
Thursday, June 16, 2016


Water Bead Lanterns: Add a pretty glow to outdoor spaces. Super-easy to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Do you have an outdoor fireplace, fire pit, or chiminea?

We have no adequate place for a fire pit;
a chiminea on our wooden deck doesn't seem like the safest idea,
and the only outdoor fireplace I'll ever see at this house
is the one saved to my Dream Home Pinterest board.   
Yep, the closest we get to a campfire is  
sitting around a couple of citronella candles on the deck.

Perhaps, this is for the best.

When I was 17, I worked as a waitress in a sleep-away camp.
One of the many talents I came home with that summer 
was the ability to build a real campfire.
Somehow, I convinced my parents to let me show them -- 
in our grill. 
My dad was standing by with the hose, just in case.
Good thing, because within minutes, my campfire was raging, and not in a good way --
but in an it's-almost-time-to-call-the-fire-department way.
 Let's just say they were impressed with my skill,
but that was my first and last campfire performance.

And so, now, I stick to candles.
Closely watched candles. 

Citronella candles get boring, so this season,
I tried my hand at something a little more attractive --
Water Bead Lanterns.  
I think they came out pret-ty pret-ty good!
(BTW - Did you hear that Curb Your Enthusiasm is coming back to HBO? Yippee!
I just realized that if you don't recognize "pret-ty pret-ty good" from that show,
you'd have no idea why I just added this in here).
I'll show you how I made the lanterns over at
I always appreciate your comments over at Claire's,
so thank you in advance! 

See you tomorrow for Best of the Weekend!

And, don't forget, you can still link up your patriotic posts 
at our Yankee Doodle party -- click here!

Linking With:
Wake Up Wednesday




  1. Such a clever decorating idea, Amy and my favorite kind as it requires only a few items that I would need to put together to make something spectacular. Great project. . .now if it ever stops raining and gets warm enough to be outside in this great Pacific Northwest, I might be inspired to make a few!

  2. Ha, ha! ...images of flames reaching the roof line....entered my brain. That one made me laugh, as 'firebuilding' is a great skill---for camp---and pretty much nowhere else. Fun post---the candle thing made me chuckle, too. Thanks for sharing, Sandi

  3. Ha, ha! ...images of flames reaching the roof line....entered my brain. That one made me laugh, as 'firebuilding' is a great skill---for camp---and pretty much nowhere else. Fun post---the candle thing made me chuckle, too. Thanks for sharing, Sandi

  4. This is such a cool idea Amy! Leave to clever you to inspire me.

  5. Great idea Amy. I will head over to Claire's to see your post.
    Happy Day my friend.

  6. Very, very cute! I have a mason jar that has a solar light in the top that shines on the contents. Water beads would be wonderful in it. Your story is a good one! Do you call your dad Smokey?

  7. Pre-tty, Pre-tty cute! (So happy that show is coming back)!

  8. Hey you could go on Survivor and they'd keep you around for awhile with those fire building skills! Very cute lanterns!

  9. This looks like a fun craft to make and perfect for summer evenings! :)

  10. Love a Curb Your Enthusiasm reference! These are so pretty. My husband and I have absolutely no fire building skills, and one time when we went camping, we had to have a ranger help us build a fire. So embarassing!

  11. What a cute DIY! Such a fun summer decor piece :)

    Edye | Http://


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