Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, October 27, 2017


   Hi there, friends.....welcome to Best of the Weekend!
As you read this, I'm on my way to help a friend celebrate her  milestone birthday.
We're off to a destination I've had on my bucket list for years,
and I can't believe I'm finally going!
This is a girls' weekend, so I left Mr. GS at home with Sadie.  
If you want to know where I'm going, 
follow me on Instagram, as I hope to share some photos while I'm away.

A bit of business:
Just a reminder that we are looking for new co-hosts.
If you'd like to be considered for that role,
please contact Ginnie, Paula or me and let us know! 
Leave a comment below, 
or email me at

Time to party!

 We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last week's most clicked:

Entire House Before & Afters | Run To Radiance

 A few of my favorites from last week:

The Ultimate Halloween Cake | I Wasn't Expecting That

Nutella Banana Muffins With Salted Caramel | Claire Justine

 Dollar Store DIY: Craft Ribbon Pumpkin | Momma D Jane 

Saying Goodbye To My Special Home | Simple Nature Decor

If you were featured, grab our button!

Let's link up!

Best of the Weekend Party #230

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Is there a celebrity that you dream of meeting,
or have had the good fortune to see up close and personal? 

Working at a television network, and living in New York City offered me 
quite a few opportunities to be in close proximity to famous people.
Celebrity sightings have been so numerous over the years,
I can't even remember them all, but a few stand out:
Al Pacino, Billy Crystal, Paul Simon and George Carlin were spotted in restaurants.
Harrison Ford, Sofia Vergara, Al Roker, and Bill Murray were seen on the streets.

Oh, yes, there was the time that Bruce Springsteen 

got a kiss on the cheek from me when I was in college
(It's a long story, but, no, he did not kiss me back,
and, yes, I am still mortified I did that all these years later).

Many, many celebrities were seen at work events,
most notably Sarah Jessica Parker, John Hamm, Joe Namath......

Spike Lee, Juliana Margulies, Joan Rivers.......

and the cast of True Blood.

I had to crop most of me out of the pic with Joe Manganiello because I looked awful!

Then there was the time I sat next to Dominic Chianese,
(better known as "Uncle Junior" from The Sopranos) at a business dinner. 
That story is worth its own separate blog post. 

And a few weeks ago, I had the amazing opportunity 
to get close to someone at the tippy-top of my most favorite celebrity list,
although regretfully, not close enough for a photo 😢..........

Well, Hello, Dolly!

YES!!!  Bette Midler!!!

Okay...........she didn't exactly say, "Well, Hello, Amy!"
But she was a mere five feet away, and spoke to a small group of us. 

Here's how it went down.

Bette's parents met in my hometown.

The director of Hello Dolly, Jerry Zaks, is from my hometown. 
Jerry Zaks' brother, Allen, is on the board of an organization 
 I belong to which preserves artifacts of our hometown. 

Are you with me so far?

When tickets for Hello, Dolly became hotter than a skillet that just came out of a 500° oven,
Allen Zaks called his bro and got a block of tickets for members of our organization. 
Aaaaaand........he asked if Jerry could arrange to have us meet Bette after the show!
Given the hometown connections between 
Bette, Jerry and the members of the organization, she said YES!

Before I get to the "meeting," let it first be noted that Hello, Dolly was FANTASTIC!
It ranks as one of the best Broadway shows I've ever seen.

When Bette came out on stage, 
the cheering from the crowd was close to deafening. 
Everything about this show was spectacular..........
the set design, the costumes, the choreography, 
and of course, the well-known music. 

(Here's a little trivia fact: Hello, Dolly was the first Broadway show my parents took us to.  
We saw it with Pearl Bailey and Cab Calloway).

After the show, our group was told to remain in the theater until everyone else left.
We moved up to the first few rows (there were about 50 of us).
Aunt Goo Shoes and I were right in the front row.
Absolutely no photos were allowed, 
so I've got nothing to show you in that regard......
In fact, this may be the most boring batch of photos I've ever put on my blog. 😞

And then.....out walked Bette, onto the stage......
right in front of us.
It was so exciting......I swear, I felt the room swayin'!
Bette spoke to us about her parents' connection to our home town,
and about her role in Hello, Dolly.
She was warm, and charming, and funny!

After that, Jerry Zaks talked to us about what it's like to work with Bette,
what his next projects are.......
(Note to self: Get tickets a.s.a.p. for Meteor Shower with Amy Schumer),
and, what his parents thought when he switched from pre-med at Dartmouth 
to be a theater major.......
Oy Vey!
Hearing how Jerry Zaks.......
a guy who went to the same high school as I did........made it big........was a real treat.

Afterwards, Aunt Goo Shoes and I were total dweebs, and waited by the stage door, 
hoping for one more chance to see Bette up close.
No dice.

As for "meeting" Bette Midler, 
I can tell you one thing about the Divine Miss M.........
 She's still glowin', she's still crowin', she's still goin' strong!. 

Friday, October 20, 2017


   Hello, friends.....welcome to Best of the Weekend!
Tonight, we are saying goodbye to our friend and co-host, Cindy,
from Little Miss Celebration.
After a lot of soul searching, Cindy has decided to stop blogging,
and tonight is her final BOTW party. 
Cindy is one of the original co-hosts of BOTW,
and it is because of her efforts and passion 
that we have one of the most successful link parties in blogdom. 
We will miss Cindy terribly, and wish her all the best going forward.
I know it would mean a lot to Cindy 
 if you stopped by her blog tonight to wish her well.

That said, we are looking for new co-hosts.
If you'd like to be considered for that role,
please contact Ginnie, Paula or me and let us know! 
Leave a comment below, 
or email me at

Let's party!

 We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last week's most clicked:

Thanksgiving Hacks To Help You Have The Best Thanksgiving Ever | Run To Radiance

 A few of my favorites from last week:

If you were featured, grab our button!

Let's link up!

Friday, October 13, 2017


Hi, everyone!
Welcome to Best of the Weekend

If you're happy it's Friday, raise your hand!
I've got both of mine raised high.

It's Parents Weekend at Junior Goo Shoes' school!
We'll drive up tomorrow morning, 
and spend the day hanging out on campus.
We'll go to a game, attend a lecture, 
and take JGS out for a good meal. 
It's supposed to be a gorgeous day,
and the campus should be especially beautiful 
with the leaves starting to turn colors. 
Stay tuned for some photos!

And now, let's start this party!

 We'd appreciate it if you'd follow your co-hosts!


We feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

All of our features are pinned to our Best of the Weekend board! 

Last week's most clicked:

5 Steps To Decluttering An Overwhelming Space | Setting My Intention

 A few of my favorites from last week:

If you were featured, grab our button!

Let's link up!