Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Petra: A Drop in My Bucket List

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Do you have a Bucket List?

If so, you've got to add a visit to Petra if it's not already on there.  If you don't have one, let me help you start one right now:

                                        (Your Name)'s BUCKET LIST 
                                        1. Petra

You're welcome. 

A few weeks ago,  I left you in the Wadi Rum Desert, after having tea with our Bedouin friend, and a "Meet and Greet" with some camels.

Now, it is on to the main event...Petra.

Petra is one of Jordan's major tourist attractions. Let me put that into perspective. Petra' is one of the world's major tourist attractions, in fact, it is one of the Seven New Wonders of the World. 

You probably know it best from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Remember the temple at the end?

It is a city dating back some 2600 years, where temples, tombs and other buildings were carved into the rocks, but... remained hidden in the mountains until it was discovered in 1812 by a Swiss explorer. 

I can see your eyes glazing over from here. If you are interested in more history, click here.

Petra is stunning, that I took a gazillion photos. Lucky for you, I'm only going to show you a million of them. OK, 26. Now that I put it that way, it won't seem like a lot.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

When you finally arrive, you don't get out of the car, and say, "Wow, so this is Petra!" No. You can't even see it from the entrance, and let me tell you, it is a shlep to get there. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

But, there are options. You can ride a horse or donkey, rent a horse-driven carriage, or walk. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We walked. 

And I would suggest, if you are physically able, that you walk, too. It's about a mile. You're going to want to stop, and gaze... and say, "WOW"... more times than you've ever said WOW in your entire life. The walk to Petra is almost as incredible as Petra itself.

In order to get inside the ancient city, we had to walk through the "Siq"...which is a narrow gorge in the rock. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I hope you can get a sense of how high these rocks are...

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

See that little dark spot in the center (below)? That's a carriage. Now do you have an idea of how massive it is?

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I am forever bringing up the rear, snapping photos along the way...which means I always end up with lots of photos of "rears" -- I've got more photos of Mr. and Jr. Goo Shoes from behind than I do of their faces. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Around every bend, the rocks are different colors and formations. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

And then...and THEN...we caught our first glimpse. It literally took my breath away when I saw this.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

...and finally, we were inside Petra.

We were standing in front of the famed Treasury Building, which, in the final scenes of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, was the secret temple that was lost for hundreds of year. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Once inside, there was lots more walking to be done...

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

...and more camels to see.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

More buildings to behold...

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Notice how tiny the people are.  These buildings are enormous!

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Does anyone have a time machine I can borrow? I'd love to travel back a few thousand years, and see them being built.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We watched the sand sculptures being made. Kinda still feel bad we didn't buy one after ooh-ing and ah-ing.

The only thing I wish we would have done, was rent a carriage for the return trip to the main gate. The walk seemed twice as long on the way back, because at the end of the tour... 

...we were Petra-fried. 

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

After a few hours of viewing antiquities, and that loooooooong walk back, we were starving! Fortunately, our tour included lunch at the Petra Magic Restaurant, which was a short drive away...

 Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 and overlooked the Black Mountains.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

They had an a-MAZ-ing buffet. You know by now that it's always about the food for me.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The best part of the meal was dessert. On the right is a bread pudding-like dessert called Um Ali. Or better yet, Yum Ali.

Petra : The Lost City  --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Our day at Petra may well have been one of the most memorable days we'll ever have...

...but I've got a thousand more things I still want to do. 

As enormous as Petra is, it was just a drop in my Bucket List. 

What's at the top of your List?

Linking With:

Weekend Bloggy Reading
Travel Photo Thursday 
Oh The Places I've Been
Mosaic Monday  
Travel Photo Mondays 
Our World Tuesdays
Time To Sparkle  
Wow Us Wednesdays
Wednesday Around The World 
Best of the Weekend 
Weekend Bloggy Reading 
Ladies Only Blog Share  
Feathered Nest Friday
Tickled Pink Times Two
Fabulously Creative Friday 
Home Sweet Home 
Be Inspired 
Bouquet of Talent
Weekend Travel Inspiration 


  1. OMG Amy - how absolutely magnificent !!!
    Bucket list? I have a Vat list lol - would love to visit Hong Kong :)
    Have a great weekend ( it's supposed to warm us for us - hope for you too ! )

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who super-sized her bucket! I'd love to go to Hong Kong, too!. Yes, it's going to be 50 here! -- Bathing suit weather, practically! At least it will melt some of this snow. Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Amy, What an amazing place and I would love to visit Petra! We have been fortunate to have traveled all around the world but the one place still on my bucket list is Portugal.

    1. I hope you do get there, Sherry! Portugal is definitely on my bucket list, too. I'd love to see their beaches, among other things!

  3. Enjoyed the tour immensely ! How awe-inspiring to walk through those passages..wonderful photos of it all.

  4. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Congratulations for living that experience


    1. It really was wonderful, Marina! An experience of a lifetime!

  5. Wow, what huge rocks! I love rocks. But usually don't see them that big!

    1. They are GIGANTIC, Brenda! If you like rocks, you'd love Petra!

  6. Man! THAT is spectacular! What a wonderful thing to have done-to be able to see that up close and personal. AMAZING!!!! I am so glad you got to experience it. I am re-arranging my bucket list xo Diana

    1. It was definitely a spectacular experience, Diana! I really had to convince the family that it was worth taking a side-trip to see it (Just call me "Mrs. Always Right!" - ;) I rearrange my bucket list constantly!

  7. Oh Amy - those photos are absolutely amazing - what a tour! I just may have to add this to my bucket list. We have been privileged to travel far and wide but would like to visit the Cotswolds in England some day!

    1. I would love to see the Cotswolds, too. I follow a blogger who lives there. Definitely put Petra on your list, Roaella!

  8. Wow! Your photos are breathtaking. I've never been to the Middle East before and probably never will. I loved getting to see your trip through your lens! It really did look beautiful. Your son is lucky to get to have parents that take him to so many exciting places. Not every kid gets to go on trips like that! I guess what I have on my bucket list is to go to some exotic island with beautiful turquoise waters (like you see in a movie) some day.

    1. It was hard to take a bad photo -- that's how beautiful it was there. My son definitely has inherited the travel's a lot easier to travel when you have only one child. I think it would be much harder with two or more. It's so funny, Kelly, while I was reading your comment, I was watching "Island Buyers" on HGTV, and they were looking to buy an island on Fiji. I was DROOLING! Talk about exotic! Fiji has been on my bucket list, but that show moved it up a few notches!

  9. Thank you for sharing this. The pictures are already breathtaking, I can't imagine how it must be to be really there.

    1. Thanks, Magali. It surely was like no other place I've been!

  10. Your photos are gorgeous. Petra has been on my list for a while. I've been to Aubu Simbel in Egypt and was amazed at the size of those buildings, too. How did they do it? Thanks for linking up this week.

    1. Egypt is a place I'd love to get to...I guess someday when things settle down there. Isn't it extraordinary how they built these massive structures?

  11. I really want to go to Petra some day. I've always wondered how deep are those buildings in the cliffs. Are they just facades? Open up into a cave? Into rooms that were painstakingly carved away? Do they let you go right up to the Treasury or do you have to stay behind a barrier. I really like your suggestion to walk in. That way, I could take photos at my leisure. I think that's why I'm always bringing up the rear in my family, too. They just walk on while I stop to take photos. That buffet looks fantastic, and is much nicer than what I would have expected.

    1. I don't believe they are facades; I assume they opened into rooms, but I really don't know. There were also plenty of cave openings in the mountains, in addition to the buildings. I don't recall a could definitely get close to the Treasury. The buffet was much bigger than the one photo I showed - it was pre-blogging days, or I would have gotten a more comprehensive shot! The restaurant was really pretty, and the food was outstanding!

  12. Replies
    1. Oopsie, that comments box left too fast! ;-)
      Top of my "Places" Bucket List: living in Rome again.

  13. Amy...Petra is one of my all-time favorite places and you've captured it soooo well. What can I say, everything about Petra is awesome and the food in Jordan is unbeatable. Love, love, love it!

    1. Thanks, Corinne! It would have been nice to spend more time, and sample some more Jordanian food, but I am so grateful to have gotten there at all!

  14. Thanks for sharing and letting me virtually visit Petra! Love historic places like this.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Betsy! It was a spectacular experience!

  15. Amy, the top of my list is now... Petra! This has everything that I love. My mind was wondering as I was reading your post as I too, would have loved to be in a time machine to watch this being made. What makes people suddenly think, "you know what, let's build a temple"! Amazing trip - thank you xx

    1. It really was one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. I'm glad I convinced you to put it at the top of your list. If you happen to find anyone with a time machine, let me know, and I'll go with you!

  16. Lovely, I had no idea there were so many temples there and they are huge...definitely going on my bucket list - would love to do the evening tour with the candles did you get a chance to see that also?

    1. We did not do the evening tour as we were only there for a few hours in the daytime. A candlelit tour must be amazing! From what I understand, some people spend days there...apparently there is much more to see than just the Treasury area.

  17. Amazing! It is just like Indiana Jones. I'm just amazed places like this exist. I would love to visit one day!

    1. I kept expecting Harrison Ford to come around the bend! It is one of the most incredible sights I have ever seen!

  18. Everywhere is on my bucket list. I just let fate decide which one is next. Love your witty descriptions, the Treasury Building and those wonderfully descriptive and clear food photos :)

    1. You are just like me, Jan -- I want to go everywhere, too! And, fate does play a big part in what trip is next! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  19. WOW WOW! You're so lucky to view this magnificent creation. I'm so jealous and happy for you at the same time.

    1. I feel very fortunate to have been able to have this experience. When we decided to go to Israel, I had to convince the family to make this side trip, but we were all so glad we did! Thanks for stopping by, Shey!

  20. What gorgeous shots! Petra is definitely on my bucket list.

    1. I'm just a novice, but it was hard to get a bad shot of such magnificent scenery! I really appreciate that you stopped by, ladyfi!

  21. Sorry I left you in the desert for so long! I really hope you get there someday, Claire! It's unbelievable. And whatever you do, make sure you track down that "Yum Ali!"

  22. I think I might have cried when the corner was reached and you saw that amazing building peaking out. Lovely! When I was little and saw Indiana Jones I didn't know that Petra was real I thought it was just a set...I was amazed to learn not much longer after that, that it was real! AMAZING!

    1. It is quite stunning to see the treasury building peaking through. You're not the only one who thought Petra was just a set -- I know I thought the same thing!

  23. Oh, Dear Amy, I thoroughly enjoyed this post. I was along for the "walk" (lol) with every word!
    Thank you very much for sharing this adventure. The food did look good too.
    I am an Indiana Jones fan! and loved this post.
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

    1. You made my day, Catherine! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I just linked up at Foodie Friends Friday!

  24. You sold me! I would love to spend a leisurely time studying the details of this engineering marvel. I can not imagine how they constructed something of this scale and detail so long ago. That you for sharing. I hope you don't mind if I pin this to my dream travel board on Pinterest.

    1. Hi, May! Glad I convinced you to add Petra to your list! I am thrilled that you are pinning it to your dream travel board! Thank you so much!

  25. Wow what a fabulous place, and I'd never heard of it before! Thanks for the introduction!

    1. It's amazing, Jade! I'm happy to have introduced you, and I hope that sometime, you get to visit!

  26. Amy this is amazing! Now that is what I call travel. Thank you for sharing this at Home Sweet Home.

  27. i am sure this was a truly magical place. my coworker went to egypt right before the riots, and right now, i'm not so sure going anywhere near there is a good idea. however, in less than 2 weeks i will be in paris for the very first time. i'm excited and nervous, and trying to be more of the first than the later!

    1. It truly was magical! Don't be nervous about Paris! It's a wonderful city! I've only been there once, and would love to go back. You will have a wonderful time! I hope you post about it - I'd love to read about it, and see photos! Safe travels!

  28. Amy, Petra is amazing! agree it should be on everyone's Bucket List! Thanks for linking up with Weekend Travel Inspiration!


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