
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Stress-Busters in a Box - A Gift Idea For Those Who Need To "Chill"...and a GIVEAWAY!

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts

Do the holidays have your anxiety levels soaring?
I'm stressed out for a whole bunch of reasons.

Calgon, take me away!

I'm sure you all have your share of anxieties, too.
Feel free to unload on me if you want...
I'm a good listener. 
Or, you could take a chance on winning my stress-buster gift box.

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts

As a little holiday present to one of you,
 I'm giving away a box (retail value approximately $75)
filled to the brim with different ways to bring some calm into your day.
Bath and Body stress-busters...

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts

A eucalyptus and peppermint foot soak;
Chamomile mineral bath powder;
Lavender aromatherapy shower tablets;
Stress Relief and Sleep body wash and lotion;
Purple bath poof.

Scented stress-busters...

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts
Lavender and geranium scented candle;
Calming Blend essential oil;
Lavender sachet.

Edible stress-busters...

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts
Almonds and dark chocolate (yes, they do reduce stress!);
and three herbal teas...

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts
Cozy Chamomile, Calm and Sweet Dreams.

Verbal stress-busters...

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts
"Be Happy" book;
and, a reminder to "Laugh" sign.

Artistic Stress-busters...

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts
Adult coloring book and pencils.*
(*note -- I am sending a new box of pencils, not the ones pictured).

Phew, I feel calmer just writing about all of that.
I guess you could call this an herbal and verbal stress-busting gift box.

Stress-Busters in a Box: Great gift idea for people who need to "chill!" | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #gifts

Here are the rules for entering.

1. Please follow my blog.
I'd also appreciate it if you would follow me on social media, as well :)
2. Leave a comment, below, and include an email address.
3. Enter by midnight (eastern standard time) Monday, December 14.
4. I will put the names of everyone who comments into a hat,
and pick the winner.
5. The winner has 48 hours to respond back to me;
otherwise, I will select another name.  


Speaking of gifts, I got the nicest surprise the other day.
A package was delivered to me from my sweet friend, AnnMarie, 
from Musings of a Vintage Junkie.
She sent me the cutest little winter-in-a-jar gift,
complete with jingle bells.

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Thank you, so much, AnnMarie, for thinking of me!
If you aren't familiar with AnnMarie's blog,
head over for a visit, and tell her I sent you.

Even if you don't win my gift box, I hope I've given you a gift idea 
for those stressed out people in your life.
For me, that's just about everyone I know :)

Keep Calm and Carry On! 

 Linking With:
Let's Get Real

Home Sweet Home


  1. Hi, what a great idea for a stressed friend & I know the perfect person for just such a gift, i follow you on your blog, facebook & pinterest, thanks for an awesome idea.

  2. Great gift idea! It's something I could use everyday;-)

  3. Nice giveaway! It has a little bit of everything I love....been wanting one of those "adult" coloring books! I am following all ways I possibly can! Thanks so much for mentioning my winter jar. Is my handwriting really that bad??!!

  4. Hi Amy, wow this is a nice assortment to de stress yourself! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely giveaway!
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. My sister and I each have adult coloring books. I should really work on a page tonight to clear my head. Nice giveaway! That's quite a grand prize.
    -Linda Garcia LJBGarcia at Verizon dot net

  6. I absolutely love your idea for a "keep calm" gift box - this is awesome!!! You have given me some great ideas for gifts this season - thanks!! And your gift from your sweet blog friend is just too precious - love it! xo

  7. It's so easy to be stressed this time of the year. Just had a little glass of wine. Feeling much better now. Would love that box though. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday.

  8. It's so easy to be stressed this time of the year. Just had a little glass of wine. Feeling much better now. Would love that box though. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday.

  9. Great giveaway! Following blogged and on social media!

  10. Wow Amy that is one generous and thoughtfully planned out gift. Whoever wins will be very happy!
    AnnMarie's gift is very sweet.

  11. Oh Amy this is a wonderful give away. I could sure use this with the job hunting with the hubby, the sale of the house and the holidays whew could use a nice stress relief kit!!!! Thank you for the chance. Your gift from Ann Marie is adorable. Blogging friends are the best. Have a great rest of the week.

  12. My first time hosting Christmas at our new house. Very stressful with everyone traveling and staying with us. Yikes. Lovely giveaway. my email is

  13. What a lovely giveaway. It's so stressful during the Holidays, this giveaway is a great stress buster!

  14. Amy idea of stress-buster in a box is great! I told my colleagues in the room as a gift for Christmas.
    Oh, I could use such case, especially after this week's work. Unfortunately, it is so strange regularity that I really I see in my work - in the period before Christmas is increased aggression in people, every day I have a few interventions related to domestic violence. This is a very serious problem.
    Yours very warm

  15. What a wonderful give away! Something that is totally for yourself. Blogging friends are so wonderful always sharing. Enjoy your holiday season. Oh, and count me in.
    xx Jo

  16. You're singing my song, Amy. Please add my name to the hat.

  17. A stress-buster in a box is just what I need this time of year. Between getting ready for Christmas and working with middle school kids all day, it is a stressful time of year.

  18. Wow! What an incredible giveaway! I would love to win it. Who couldn't use a little relaxation in a box?! I love the cute Christmas in a jar gift you received too.

  19. Oops! I forgot to leave you my email address.

  20. What a great collection, Amy. I'm past the years of stress, finally---but I have the perfect candidate to give it to. Or I will make one..., just like yours. Sandi

  21. Ok AMy I've picked out my stress buster... It was the chocolate of course. I didn't know that chocolate was a stress reliever. They are all great ideas but we all have our weak spots. Happy Holidays.

    1. Dark chocolate, only, Mary, but I'm grateful that ANY chocolate is good for you!

  22. What a kind and generous idea for a gift AND a giveaway! Only social media account I have is PINTEREST,(only had a few months and am a crazy pin loving mama), already following you and we'll over 500 bloggie, mostly food. Love your blog and always such a refreshing read! Luv YA and Happiest of Holidays to you and your family! (am saying in a whisper, "I love replying even without giveaways, cuz it is EXTREMELY important to me that all the lovely bloggers know how much I appreciate all the hard work going into a venue that I have grown to love so much since only last March.) Not sucking up cuz I want the prize. Just has given me a connection to others that I did not have as a SAHM. AT 54years old!! Yikes!

  23. What a kind and generous idea for a gift AND a giveaway! Only social media account I have is PINTEREST,(only had a few months and am a crazy pin loving mama), already following you and we'll over 500 bloggie, mostly food. Love your blog and always such a refreshing read! Luv YA and Happiest of Holidays to you and your family! (am saying in a whisper, "I love replying even without giveaways, cuz it is EXTREMELY important to me that all the lovely bloggers know how much I appreciate all the hard work going into a venue that I have grown to love so much since only last March.) Not sucking up cuz I want the prize. Just has given me a connection to others that I did not have as a SAHM. AT 54years old!! Yikes!

  24. Oh my gosh...what a wonderful and thoughtful gift. Sheila

  25. Such a delightful way to push the stress away. How sweet are you to think of us during these days of stress that lead up to one of my favorite days of the year. Best of luck to all of us and thank YOU!
    Following you on facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.
    Barbara @

  26. Well, I thought I was already following your blog, but apparently was not. So now I am (and also following on Pinterest). What a lovely gift! I start stressing out about the holidays mid-October every year, mainly because of all of the things I must finish at work before the end of the year (especially if I want to take time off, which, of course, I always do). And at the same time, I want to be festive and cozy and decorate my house from top to bottom, bake, sit in front of a roaring fire with hot cocoa, and do all those other fun holiday activities. So, all in all, it ends up being a very stressful time. Thanks for making your box of stress-busting goodies available! Melissa at

  27. Pooh a lovely box of goodies! Alas I have no tub. I would love a good soak! Living in an RV has it's drawbacks. What a generous, gracious thing to do

  28. Wow what a wonderful giveaway of awesome goodies. I all ready following you and on FB and Instagram....thanks again for sharing Pat Howe

  29. Some great ideas ...
    I always find a good cup of tea can help too!

    All the best Jan

  30. Love this idea for a gift! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  31. This is such a cute idea and you are so thoughtful!! :)

    Jane x


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