Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, August 9, 2013

"The End"… A Tour Of Montauk, NY

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Last week, we vacationed at The End. But, before I get to that, I'm taking you back to The Beginning.

In this case, "the beginning" I'm talking about is 15-ish years ago...when I was trying to get pregnant. 

I was reaching both the end of my rope, and my eggs, 


…since a "baby" Goo Shoes didn't seem to be in our future, we decided to pursue our dream of owning a house near the beach. We were living in Manhattan, and needed an escape from the city.

Actually...we just needed more closet space.

We had spent many summers on the east end of Long Island, NY, and decided to focus our search in the village of East Hampton. It didn't take too long before we found the perfect house.

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

With my thoughts having turned from layettes to layouts, I was completely distracted from thoughts of pregnancy, which was when, of course…

I got pregnant.

As Mr. Goo Shoes likes to tell it, he had a contract for a house in one hand, and a positive pregnancy test in the other.

A happy dilemma!

We decided, what the heck! Let's do both! 

Having a baby and a beach house was a dream -- no make that two dreams -- come true. 

It was a time for new beginnings... 

Baby Goo Shoes said his first word in that house -- "ah-pah" (airplane)…

…it's where he first slept through the entire night…

…and where he took his first steps…  

He used to call East Hampton "Eas Tam Tam." 

So Cute. 

We had the house for about 3 1/2 years, but when we decided to move from the city to the 'burbs, there was no need...and no budget...for a second house. 

That last day in East Hampton, when we pulled out of the driveway, I never thought it would be ten years before we came back out to that part of Long Island.

But it was. And when we finally came back, we went to The End. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Montauk, that is.  

Also known as "The End."

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The End of Long Island. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

While most of the Hamptons attract the rich and famous (as well as common folk like us), Montauk is the antithesis of the posh Hamptons. 

It's the un-Hampton.  
Very laid back. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Montauk is all about the beaches….

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
No, that is not Mr. and Ms. Goo Shoes ;)

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Our first trip back to the east end of Long Island was last summer.  It made us realize how much we missed it, so we decided to come back again this summer. 

We stayed at a hotel that had a perfect view of the ocean, and if you've been following me, you know I like a room with a view

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The hotel itself was "meh," but the location was perfect. 

Maybe we should have stayed at this hotel, but it's a block from the beach, so no view. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We could have parked our car at the hotel and not used it the entire time we were there, because so much is within walking distance. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

But...we wanted to hit all of our favorite places.

When it comes to restaurants, our fave in Montauk is Harvest on Fort Pond. It's upscale, yet casual, dining. It's such a treat to sit in the garden outside. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Just beyond the garden is the restaurant's namesake, Fort Pond, which has the most amazing sunsets.

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The food is, hands down, the best in Montauk, if not in all the Hamptons (at least according to Mr. Goo Shoes and me). The portions are meant for two people, which we did not know the first time we went. This time, we ordered one appetizer and a designer pizza, and still took home a doggie-bag. Why did I not take a picture of that amazing pizza? 

On the opposite end of the dining spectrum is Lunch in Amagansett, just down the road from Montauk. It's really called The Lobster Roll, but everyone calls it Lunch because of the big sign on the roof.  

It's a glorified shack, and is extremely family-friendly, but don't drop your lobster roll if a famous celebrity sits down next to you. Everyone who is anyone, and anyone who is no one, eats at Lunch.

Oh, and yes, you can eat dinner at Lunch, too. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We've been going there for years, and I remember one time, when I was pregnant, and eating my lobster roll...I actually said...

"Once the baby is born, life won't be that different...
we'll do everything we've always done, 
just with a tiny person tagging along." 

Are you laughing your head off?  How naive I was! I really didn't know what I didn't know!

Back to things I do know about...The clam chowder at Lunch is outrageous…

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

...but it's lobster rolls that they're known for. You cannot go to the Hamptons and not have a lobster roll at Lunch. 
It's required. 
It's the law.

Legend has it that the lobster roll was invented here. It is definitely the best I've ever had. We ordered lobster rolls for dinner and two more 'to go' to have for lunch the next day on the beach.

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

In all the times we've been to Montauk, we'd never been to the Lighthouse, so we went to check it out this time. It is literally at the very END of Long Island.

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Little factoid: This was the first lighthouse in NY State, commissioned by President George Washington. It still operates, but there is a museum, which gives you a feel for what it was like when it was built back in 1796.

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We climbed 137 steps to the top to check out the glorious views. 

"The End" … A Tour of Montauk NY  by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It was a perfect little vacation. 

The next time we come, we'll have to bring Junior Goo Shoes out here to show him where it all began...back when he was just a Baby Goo Shoes.


  1. The story of how you became pregnant was adorable. "Eas-Tam-Tam" had me laugh. And the chowder made my mouth water.

    1. Thanks, Magali. I guess everything happens for a reason! Wish I could send you some chowder!

  2. A great post Amy! I've love all the photos and the story is lovely. Thanks for sharing something so special with us.

    Hugs from Jerez

  3. What a fun journey you had... The color of the sea (esmerald) is very impressive. It is nice to be able to walk through that trip in your compagny.

  4. quel beau reportage de magnifiques vacances,je vous envie !

    et bravo pour le bebe et la maison ;o)

  5. Hi Amy,

    I know it says in your profile that you gave up a lengthy career in the TV industry to become a 'New Domestic', but after visiting Montauk and East Hampton with you, I think, (and now this is JUST a hunch), may be, THE quintessential 'BloGuide'! Yep, just christened a new career especially for you! No ladders to climb, glass ceilings to break, or heels to haul on the subway, simply stupendous sightseeing leadership skills in cypberspace! Thanks for the terrific tour, all the history and details and LOVED your 'Eas-Tam-Tam' home!


  6. Your pictures and descriptions make me want to go to The End!! Gorgeous! And close enough to me....I live in Upstate NY. Visiting from Bloglovin' and Facebook Blog Hop and following you via GFC!

    1. Make your plans, AnnMarie! Thanks for coming by and following.

  7. Wonderful post! You made me want to visit! Your pictures are beautiful and I loved your story too. When my kids were little, my in laws had a house on Martha's Vineyard and they have such wonderful memories there!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I LOVE Martha's Vineyard…such a special place. You are lucky to have spent so much time there. And thank you again for the feature!

  8. Wow - fabulous beaches and waves. I like a beach with BIG waves!
    Re the lobster roll - I'm sure they're delicious but tout le monde knows that lobster rolls were invented in Nova Scotia!!! (my story, and I'm sticking to it)

    1. I would bet they were not really invented in NY, not when lobsters don't frequent the shores here! ;)

  9. Love your story and LOVE your almost what Australian beaches will look like when this cold, dreary winter is over ... SO great to see the warmth!!

    1. Hi, happy you stopped by for a bit of warmth all the way from Australia! Thanks!

  10. Fantastic photos and blog post!I love it!

  11. What a beautiful island to vacation on! I've never been to the northern beaches. They look gorgeous. I like how natural they look (a bit more rustic than the southern beaches). Sounds like that place has special meaning to you which makes it an even better place to visit. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos!

    1. Hi Kelly, the east end of Long Island will always hold a place in our hearts! The beaches near the lighthouse are very rustic, but where the hotels are, is pretty much like most ocean beaches. Long Island beaches generally have beautiful dunes, but we noticed this year that they were pretty much wiped out in Montauk because of Superstorm Sandy. I would love to get to Georgia beaches someday...

  12. Great post! The sunset reflection photo is beautiful!

  13. This is awesome. I loved learning more about you!

  14. Hi Amy! What a nice feature on a place that I have never visited but hear about so often from family friends. Through your eyes, you have transported me to a place that feels historical, magnificent, and downright accessible (I, like Montauk, am proudly un-Hampton). Could your lobster role pics and rave come at a worse time (reading in bed at half past midnight. Thankfully I am in the Boston area and can grab a lobster roll tomorrow when I wake, but it seems nothing like yours!
    Your story about your beginning is so personal. Thank you for sharing it. Mad the post even more special.
    BTW, I love the way you feature and photograph your out and about days in NY/ NJ. You are my eyes and ears, Amy!

    1. Hi BP, hope you managed to have a lobster roll today! Thank you so much for your kind words about my posts. It means a lot :) Have a wonderful stay in Boston!

  15. Things always happen when you least expect them!

    Nice post.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  16. This looks like the perfect vacation spot! You have so many beautiful photos that I can't pick one more than another as a favourite. I like the figurative and literal "end."

  17. Thanks, Claire, glad you have a way to satisfy you lobstah and chowdah cravings! Glad you liked the post :) And yes, go visit the Hamptons/Montauk!

  18. A Happy Dilemma indeed. Your dream home looks lovely. Long island is one part of the plant that I am very keen to visit. Looks like your trip was terrifc. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Carolyn - Desire Empire

  19. thanks for the tour never been and it was nice to take a nice short and quick vacation to Montauk!

  20. I love beaches, what a beautiful place for a vacation. I love the lighthouse! And the food sounds and looks delicious. Thanks for taking me along, have a happy week!

    1. Glad you came by to have a look! Hope you have a happy week, too

  21. How lovely! And what a great story :) I have always wanted to visit Montauk and your photos have definitely convinced me. What a beautiful place!

  22. You have some wonderful photos but I especially like the ones with the waves coming inland.

  23. It looks so gorgeous out there! I loved your stories and the fact that you didn't think much would change after having a baby...I remember thinking that before we had kids too - HA! We said we would continue going to the Caribbean just as much as ever. Fast forward to when my son was one and we took a vacation to Puerto Rico with him...not exactly a relaxing getaway! Oh well...things change! Thanks for taking us along and for linking up to Take Me Away again!


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