
Friday, March 23, 2018


Bonjour, mes amies!
Welcome to Best Of The Weekend! 
I've got a bit of a spring in my step today, actually felt a little balmy the last couple of days. 
It was a complete 180° from Wednesday's weather, 
when we were bombarded with our fourth nor'easter in three weeks.
After all the hype of "up to 18 inches of snow", 
it kind of fizzled out, and we only got about five inches.
More like a NO'easter, if you ask me.
And, by yesterday afternoon, the snow had almost completely melted!
Now, that's my kind of storm,
but let me state for the record that I am SO DONE with winter!
 I'm in some need of spring inspiration.........
and what better place to get it than right here at BOTW!
Let's party!

We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last week's most clicked:

Farmhouse Style Bedroom Makeover | Centsible Chateau

 A few of my favorites:

Frozen Bread Dough Cinnamon Rolls | Table For Seven

Flourless Soft Almond Cookies | The Monday Box

  DIY Marbled Easter Eggs | Lantern Lane Designs 

250+ Things To Do In New York City | The Kittchen

Grab our button if you've been featured!


Let's link up!


  1. I WANT that cinnamon roll. No, I NEED it! One of my weaknesses ;).

  2. The gigantic storm passed us by too! We only got a couple of inches or so and it all melted in a day. I was so thankful for that.

  3. Thank you Amy for hosting Best of the Weekend - It's Spring. Happy Spring!

  4. Wow, you guys are getting some seriously brutal weather this year! I hope you have seen the last of it and can move onto spring...and summer. :)

  5. I hope you're having a fantastic weekend!

  6. Inspirational!

    Hope you get some prolonged Spring-like weather soon.

    All the best Jan


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