When Santa asked if I'd been a good blogger this year,
I had to admit to being naughty, not nice.
I did not write a lot of posts.
I did not visit many other bloggers.
I did not link up to many parties.
I did not spend much time on Instagram.
I was largely absent from Facebook.
I didn't mean to be a bad blogger........
It's just that I had other things taking up my time.
For the most part, they were good things:
Junior Goo Shoes was home for Thanksgiving Week,
and three weeks later, came home for winter break.......
We spent time with friends,
enjoyed Thanksgiving with family,
binge-watched Downton Abbey, and then went to see the movie.........
I went to a holiday shopping party which was a fundraiser for mental illness.......
I spend a great deal of time preparing for my first craft show
(and sold 14 photos on a snowy afternoon!).......
I saw a Broadway show,
celebrated Hanukkah with the family,
totally enjoyed the third season of Mrs. Maisel.......
Had a quick getaway to Florida for a few days!
The problem with these photo diaries is that the pictures reflect only the good things........
They don't reflect that Junior Goo Shoes had the flu for a week,
or that I got sick, too, and we had to cancel our New Year's party.
They don't reflect texts from dear friends who have serious health issues.
And they don't reflect that two of Junior Goo Shoes' friends will soon be deployed
to the Middle East due to the escalating crisis with Iran.
So, as you look at these pictures below,
see them as I do....... my digital gratitude journal.
They reflect some truly good experiences over the last couple of months,
as well as the beauty or humor of an ordinary day.
They are the moments I am grateful for.
Typical morning traffic scene in the suburbs.
Unusual empty street scene in the city.
Two NYC landmarks for the price of one.
Hudson Yards - Manhattan's trendiest new address.
Strolling the High Line on a beautiful November morning.
City view from the High Line: Tenth Avenue and 17th Street.
Ms. Sadie, hoping to be invited into Junior Goo Shoes' room.
Belated Broadway birthday present from Aunt Goo Shoes.
Moon over Manhattan (okay, a very tiny moon, right center).
Picture-perfect Florida sunsets.......
New Jersey ice storm.
My first Craft Show!

Winter break request from the college student -- LOTS of food.

Two sweet hand-made Hanukkah gifts from one of my favorite Montreal blog friends, Suzan, of Simply Vintageous. Check out her Instagram page, here.
A pompom garland.......
And a salt dough ornament! Love them both!
The first night of Hanukkah........

Sadie's 11th birthday!
(PS - she did not like the crown. She took it off and chewed it up.)

And then we made her wear this. Oh, the humiliation!
New Year's decor for the party that wasn't.
Please keep Junior Goo Shoes' military friends in your prayers.