Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Animal Print Magnetism

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Do you find yourself attracted over and over again to the same color, fabric, texture?

Me? I'm attracted to animal prints.

It's like a powerful magnetic force just pulls me towards them no matter where they might be hiding in a store.  They call to me. And I usually answer. Ca-ching

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I find them irresistible. 

There may be a scientific explanation for this. Seriously!

The phrase "Animal Magnetism" was coined way back in the 18th century by a German doctor who believed animals gave off an invisible natural force, which could have physical effects, such as healing.

Hmmm...Animal Print Magnetism...

I'm positive that is the reason why I always feel better after I buy an animal print throw, or a pillow, or handbag... 

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I like to think of it as my very own version of pet therapy.  
I've never met a room that clashes with animal prints, and I tend to use them as neutrals. 

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Family Room

Whenever I add an animal print element, it brings an energy to the room.

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Guest Room

Of course, they need to be used in the right way...too much of a good thing, is no longer a good thing.

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Family Room

You know what I mean...we've all seen someone in the mall wearing a leopard-print coat, cheetah print boots, and a zebra-striped scarf. No-no-no-no-no. 

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

But as an accent piece? Oh yes. It's similar to the theory that we should always use a little black in every room. Maybe I went a bit overboard in this room. I'll move some to another room. They are neutral, after all.

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Guest Room #2

There's hardly a magazine spread that doesn't feature some sort of animal print object in the room...

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Living Room

...which is kind of like my house. Almost all of my rooms have a little cheetah or leopard in them.

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Family Room

Mr. Goo Shoes isn't a big fan animal prints. I had to use all of my charms to convince him to get these chairs...

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Family Room

I was so charming that he also agreed to this velvet ottoman (which is one of my favorite things)...

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I think they've grown on him. This chair is one of his favorites.

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Master Bedroom

It's not any easier for me to resist animal prints when it comes to my wardrobe.  I often decorate myself in animal prints...sparingly, of course. Never the shoes and tops at the same time...

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 The animal print trend has been around for years, and I hope it never goes away.
Decorating With Animal Prints --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Guest Room #2

Not that I'll change my ways, even if they are no longer fashionable.  A leopard doesn't change it's spots, after all, and neither do I. 

Weekend Bloggy Reading 
Best of the Weekend
A Bouquet Of Talent 
Sunday Showcase 
Metamorphosis Monday 
Tweak It Tuesday 
A Return To Loveliness 
The Scoop 
TIme To Sparkle 
Wow Us Wednesday 
Home and Garden Thursday 
Simple and Sweet Fridays 
Feathered Nest Friday 
Home Sweet Home 
Fabulously Creative Friday 
Tickled Pink Times Two 
Fridays Unfolded 


  1. How cool that we both have a post today called decorating with...
    Love your animal print items.

  2. Yikes - I don't have a single animal print in the house. I think I've been afraid to try, but I do love the throw you have on the sofa. Perhaps it's time for a change at Pondside - things have been pretty static for a few years now............

    1. The throw is great. Junior Goo Shoes wraps himself in it every night...very cozy! Try one little thing, maybe!

  3. My animal print ballet flats are some of my favorite pairs of shoes!! I have three pairs and I'm wild about them. Haha. You have some great pieces here. That ottoman is fabulous! Have a great weekend.

    1. HaHa...I'm wild about mine, too. I wore them a lot last summer with pink jeans. Saw the combo on Pinterest and I was hooked!

  4. I do like a touch of animal print here and there in home decor and in wardrobe. I think it is a nice addition. I remember having cheetah pillows on my sofa many years ago when I used a more vibrant palette. Then I switched to a zebra print when I had more neutrals. Not that either one of them was better for each palette. They definitely add some interest to a room. You've got a nice collection yourself!

    1. When it's all here in one post, it looks more like an obsession than a collection...but then again, I guess I am obsessed!

  5. I'm right there with you! :) And who cares if they should go out of style, so to speak, I'll always have them. You have some lovely pieces...the ottoman is to die for!


    1. Thanks, Pat! I'm glad to hear from another animal-print lover! I do love that ottoman! Wherever I go, it's coming with me!

  6. I don't have animal prints in my decorating, but I love, love yours. That ottoman is heavenly! I do, on occasion, wear a top or bottom that is animal print. Always makes me feel like roaring. ;)

    1. Thanks, Dayle! I was starting to worry that it looked like all those things were in one room! I always feel good wearing an animal print -- Hear Us Roar!

  7. Yes! You and I could go shopping together. :) We have a leopard chair in our family room, a leopard ottoman upstairs, and various little things here and there. I have a leopard purse and a couple of pairs of shoes. We are so cool!!

    1. Yes, we are cool, Stacey! I think it would be fun to shop with a fellow animal-print lover! Glad to hear you have some in your house, too!

  8. I like your style!! And, your pictures look like they came out of a magazine for sure.... beautiful! I think I need to incorporate some of that Magnetism around here. Hear me roar!

    1. Thanks, Rosella! Go get yourself some magnetism! It will make you feel great!

  9. What a GORGEOUS collection Amy - WOW - I've been looking for a little something something in black and white zebra print for the bedroom!
    My son's girlfriend is obsessed with Cheetah - this x-mas I found her the cutest boots - pj's - a lamp - slippers - tights - and a christmas ornament - all in Cheetah lol - super easy to shop for!!!
    LOVE your style - your home is magazine worthy :)
    Much love,

    1. Thank you, Suzan! I started worrying that it looked like all of this was in one room! Fortunately, the "zoo" is spread out all over the house, but I do think it's time to stop buying it now :) Glad to know your son's girlfriend is another cheetah lover!

  10. It's amazing the number of items that you have with animal prints! I really love your shoe collection!

    1. And, I didn't show it all, LOL! It's almost embarrassing how much I have, but at least it's spread out all over the house!

  11. I don't have one, single animal printed piece of fabric in my home. It doesn't seem to jive with my French/English Country style decor. BUT, I do own a few sweaters, a purse, and one pair of flats, quite similar to yours, actually, all in a leopard print. I think one's got to be pretty savvy to pull all these animal printed pretties in one harmonious herd, and you have managed to do this with style and flair and magnetism!


    1. I'm glad to hear that you are at least doing your part and wearing them on your person! Fortunately, my "herd" is spread out all over the house, LOL!

  12. Obviously we have to get some animal prints! You have so many but it works. Had to LOL when we got to the shoe closet. You always makes us smile. Thanks ~ sharon and denise

    1. Yup, I've got lots! And that's just what I showed you, LOL!! I hope it doesn't look I have them all in one room, omg, even I would go crazy!

  13. Denise here - I just found the most amazing PJs for you. Go to and search this - DKNY Wish List Microfleece Top and Pajama Pants Set. AND when you get them you must share a pic. XO

    1. Ha Ha, Denise! I looked, and what color do you think I should get? I think the pink! Oh, yes, I'll be sure to share a pic, LOL! You are TOO funny!

  14. Dear Amy,, I love animal prints too. I really like your style!
    Have a nice Sunday. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  15. WOW you really have some cool ones Amy! My mother-in-law is wild too for the print. Since I met her over 20 years ago, she still loves it. I always find her cool stuff too. She even has an animal print Christmas tree!

    1. An animal print Christmas tree??? Oh, if I celebrated Christmas, I would SO want that!

  16. I love it Amy! You must have been a large cat in your former life :) My mother in-law is very much into wearing these prints (at 81 years old). I don't think you will ever outgrown them if that's any indication. You are such an awesome decorator!

    1. Thanks, Eileen! I love that your mother-in-law wears them, too! As for being a cat in a former life, well, meow! I think you could be right!

  17. I love your animal prints...and your sense of style!! I'm always so nervous to move away from the plain Jane decorating look.Not one of my skills, sadly. I wish it was. I do have a couple animal print tops and belt that I adore!!

    1. I think everyone always feels good wearing their animal prints! Throw one of your tops on the couch to get an idea of what a pillow would look like. GO for it, Michelle!

  18. I have to admit that in this post, it does look like a zoo, LOL! Fortunately, I live in a spacious zoo, so they animal prints are not tripping over each other! Hey, where's my purse???? Thanks for pinning, Claire :)

  19. I have one, as in 1, animal print item...does that count? I think it looks lovely how you have used it in your home

  20. Cannot wait for that picture! It's going big time on BeBetsy's Home Page..... I can see it now.... you, in the pink leopard print jammies.....ha, it's going to be amazing! Don't let us down.....

    1. Oh, Denise, you are killing me!!! Guaranteed to make your page views plummet!

  21. Oh my, I MUST HAVE THAT GORGEOUS BAG RIGHT NOW! (Sorry, didn't mean to scream, but I simply love it!)

  22. i looove animal prints
    and want that tufted ottoman!

    i'm actually toying with
    the idea of carpeting my staircase
    with cheetah print
    but don't know if i'll be brave enough

    would love for you to stop by
    Fridays Unfolded and share!


    1. I've seen pictures of cheetah prints on staircases, and it's gorgeous! But it is a bold move! I'll stop by your linky party.

  23. I can't say that I've been attracted to animal print, but am loving how you've incorprated the various prints in your decor - looks quite lovely! I may have to reconsider ;)! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  24. I'm so impressed with this! I am honored that you shared at Home and Garden Thursday!

  25. Your blogs and its stuff are so notable and worthwhile it can make me return. promotional magnets


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