Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City

A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Photo by Aunt Goo Shoes
Doesn't it just cheese you off when you have an idea for a blog post, and it just doesn't pan out?

Well, this is that post. Or it would have been, if Aunt Goo Shoes (my sister) hadn't come to the rescue. 

On Wednesday, I had to go into New York City for lunch with a former co-worker, a dentist appointment, and dinner with a friend.

Mr. Goo Shoes suggested that I re-schedule my plans because of all the traffic there would be, due to pre-Super Bowl festivities. 

Actually, his suggestion was more like, "you're crazy to go into the city today with that Super Bowl mess...and on top of that, it's Matinee day."  (all of the Broadway shows have afternoon shows on Wednesdays, which usually creates lots of traffic).

I had already rescheduled these appointments because of a snow storm, so I didn't want to cancel. I gave myself lots of extra time, and headed in.

There was no traffic. 

I made it in 45 minutes. Of course, I had to text Mr. Goo Shoes to gloat. 

Since I had time to kill, I walked over to Times Square to see what "Super Bowl Boulevard" was all about. Times Square was turned into a 10-block pedestrian walkway filled with Super Bowl activities.  I thought Junior Goo Shoes would like to see pictures of it, and that it would make for a fun blog post.

A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

And it would have been, except that most of my pictures were awful. It was about 15 degrees, and my fingers were so frozen, I could barely push the shutter.

I abandoned the post. 

That is, until I saw Aunt Goo Shoes' photos on Facebook tonight.

So I stole them.

With her permission, of course. 

Enjoy your walk down Super Bowl Boulevard...
mostly courtesy of Aunt Goo Shoes (a few photos are mine). 

Thank you, Aunt Goo Shoes!

A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Photo by Aunt Goo Shoes

A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Photo by Aunt Goo Shoes

A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Photo by Aunt Goo Shoes
A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
A Walk Down Super Bowl Boulevard in New York City ---by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I think this is the fastest post I've ever written.  There's only 2 days until Super Bowl, so I had to crank it out quickly.

Which reminds me. There's not much time left to enter the Super Bowl of All Giveaways.  You've got until just before kick-off at 6:30pm EST on Sunday, so don't forget to enter!


  1. The Super Bowl is all well and good (and we will be cheering for the Sea Hawks) but what gets me most about this post is that you were in NYC - just like I'd love to visit!

    1. It's only about 25 miles from where I live. I used to commute in every day for work via train or bus, but now when I go in about once a week, I treat myself to driving in. It is great to be able to hop in whenever I want! Come visit!

  2. Replies
    1. It was pretty cool to see that toboggan set up right in the middle of Broadway!

  3. I'd never heard of such a thing!! The toboggan slide looks really fun, though. They should keep that for the winter olympics too!

    1. Crazy, right? I've seen this kind of thing at amusement parks, but in the middle of Times Square? That was a sight!

  4. Fun post!!! :) That toboggan slide looks like a lot of fun ( if dressed for it! :)

    1. It does look like fun - but not enough for me to do it. My son would love it, though!

  5. I love seeing things like this - I would love to be close enough to NYC and just go in for the day like you can. Happy Super Bowl Weekend :-)

    1. Happy SB weekend, to you, too, Vicki! Yes, it is great to live close to NY. I lived in NY for over 20 years, commuted to work daily once we moved to NJ, and now I drive in once a week to have lunch or dinner with friends. It is only about 25 miles; it's just the traffic that is usually terrible!

  6. I wish it wasn't so cold, and I wish I had known what was there before I went, because I missed a lot. Did someone say "shopping therapy?" I'm in!

  7. I was in New York once...and it was crazy. I am definitely not a city girl.

    1. Yeah, it's crazy...and it's wonderful at the same time. But it can be overwhelming!

  8. It was fun to see the Super Bowl festivities going on in NY. Today is the big day now! Don't know how people will be able to sit through it in the frigid temps, but maybe their adrenaline and excitement will warm them up.

    1. The weather turned out to be a big surprise - it was 50 degrees today! After our frigid temps, it warmed up in time for the game, and the snow is expected to start after the game ends. What timing!

  9. I went to see the stuff around Cowboy Stadium three years ago during our huge ice storm. It was deserted because no one could drive in it. It really is amazing the lengths they will go to transform a city for it. I love the super bowl- super bowl food that is! I don't care about the football.
    I am sure you are making something yummy tonight. Have fun.

    1. How could I have not realized that you would be a Cowboy fan?!?!?! That would make us rivals :) I like the food and the game, so I can't wait. We were invited to a friend's, so I am bringing wine and dessert -- made a batch of smore's brownies! Enjoy, Katie!

  10. Replies
    1. I wish I could have gone back on a warmer day to appreciate it more!

  11. Amy,

    Wonderful and exciting pics of the city in all its Superbowl insanity!

    You must be smack in the middle of the big event, itself, right now! Enjoy!


    1. It will start in about an hour. We're headed to a friend's house soon, so I better go get dressed!

  12. It's pretty amazing how they transformed the city!! How exciting that you got to see it all!

    1. I wish it had been a little warmer -- it was so cold, I couldn't enjoy it much! But it was fun to see. Wish I could have brought my son.

  13. Ugghh - this makes me miss Manhattan too much lol - really - | feel a pang Amy -

    1. Next time you need a "fix," c'mon down and I'll meet you for a drink!


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