"And we're going to get through it because we are New York, and because we've dealt with a lot of things, and because we are smart. You have to be smart to make it in New York And we are resourceful and we are showing how resourceful we are. And because we are united, and when you are united, there is nothing you can't do. And because we are New York tough. We are tough. You have to be tough. This place makes you tough. But it makes you tough in a good way. We are going to make it because I love New York, and I love New York because New York loves you."
"New York loves all of you. Black and white and brown and Asian and short and tall and gay and straight. New York loves everyone. That's why I love New York. It always has, it always will. And at the end of the day, my friends, even if it is a long day, and this is a long day, love wins. Always. And it will win again through this virus. Thank you."
- NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
March 25, 2020
I want the noise, the grit, the crowded sidewalks.
I want the neon lights on Broadway, the billboards.
and the skyscrapers.
I want the concrete, the hot dog carts, and the tourists who walk too slowly.
I want the bagels, the Michelin restaurants, and the sea of yellow taxis.
I want to saunter through Bryant Park, when it's packed at lunch time.

I want to sit on the steps of the New York Public Library right next to total strangers.

I want to sit shoulder to shoulder with 20,000 folks in Madison Square Garden.

I want to join a gaggle of gawkers gathered on the sidewalk to watch the street performers.
Please get well soon, New York City.
The world needs you, healthy and strong.
With love,