River Cruise Day 7: Dürnstein, Austria
We learned this morning as we cruised through the Wachau Valley that Dürnstein is the apricot (marille) capital of the world. Onboard the ship today, we have sampled liqueurs, jams, candies and the fruit itself. Let's just say this..........there is nothing in Dürnstein that doesn't have marille in it, or on it. It is rivaled only by the lemon in Sorrento. The marille is so special to Dürnstein that it actually has a protected appellation in Austria, like wines do in France.
The scenery along the Danube this morning was beautiful, but the approach to Dürnstein is magical. Sometimes the scenery in Europe makes me want to weep, it's so gorgeous. The blue tower of the Augustinian Monastery is striking, and it speaks to me from the shore -- you're going to love it here, it says.
I think the church is made out of Wedgewood china.
Another vantage point reveals the ruins of Kuenringerburg Castle on the hilltop above the village. Legend has it that Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned here in the late 12th Century.
We've got the option to hike up there, but we'll pass, danke schon very much. Mr. Goo Shoes and I share the same a travel M-O: We saw enough, it's nice, let's eat.
Aside from the marille, Dürnstein is also know for its white wines. Our walk into town takes us past a vineyard. We are going to a wine tasting later this afternoon, which should be fun.
Dürnstein is a medieval fairtytale town with fewer than 1000 residents. We're here for only five minutes, and I can already see why over a million people come here each year.
The village is so compact, it doesn't take much time to walk the length of it.
The final stop on our walking tour is the interior of the Augustinian Monastery. Mr. Goo Shoes and I look at each other -- and we are thinking the same thing. Let's bail and do some shopping. I can't wait to get my hands on some of those marille souvenirs. By the time we are done, the Dürnstein economy has seen a positive surge.
Do people really dress like this here? I feel like I am on a movie set! It's all too perfect. I love this place.
It's almost 4:30pm, so we need to find our way to Alte Klosterkeller, for a sampling of local wines. Head down the hill, we're told, and the wine cellar is on the left. It's a lot of fun, and after eight glasses of wine later (yes, there was a dump bucket), and lots of talk about acidity, body, legs, etc., our visit to Dürnstein is a wrap.
As we walk along the Danube with our backs to the charming village of Dürnstein, I'm humming one last tune from The Sound of Music:
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night
I hate to go, and leave this pretty sight........
Days don't come more perfect than today. The night is capped off with an absolutely hilarious show performed by the crew of our ship.
As great as today was, tomorrow is going to be amazing! We will be in Vienna...........
and I am excited that I have plans to meet someone very special!
To be continued.........
and I am excited that I have plans to meet someone very special!
To be continued.........
I've got some souvenirs from Durnstein for one of my readers!
It's just a TINY little something,
but if you would like to enter my giveaway,
just leave a comment on this post about
which of the three picturesque towns in Austria
(Engelhartszell, Salzburg or Durnstein)
you'd most like to visit, and why.
which of the three picturesque towns in Austria
(Engelhartszell, Salzburg or Durnstein)
you'd most like to visit, and why.
I'll put the names in a hat and pull one out.......
(please trust me on this one - I pinky swear it!)
I'll post the winner in my next river cruise post.
Good luck!!!

This is a multi-part series about our Danube River cruise.
Read 10 Things To Know About River Cruising here.
Read Our First Day In Prague here.
Read 10 Things To Know About River Cruising here.
Read Our First Day In Prague here.
Read A Day In Medieval Regensburg, Germany here.
Read Picturesque Towns Of Austria Part 1: Engelhartszell here.
Read Picturesque Towns Of Austria Part 2: Salzburg here.
Read Scenery of the Wachau Valley here.
Read Vienna: Exploring The Old Town here.
Read Picturesque Towns Of Austria Part 1: Engelhartszell here.
Read Picturesque Towns Of Austria Part 2: Salzburg here.
Read Scenery of the Wachau Valley here.
Read Vienna: Exploring The Old Town here.
Read Bratislava: Slovakia's Charming Capital here.
Read Budapest: The Pearl of the Danube River here.
Read Budapest: The Pearl of the Danube River here.

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