
Friday, February 12, 2016

Best of the Weekend...Presidents, Hearts and Wisdom Teeth


Hello, and welcome to Best of the Weekend!
We get a two-fer holiday weekend here in the U.S. --
it's President's Weekend and Valentine's Day,
so hopefully, many of you have a nice, long weekend ahead.

We're going to be laying low
the next few days.
Junior Goo Shoes had all four wisdom teeth out today.
We'll be home taking good care of our patient.
who should be feeling a great deal better by Monday.

I hope you'll kick off your weekend 
by checking out some fabulous creativity in the links below.
Happy Valentine's Day to all!     

Most Clicked :

Cross-Stitch Wood Heart Sign by Dukes and Duchesses
 Here are a few of my favorites:

Kale Mushroom Capelinni - The Whole Serving

Snowflake Cookies - The Cookie Clinic

Wine Cork Hombre Heart - Curly Crafty Mom

If you were featured, grab this button!

Okey, Dokey, let's link up!


  1. Hope the Junior does well with the wisdom teeth! That's tough! Thanks for hosting, ...great features! ~Rhonda

  2. I think I gained 5 pounds just looking at some of those posts!
    Sending wishes for a complete and pain-free-as-possible recovery. I remember when my two had their wisdom teeth out - gelato - really expensive gelato from a lovely Italian cafe across worked!

  3. Thanks SO much for featuring my wine cork heart! :) Have a wonderful weekend! I remember getting my wisdom teeth out, it wasn't too bad from what I remember... Hopefully it will go well!


  4. Oh no...wisdom teeth. I remember that horrible time! It was me and I was 50. My doc said it would be hard on me because I was older. I laughed and thought oh not me. Oh my gosh I was down for about a month, lake a major major surgery. That is something for the younger set for sure. They mend faster! Good luck. Sheila

  5. For once I didn't go for the sweets and tried the Kale Mushroom Capelinni, it was delicious.

  6. Hope Junior recovers soon - I'm sure he will.

    Great links again, thank you.

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

  7. I hope Jr's young age means that it won't be so bad and that none of them were impacted! Wishing you ALL an easy weekend and a speedy recovery to Jr!

  8. Oh Amy your poor son! Ice pack's I am sure will be his relief this weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Hubby.

  9. Ugh, wisdom teeth. Hope your patient heals well, happy weekend!

  10. I'm sorry to show up late as usual - time difference is a b****. And now you know why Junior won't be wise for a while...

  11. Amy, Thank you for featuring my Snowflake Cookies. It's very special to be in the company of these talented bloggers. Have a nice weekend! Joan-My Cookie Clinic

  12. Amy, thanks for featuring my Valentine candy planter! I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once too, and it was no fun. Hope your patient starts feeling better soon. Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. Thanks Amy for hosting the fun party and have a nice week!

  14. Another great BOTW! Hope Junior Goo Shoes has a quick recovery. Smoothies are probably on your menu this week.

  15. Because 1) I participated in your link-up, 2) it was a snowy Valentine's day, and 3) I wanted to share the love, I have been trying to visit all the bloggers who also linked up. I figured what is the point in linking up if I don't visit the other blogs, right? OH MY! I saw some amazing things, but I also realized how hard you work to host these parties!!!! It takes a lot of time to read all these posts and to comment /compliment them (as I know you do). I just wanted to thank you again for hosting the parties!!!!!!


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