Did you ever keep a diary?
I did, for several years, when I was a teenager. Most of what I wrote was about boys, or how unfair my parents were...or rather, how unfair I thought they were. Now that I'm the unfair one, I have a slightly different perspective.
I'm too lazy to write in a journal these days...but I thought it would be fun to keep a daily photo diary. I decided to give it a shot for February, and then see if I want to keep going with it. I'll tell you, it is not easy to get a great picture every single day, so please excuse the ones that are so-so...like this first one, for instance.
February 1
Great start to the month: Didn't see Junior Goo Shoes' friend's bike in the driveway, and ran over the tire. Yeah, that's how I roll...literally.
February 2
Most boring Super Bowl game ever? Yes! (Sorry, Peyton). Thank goodness for good friends, commercials, and Mini Nachos.
Early morning snowfall.
February 4
February 5
Six more inches of snow today. Lazy girl's snowman. Junior Goo Shoes says, "Hey, I wanted to wear that hat today!"
February 6
Lunch with one of my oldest friends, who is in from Michigan. Nothing says "New Jersey" like diner food. Some diners say it better than others, though.
February 7
I "Heart" a baking day while watching Opening Ceremonies for the Winter Olympics.
February 8:
Hanging with Mr. Goo Shoe's childhood friends from Brooklyn...and sipping a Blue Hawaiian...or two.
February 9:
Sadie, relaxing on a Sunday afternoon. It's a dog's life.
February 10:
Went to Trader Joe's to get something for dinner; came back with tulips. Needed a spring "fix" bad!
February 11:
Another day, another diner. Had lunch with three friends I've known since childhood. Can we really have known each other for so long? Did I really eat that entire salad?
February 12:
Acorns again for lunch? This guy sits on my deck railing just about every day having his lunch. He must work nearby.

February 13:
Nor'easter came up the coast, and left another 12 inches of snow. I cheated a bit and took this early the next morning, when the sun came out, and ice was gleaming on the tree limbs.
February 14:
Packed up my "Have a Heart" shortbread cookies for my boys, and my bags for Florida! Happy Valentine's Day!
Hello, Florida! Solar therapy badly needed.
February 16:
House-hunting in Florida. Ah, yes, I could live with this as my backyard view.
February 17:
Pina coladas at the pool always taste better when it's snowing at home.

February 18:
Wondering how I can pack up one of these palm trees and bring it home with me.

February 19:
Came home to NJ to find 3-foot long icicles all around the house.
February 20:
Sadie says, "You're not the only ones sick of all this snow. How come you didn't take me to Florida with you?"
February 21:
An interesting juxtaposition...'nuff said.

February 22:
This cardinal looks especially dashing on the white snow.
February 23:
Most unusual sighting at Home Goods ever. Any guesses as to what it is? A giant planter? A bar? A playhouse? Pricetag: $2000. Who wants one?
February 24:
"The dog ate my homework!" No, REALLY!!!
February 25:
Hey, this place is like Grand Central Station! Oh, wait, it IS Grand Central Station. Walking through on my way to meet a friend/former co-worker for lunch.
February 26:
In New York City two days in a row? Note to self: Must have head examined. Meeting a friend in Times Square for lunch.

February 27:
How much wood does a woodpeck peck...oh wait, I think I've got that wrong. Never mind.

February 28:
Morning sun light in the living room.

There's one thing that I learned from taking a picture a day. If you open your eyes wide enough, there is always something worth photographing! Now, if only my photography skills were better...
And with that, I say, Buh-BYE, February! So sorry to see you go -- NOT!
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