
Friday, December 14, 2018


Greetings, friends!
Welcome to Best Of The Weekend

I have some major news to share with you.

After almost four years,  
it's time for me to end my run as 
a Best Of The Weekend co-host.
Co-hosting has been a wonderful experience
which has helped me to grow as a blogger, 
and make many new friends. 
I will miss it....... but it's time to move on.  
As you may recall from this post,
I've changed my blog to focus exclusively on travel, 
and I need to concentrate fully on branding myself in that way.
I want to thank all of you who have stopped by each week
to link up your posts, or to browse the thumbnails........
making this party one of the best in blogland!

Thank you! 😘 

As it happens, Ginnie and Paula will be leaving as well, 
but the party is in EXCELLENT hands with co-hosts
Please make a note to link up with them going forward!  
Next week will be our final party of the year.
Beginning in January, Liberty, Neena and Shelley 
will push back the start time of Best Of The Weekend 
to 8:00am on Fridays,
instead of 8:00pm, giving you more time to link up!
Please put a reminder on your calendar right now,

so you don't forget! 

And now, it's time to start my penultimate party.


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah!
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last Week's Most Clicked:

Simple Christmas At The Cabin | Dancing Dog Cabin

A Few Of My Favorites

DIY Hanukkah Garland: Star Of David Crochet | From Playdates To Parties

DIY Christmas Centerpiece For A Kitchen Table | Faeries & Faunas

Christmas Pancakes With Simple Eggnog Syrup | Fluster Buster

Best Gifts For Travelers | Rain On A Tin Roof 

 If you were featured, grab our button!

Please share your links!


  1. Amy, thank you for the feature! Best of luck with your new focus as a travel blogger. I enjoy reading your travel posts-- it's a wonderful way to travel vicariously!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting the party. Happy Holiday Season, Kippi

  3. Thank you for hosting the party. We appreciate you. Enjoy your week.

  4. Amy, your decision is certainly understandable. Thank you for all you've contributed to the Best of the Weekend. You leave a very successful party you were instrumental in creating. Merry Christmas.

  5. Thank you so much for co-hosting the party, Amy - you will be missed! Happy Holidays to you and yours 🎄

  6. Enjoy your travels! Merry Christmas!...Christine

  7. Thanks much for co-hosting this weekend party and best of luck in rebranding yourself as a travel blogger! Look forward to seeing your travel tales ~

  8. Hi Amy, thanks for hosting this party all of these years. I wish you a lot of luck and fun with your travel blog. I will still be visiting you. :) Have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Julie xo

  9. How exciting.
    Look forward to your travel blog posts.

    All the best Jan

  10. You have been so faithful doing this every week! I sometimes wondered how you had the time and energy. I always enjoy scanning all the links and find many inspiring ideas. I must say - I DO look forward to your travel inspirations. You are such a great writer. Soon we will see travel guides being published? Hugs ...

  11. Thank you for cohosting the party and I am excited for the feature. Best of luck in the new direction of your blog. I am sure our paths will still cross.


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