Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Linky Party Invitation: Show Us Your April!

Show Us Your April Linky Party --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Do you have any plans for May 1?

Well, you do now.  I'm inviting you to my first-ever linky party!  

That's right! I am co-hosting "Show Us Your April" with my friend, Claire, from a little CLAIREification, who is one of my Favorite -- yes, she deserves a capital "F" -- bloggers. Not only do I love her blog, she is truly one of the most "giving" bloggers out there...Claire has helped me out many a time in my short blogging career, and I am so grateful to her.

OMG!! I just realized that next week 
is my one-year blogging anniversary!

Oh, sorry, yes, the party. The idea behind "Show Us Your April" is for you to create a photo diary by taking a picture a day for the month of April...and then, join us to link up on May 1. 

Here's what happened. I challenged myself to take a photo a day for the month of February, and had so much fun with it! My post ended up getting some great response (which actually made it even more fun, in hindsight, heh heh!).  Claire thought it was kind of a cool thing to do, and wanted to give it a try. Then, we put our bloggy heads together, and thought that YOU might want to take the photo diary challenge, too! And just like that, a Linky Party was born.

Before you say, "I can't possibly think of something interesting to photograph every day for a month," let me say this... 

Puh-leeze...half my photos were of snow last month. 

Show Us Your April Linky Party --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Seriously, the important thing to remember is that it is usually the little moments that tell the biggest stories. You don't need to have a snapshot of you and the President having lunch at the White House in order for your diary to be interesting. 

Um, then, again, if you do have lunch at the White House, I'd say you'd have a pretty good chance of being featured.

Show Us Your April Linky Party --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Here are some ideas to get you started:

You can do what I did -- make it a diary of what you do or see each day. can...

Photograph the birds or budding plants in your yard for the month...

Take pictures of what you ate for 30 days ...

Show Us Your April Linky Party --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Photograph the progress of a project you are working on each day...

Do a round-up of photos from your April blog posts...

Take snapshots of your kids...or your pets...

You get the "picture." 

Be creative...and Show Us Your April in any way you choose.

It really is fun to see what photo opportunity will present itself on a given day. And, it will. You just need to have your eyes wide open...

...and your camera with you.

Yeah, don't forget to take your camera everywhere. 

You'll see..every day there is something worth photographing.

Show Us Your April Linky Party --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ready...Set...(photo) Shoot! 


  1. A great idea! I can't wait for April now!! Happy Bloganniversary next week!! xx

  2. LOVE this idea... and happy almost blogiversary!!

    1. Thanks, Jenn! Glad you love it! Can't wait to see your photos!

  3. Replies
    1. I think it will be fun, Jennifer! Hope to see you linking up!

  4. Congrats on your blog anniversary!! What a great idea for April - I might have to give this a try too. Hoping that Spring will have arrived by then.....

    1. Thank you, Rosella! I think you definitely have to give it a try! I'll be looking for your post!

  5. Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary!

    And now I shall go sit in a corner and think what would the world be like if I stopped taking pictures every single day. ;-)

    1. Thank you, Merisi! For you, this should be a piece of cake! (A nice piece of Viennese cake!) I hope you'll link up!

    2. Wouldn't that be a good excuse to have a piece of cake every day, "need to take a picture!"? ;-)

  6. Amy...this sounds like fun! I'm going to try to do it...I know I could never, ever complete a 365 day project...let's see if 30 days is within my reach! Great it.

    1. You can do it, Corinne! 30 days isn't that hard, you'll see! I hope to see you linking up on May 1!

  7. This sounds like a nice challenge. Hmmmm........ Sounds fun!

    1. I hope you do it, Kelly! I think it will be a lot of fun to see what everyone comes up with!

  8. Congratulations on your upcoming Blogiversary, as well as your first link up party! Fun idea for the party!

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I think you can come up with 30 photos, and I hope to see you at the party!

  9. Replies
    1. So glad you are in, AnnMarie! Looking forward to seeing your photos!

  10. Thanks for "partnering" up with me on this Claire! Gonna be fun!

  11. I really hope you'll keep the party going till summer... I'd like to link then! It's such a good idea (but pretty sure I won't have time for it in April :(

    1. Right now, we are doing it just for April, but if it gets a good response, maybe we'll continue it. It might be a big commitment for people to do it every month, but we'll see!

  12. Ok. I am soooo excited now! :D :D :D

    I cannot wait to do this! Since I got a new phone for Christmas I've been going pretty crazy with Instagram which in turn got me even more interested in photography. This is such a fantastic idea. I seriously cannot wait ^_^

    What a fabulous idea, Ms. Toody!!


    I'm not sure if you know but Mom and I have started co-hosting Foodie Friends Friday. So please be sure to link one of your fabulous recipes with us this week! ^_^

    1. Yay! I am so glad you are going to do it, Tammy! I actually just saw FFF today...Gonna go back and check it out!

  13. Great idea Amy! (Wish I had thought of it -- lol!) I will try to participate as time allows... hope to see you at R5F this week. xo

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I hope you do participate! I've got R5F on my calendar!

  14. Amy, oh my goodness, April "Photo-A-Day" sounds like so much fun! My problem...the only one a day! I'm camera crazed! Excited about your almost first year anniversary, that is awesome! Congratulations early!

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I hope you will join in the photo a day! It should be a "snap" for you, if you are already taking lots of photos! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  15. Amy, such great news that you're hitting one year! This is a fun project and now that am taking more pics, why not?

    1. Thanks, BP, I can't believe I've been at this for a year already. I'm so glad that you are going to take part in our photo a day! Looking forward to seeing your April!

  16. What a fun idea! I found this link-up through Chel at Sweetbriar Dreams and came to check it out. I'm going to try my best to participate..sounds so fun!

    Blessings, Vicky

    1. I'm so glad you found us, Vicky! I am thrilled that Chel mentioned our linky party on her post. I really hope you do participate. I can't wait to see everyone's amazing April photos!


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