Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"I'd Rather Do Anything But Cook" - Super Easy, Super Fast Cole Slaw

Do you have five minutes? That's all it will take to make this homemade, low-fat cole slaw.

It finally feels like summer around here, and not just because the thermometer (or as Junior Goo Shoes used to call it, the "degree-er") hit 94, but because JGS left for sleep-away camp on Saturday. 

He'll be gone for seven weeks.   SEVEN WEEKS. 

Now, before you go all "How Can You Let Your Kid Be Away From You All That Time" on me, you should know that there is no place on earth that Junior Goo Shoes would rather be than at camp. 

And, as an only child, it's really good for him to have to share stuff, and live with other kids, since he doesn't get any practice with that at home.

As the camp bus pulled away, Mr. Goo Shoes and I clinked our champagne glasses cried our eyes out. 

It's always so hard to say goodbye.

Did I mention that Junior GS came home two days after he left? 


He came home for his 8th Grade graduation last night. 

Usually, we ship him off, and don't get to see him until a few weeks later on Visiting Day
(you won't want to miss my post on that insanity). But, last fall's Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc on the school calendar this year, so for the first time ever, camp started before school ended.

We didn't want Junior GS to miss the first weekend at camp, so Mr. Goo Shoes and I left at the crack of dawn yesterday to drive 3 hours to pick him up, and then turned right around to drive three hours back.

The things we do for our kids.

Has anyone ever gotten a good picture at a school event? 
Graduation was really special…a milestone that we wouldn't have wanted to miss...worth the 6-hour shlep. 

And what was even more special, was that another parent drove him back this morning. 

When he left, I felt really sad.

But, after six summers of shipping Junior GS off to camp, I don't sob anymore when he leaves, since I know that he's in his happy place.

And it makes for one heckuva seven weeks for me and Mr. Goo Shoes ;)

So, about the cole slaw? When Junior GS is away for the summer, it's an opportunity for Mr. Goo Shoes and I to eat all of the foods that JGS wouldn't touch with a 10-foot fork:  

Quinoa salad. 
Cole slaw. 
Too many other foods to mention.

I clipped this recipe from Martha Stewart's Everyday Foods magazine a few years ago. As if it isn't easy enough, I had to simplify it even more, by using packaged shredded red cabbage. Yes, I am that lazy...I don't want to bother chopping up a cabbage. I mean, what for, if someone's already done that step for me? 

When I first started making this, the shredded cabbage came in 10-ounce bags. Now, they are 8-ounce bags, and I'm sure the price is more. Funny how that happens.  

Be sure to make the cole slaw at least one hour before you eat it, but I highly recommend that you give it a few hours to have the flavors blend. 

It only makes about 4 servings, so if you're going to prepare this for a crowd, or you're serving super-big eaters, you'll need to double, triple or maybe even octuple it. 
The recipe calls for a half small red cabbage, so honestly, unless you've got something better to do with the other half of the cabbage, just make a double batch. Or, buy the bag, like I do.

The red cabbage and the green cilantro look really pretty, so it makes for an attractive side dish at a barbeque. It would look very colorful sitting next to a bowl of my Black Bean Salad. 

Are you ready to give it a try?

Red Cabbage Cole Slaw 
(From Martha Stewart's Everyday Foods magazine)

1/2 Small Red Cabbage, cored and thinly sliced (or 8-ounce bag shredded red cabbage)
1/4  Cup Reduced-Fat Mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons White-Wine Vinegar
2 Teaspoons Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Coarse Salt
1/8 Teaspoon Ground Pepper
2 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Cilantro

In a large bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, white-wine vinegar, sugar, coarse salt, and ground pepper.  

Add the cabbage; toss to coat with dressing.  Refrigerate, covered, for at least 1 hour and up to overnight.  

Just before serving, stir in the cilantro. 

That's all there is to it.

It's so good. It tasted even better without having to hear Junior GS complain about it.


Linking to 
Debbiedoo's Thursday Fun In The Sun Linky Party
A Little Claireification's Best of the Weekend Friday
On Sutton Place's Pinterest Blitz Party Saturday
Barns and Noodles and It's Overflowing Creative Linky Party Saturday
Nifty Thrifty Things for Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Jam Hands Recipe Sharing Monday
Till next time,

Ms. Toody



  1. That slaw looks delicious. I'm going to have to add cabbage to my grocery list this week. Now, about camp... I am so glad to hear your son loves it. When I was a Girl Scout I dreaded it because the rain Gods always blessed us that week, and there is nothing worse than spending nearly your entire time at camp in a wet tent. I can only imagine if I had camped for 7 weeks we'd have had to build an arc :)

    1. Aha! So now I know why you must go "glamping!" Too many rainy tent experiences! Fortunately, at JGS' camp, they sleep in bunks.He couldn't tolerate a tent, wet or dry for seven weeks!

  2. That was suppose to be Ark - lol!

  3. Congrats to your son on his graduation. I guess that means he will be going to highschool next year? So glad that he will be enjoying his summer alongside good friends. Going to camp will be fun for him. I recall going when I was in 4th grade and loved it! He's making memories. That coleslaw looks good. My husband is the cole slaw maker at our house. He loves to cook and coleslaw is one of his faves. Yours is pretty!

    1. Thanks, Kelly - Yes, high school next year! How the heck did that happen so fast??? You are lucky to have a husband who loves to coo!

  4. I love cole slaw but I have to admit that most of the time I buy it at our local farmer's market. Yours looks delicious and I love the low cal aspect!

    1. I bet it's great from a farmer's market! There aren't many places around here where I can buy cole slaw that I really like…and definitely not low fat!

  5. Cole Slaw is one of my favorites, I get stuck in a rut using the green cabbage though. Love the colors in this, so going to have to get out of my "box" and get some red cabbage next time! thanks for sharing your recipe!

  6. Sounds delightful and I love the bright color! I want to experiment with different salads this summer so this is going right on my list! Have fun the next few weeks!


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