Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Chicken Noodle Soup For Colds & Flu; and "You May Be Right"

: There's scientific evidence that chicken soup is better for you than over-the-counter medications when you have a cold or flu!

You know how disappointing it is when you are really REALLY looking forward to something, and then you can't do it because you get sick?

It stinks, right?

Well, multiply that by a bazillion times, 
and that's how teenagers feels when it happens to them.  

Two weeks ago, Junior Goo Shoes couldn't wait for Saturday--
 he had a big day planned in New York City with his camp friends.

But we all know what happens to the best laid plans.  

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup: There's scientific evidence that chicken soup is better for you when you have a cold or flu than over-the-counter medications! Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Friday night, 6:00pm:
"Can you pick me up? I don't feel well."


Great timing, as Mr. Goo Shoes and I were just about ready to leave for NYC 
to see Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden. 
He's been playing there every month...
it's the 13th month in a row that he's sold out, and we finally got tickets.
I couldn't help but wonder, who is going to be the bigger baby here --
me, if we can't go to the concert...
or JGS, if he can't go to the city on Saturday?

When I picked up JGS, he got in the car and said,
"This doesn't mean I'm not going tomorrow. I'll be fine by then."

With Aunt Goo Shoes on call, Mr. GS and I went to the concert.
I kept checking my phone to make sure JGS was ok.

Ironically, in the middle of the song Pressure, I got this text: 

My fever is going down.
I am GOING tomorrow. Right? RIGHT? Mom? MOM!!!

"You have to learn to pace yourself...PRESSURE!"

Just as I was getting into a NY State of Mind, so was Junior Goo Shoes:

I'm better! My fever is normal.
"See, I told you I'm fine.  I am GOING to New York City tomorrow.

"I'm just taking a Greyhound on the Hudson River Line...
I'm in a New York state of mind.

Twenty-two songs later, including a 4-song encore, we were back home.  
JGS was indeed, "normal."
I started to relax a little, thinking maybe the slight fever was just a fluke. 

But on Saturday morning, I changed my mind:
What do you mean, I can't go? 

It's My Life and I'm not staying home. You worry too much.

"I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm all right
I don't want you to tell me what time to come home.
I don't care what you say, this is my life.
Go ahead with your own life and leave me alone."

Mid-morning, and two hours of pleading later:

Mom, PLEASE...WHY can't I go? 
I'd given every logical reason I could come up with:
You can't go out with a fever. 
It's bitter cold out.
You'll get pneumonia.
Your body won't have the energy to keep up with everyone.
You'll get your friends sick.
 You just CAN'T, that's why!
 "Don't Ask Me Why!"

"Don't wait for answers, just take your chances,
Don't ask me why!"
Saturday afternoon, it was clear I made the right decision:

  I can't believe you didn't let me go.
You ruined my weekend.
It's all your fault.
I'm Moving Out so you can't tell me what to do. 
Oh, and I'm freezing, and sweating, and I have a headache.

"Mama if that's movin' up then I'm movin' out
Mm I' movin' out, mm oo oo uh huh mm hm"

Sunday morning:

 I feel awful, mom. My teeth hurt; my eyebrows hurt.
I haven't felt this sick...EVER. 
You May Be Right about me not going
I'm sorry I gave you a hard time.

"You may be wrong for all I know, But you may be right."

I told him it was OK, that I knew he wasn't really angry, just disappointed. 
After all, I said, "You're Only Human."

"It's alright, it's alright. Sometimes that's what it takes.
You're only human, you're allowed to make your share of mistakes."

 And by the way, JGS, I love you "Just the Way You Are."

 "I couldn't love you any better. I love you just the way you are."

And to show him,  I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup...
  and sprinkled in lots of love.
: There's scientific evidence that chicken soup is better for you than over-the-counter medications when you have a cold or flu!

Chicken soup is one of the best things for you when you've got a cold or the flu. 
I kid you not! 
The NY Times reported that chicken soup may really have medicinal value...
and could be even better for you than over-the-counter remedies. 
It's not called Jewish Penicillin for nothing!
And by now, I think you know me...I'd rather do anything but cook
so if this recipe wasn't super-easy, I'd have opened a can of Campbell's.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But this is better. Much better.

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup: There's scientific evidence that chicken soup is better for you when you have a cold or flu than over-the-counter medications! Ms Toody Goo Shoes

 Wednesday morning

Turns out that JGS did, in fact, have the flu. 
But he got over it pretty quickly. 
It must have been the soup. 
It's "All About (chicken soup for the) Soul."

"It's all about soul...the power of love and the power of healing."

Have some, it's good for'll feel better, I promise.

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup: There's scientific evidence that chicken soup is better for you when you have a cold or flu than over-the-counter medications! Ms Toody Goo Shoes


  1. So clever, the way that you wrote this. Glad that your son is better and that you didn't miss Billy Joel. His shows are so great.

  2. GREAT post, Amy!! I've pinned the chicken soup recipe. :) How lucky you were to see Billy Joel in concert; I've loved him forever! From the first hit song I remember -- "Piano Man" to "I Love You Just the Way You Are," I never tire of his music. I love the way you worked the song lyrics into your story; I can imagine the ongoing argument with JGS -- we've had a few of those over the years here, too. :) I'm glad he made such a quick recovery!



  3. This is such a great post Amy!!! Glad JGS had such a quick recovery and no wonder after feeding him that yummy soup! I love chicken noodle soup. My mother always made it with homemade noodles and a sprinkle of cinnamon! My favourite for sure!

  4. Quite a tapestry you've woven here, Carole King!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  5. Hahahaha! What a great post Ms Toody! Would you share again at Five Star Frugal? Mimi xxx

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Amy, I cannot think of anything better than Billy Joel and homemade chicken noodle soup!

  8. Adorable post! I think all moms can relate to this one. I am glad that the young one is better and that you still were able to see Billy! Oh, how I love his music!!

  9. Oh, I can relate to every single song you used here! LOVE Billy Joel! I saw him in concert in his prime years, 80's?, and own every single album. So jealous and happy for you that you got to see him. Love how you tied it all in to your poor son's flu! Must try the is different enough from mine to taste and see!

  10. This post really makes me miss having a teenager in the house. ;) I'm so glad you stuck to your guns and that Jr. is feeling better.
    I've heard that about chicken soup. Last time I was sick my daughter brought me four different canned types of soup. Lipton's was the best. Your recipe looks amazing.
    How fun that you got to go to Billy Joel. My brother refinished his floors at his house on Long Island. He sat down and started playing while they worked.
    Thanks for sharing this fun post.

  11. ok billy joel, I'd be looking forward to that too. bummer that winter brings around coughs and colds - bet you're looking onto spring and that soup looks yummy!

  12. Wonderful post Amy and I'm glad your son is better :)
    We call this soup here - Grandma's soup LOL

  13. Sorry Junior is sick... But it made a really fun post and now I'm singing "I'm in a NY state of mind"!

  14. There is NOTHING worse then when the kids get sick, especially when they have to miss out on fun. Yummy looking soup, totally worth the effort. I love that you added dill. Very few people here use it, it is my favorite.
    Your dishes are so pretty too, Amy.


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