Mr. Goo Shoes to call the contractor, but he was as eager as I was to get it done. This is not the way things usually go around here. Mr. GS usually needs to ponder things a good long time before making a decision. 

The contractor came earlier this week, and did the entire job in one day. We have to wait a month before we can stain it, but here's the outcome:

We also had them make another gate to replace the Ugly Baby Gate. We didn't put it in the same spot; instead, we put it at the very end of the deck, where it looks better. Plus, it gives Sadie even more room to roam around.

I think it came out pretty fabulous. Between this addition, the new pillows, and the new rug, I think I need to start planning a barbeque. Hmmm… Mr. Goo Shoes' birthday is coming up in June. 
Sounds like a plan! 

Ms. Toody


  1. It looks awesome. Especially how quickly it was I saw the 'old' deck last week. Good luck with it.

    1. Thanks, Phyllis! It took no time to get the work done.

  2. That's a nice back deck. I like the added railing and doors you added. I bet you'll be using your deck a lot more this year now!

  3. Thanks, Kelly! I will definitely use the deck more…that is, if it ever warms up! It's only 55 today -- where did Spring go?

  4. I love the railing. I can't wait to see the finished deck.

  5. Thanks, Katie! I was hoping to do my planting this week, but the forecast says rain every day :(

  6. Most of us, if not all, want to improve our homes in every way possible. And the outdoor space is no exception. Thinking of your pet dog when renovating your deck, it's a must to install railings. It's nice that you finally switched the plastic with wood to complement your wooden deck. Only, the difference in color is too obvious. Try power washing your deck and painting it. That way, not only will your deck be visually appealing, it will also be protected and kept sturdy for long.
    Renew Crew

  7. Beautiful! I have question on the gate. Everything I read says to install the brace going diagonally up from the hinge side to the latch side. I see yours is opposite. Did the builder say why he did it this way? Thanks.

  8. I say the 11-year wait to make improvements to the deck was well worth it. The new railing does look great, and looks a lot better than the plastic one. All that's needed now is to match the stain and make sure you do the regular cleaning and maintenance, and your deck will remain beautiful for a good long while. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh wow. If exploding furniture isn’t a sign, then I don’t know what is! At least the new set is gorgeous! And your deck looks amazing as well. All that’s missing is matching the stain to the rest of the deck.

  10. Oh wow. If exploding furniture isn’t a sign, then I don’t know what is! At least the new set is gorgeous! And your deck looks amazing as well. All that’s missing is matching the stain to the rest of the deck.


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