So how was your March?
Mine was kind of "dullsville," honestly, and I'm looking forward to April.
I hope wherever you are, winter grays are starting to be replaced with spring greenery. We've had boat-loads of rain the past few days, and even some "wintry mix," so I am in need of some blue skies and warmer temperatures.
I've been brushing up on my photo-a-day skills, so that I'll be ready for "Show Us Your April," the project that my friend Claire, from a little CLAIREification and I are collaborating on. Are you ready to join us?
The gist of it is that you take a photo every day for the month of April...create a post about it, and then link up with us between May 1 and 7. Check here for more info.
Or, better yet, let me show you my March, and you'll get the idea!
March 1
Bought a new bird feeder today. It didn't take long for word to spread that there was a new "all you can eat" place in town.
Sunday papers and coffee. Simple pleasures.
March 3
Seeds are here. Spring must not be far behind. Is it? IS it???
March 4
Morning sunlight in the bathroom.
March 5
Man cannot live on bread alone...but I can.
March 6
Passing by The Ansonia (Upper West Side, Manhattan), home to many celebrities...en route to dinner with friends.
The cardinal rules.

Springing forward.
March 9
"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy." 55 degrees and sunny...first time on my deck since fall.
March 10
What's this??? Daffodils! The very first sign of Spring that I've seen! #feelingencouraged
March 11
Mr. Goo Shoes found money tucked into an old photo album in the basement today. The story is worthy of its own post.
March 12
Spring...on a New York City street corner (Lexington and 78th Street), passed on my way to a doctor appointment.
March 13
The snow is finally almost all melted. Sadie is a happy girl.
March 14
Dear Deer, I always get excited to see you when you come to visit our backyard, but can you please not make a smorgasboard of our bushes?
March 15
Haven't been to Harvest on Hudson, one of our favorite restaurants, since we held Junior Goo Shoes' Bar Mitzvah party there in October 2012. Happy to be back for dinner with our good friends (the ones with the beautiful garden). What could be better? Desserts all around!
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Clockwise from top left: NY Cheesecake; Coconut Panna cotta; Cannoli & Cookie Board; Lime Sorbet |
March 16
Prepping Tomato, Basil & Kale Frittata for brunch today.
March 17
Happy St. Patrick's Day Bagels!
March 18
What's wrong with this picture? Shopping at Lord & Taylor's on 5th Ave. in New York City, and leaving without a single purchase! That's what's wrong!
March 19
Now that the lake at the park is mostly unfrozen, the geese have returned for a little "r and r."
March 20
Mr. Goo Shoes and I took our first-ever Yoga class. It kind of ruins the mood to take a picture of yourself during class, so this will have to do. Namaste.

March 21
Winter's swan song -- and the first day spring -- is a good day for a walk in the park.
March 22
Bought the Waterlogue ap today. I snapped this on a street corner in Amsterdam three years ago. Just call me Toody Van Goo.
March 23
Breakfast New York style...Bialy with nova and a shmear.

March 24
Having a good hair day. Yes, that IS news.

March 25
If you want to torture me, put a bowl of mac and cheese in front of me, and remind me of my cholesterol numbers. This was Junior Goo Shoe's dinner; sadly, not mine.
March 26
"Be vewwy, vewwy quiet...I'm hunting wabbits." (Elmer Fudd).
March 27
Mr. Goo Shoes has been hanging out upside down in the basement on his new inversion table. It's really helping his back! Sadie likes to keep him company.
March 28
Driving into NYC for lunch on a rainy day; stopped at a light on Broadway and 44th St.
March 29
I'm a little behind in my magazine reading.

March 30
I made my own pizza from scratch today... well, almost. OK, the crust was frozen, but I did the rest. That counts.
March 31
Dinner in NYC tonight with girlfriends is the perfect way to end the month! Not the best photo, but it does convey the spirit of the evening. Cheers! (PS - I am the hand on the far left).
Go ahead...take your first photo right now, just to get started!
See you on May 1 for the link-up!
Linking With:Wow Us Wednesdays