Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Walking To Jordan To Have Tea With Camels

Camels in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

If you had to pick one passion, what would it be?

I'm talking about something other than family, friends, etc. You know, more like a hobby...

For me, it is travel...without question.

I want to go everywhere...well, almost. There are a handful of places in this world that I could skip. 

Last December, we were fortunate to take our dream trip to Israel for two weeks. Since I am the travel agent in the family, I insisted that we do a day trip to Jordan in order to see Petra, one of the Seven New Wonders of The World. I didn't know at the time that getting to Petra would be almost as exciting as Petra itself. 

I mean, it isn't everyday that you get to have tea in the desert with camels! 

Camels in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We were staying in the resort town of Eilat, Israel, which is the southernmost tip of the country. From our hotel, we could look across the Red Sea -- yes, the very one Moses parted -- to the mountains of Jordan.  We'd be driving through those mountains on our way to Petra.

View of Jordan from Eilat, Israel --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
A view of Jordan from our hotel in Eilat, Israel

But before that even happened, we had to get to Jordan...and since Moses wasn't around that day to part the waters for us, we had to take a different route. From Israel, there is only one way to do that...


You heard me right. Walk.  As in across the border. 

Walking across the border from Israel to Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We were escorted to the border by an Israeli tour guide. She could only take us so far. After many security checks  of our passports, we had to walk across the border on our own, and we were met on the other side by Elias, our Jordanian tour guide. 

Walking across the border from Israel to Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Words cannot explain this experience. Were we scared? No. We knew a lot of people who had done this same walk. Nervous? A little. I mean, here we were, crossing into a middle eastern country that formerly was an enemy of Israel...on ourselves. But mostly, it was flat-out incredible. And once we were in Elias' hands, any jitters we had were put to rest.

Our drive to Petra would take 2 hours. We started in Aqaba, which is supposed to be "THE" next luxurious resort destination.  Then we headed up into the mountains we had seen across the Red Sea from our hotel in Israel.

Driving through Jordan to Petra --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Driving through Aqaba to Petra.

Driving through Jordan to Petra --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes 

Very soon, we were in the Wadi Rum Desert, riding along the only road that runs through it. 

Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Aerial view of desert flying into Eilat, Israel

I asked Elias if we would see any camels.

"Camels? You want to see camels? I can arrange that."

Next thing we know, we're pulling off the side of the road, to a little tent in the desert...and there were camels! Their quarters were a little shabby, don't you think?

Camels in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We were greeted by a Bedouin man. Seems he had some tourist gig going with Elias. Did we care that these were touristy camels? No, we did not! We were in a real desert, with real camels, and a real Bedouin man. Hello, photo op! 

Camels in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Camels in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The man was lovely, and offered us some tea, which we accepted, because it would have been rude not to. Uh, yeah, I was totally skeeved to think about just how he washed (or didn't wash) those glasses, and how many other tourists drank out of them. But, we survived, and none of us got sick.

Drinking Tea in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We got to take our photos with the camels, and the Bedouin man...which was really what it was all about. I'd show you pictures of us with the camels, but Mr. Goo Shoes, Junior Goo Shoes and Aunt Goo Shoes (yes, she was with us) are shy when it comes to showing their faces on my blog.

You know how camels store water in their humps? Well, who knew they got their supply from bottled water! 

Camels in Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

After enjoying our tea with the camels and our Bedouin friend, we continued on our way to Petra...up, up, up into the mountains. 

From one vantage point, we could see Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Unbelievable.

But nothing, and I mean NOTHING...could prepare us for the spectacle that is Petra. 

More on that next week...

Travel Photo Mondays
Our World Tuesday
Mosaic Monday 
Oh The Places I've Been 
Our World Tuesday 
Travel Photo Thursday 
Weekend Travel Inspiration 
Take Me Away


  1. We went in 1983, but Petra was closed. We haven't been on a good trip in seven years.

    1. Oh, what a shame for it to be closed! We almost missed the Parthenon in Athens because they were on strike!

  2. Phenomenal photos! I don't like to travel, but I have to admit the photo ops would sorely tempt me.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! I think we took about 3000 photos on that trip. Photo ops everywhere!

  3. What an amazing opportunity Amy. Thanks for sharing your travel adventures with us :)

    1. It was the trip of a lifetime, Eileen. I am so grateful that we got to go.

  4. Wow, thanks for the pictures. I would love to go!

    1. Hi Ruthie, it was such an incredible trip. Every day brought amazing experiences.

  5. These pictures really bring home how blessed we are, living in areas of the world where water is plentiful!

    1. You are so right, Merisi. And it was interesting to see the Bedouin people walking and walking for miles in the desert. I'm grateful for transportation, too!

  6. You ended on a cliffhanger! I will definitely be tuning in next week to find out what Petra is like. I've been intrigued about visiting Petra but never gave much thought on how to actually get there. I had no idea that a border crossing on foot may be involved. I'm interested to hear if your return journey went well, too. I'd love to visit camels sometime. However, it turns out that the rest of my family is anti-camel. It's one of those things that I didn't look into when figuring out if I should marry hubby, but I guess it's not really a deal breaker. We had a chance to ride camels in Australia at Ayers Rock, but no one else was keen on the idea. I'm glad I could enjoy it through you.

    1. LOL, Michele! The things that we should check before marrying! I would HIGHLY recommend Petra...glad you'll be tuning in for that post!

    2. Michele, I forgot to mention that I was watching House Hunters International on HGTV, and they were looking in Malaysia, so I got to see some video of the area which was very cool!

  7. Great photo ops indeed! Funny how sometimes the little side trips are the most memorable! We were in Israel 2 years ago but Petra was not on our agenda - can't wait to see your post on this area!

    1. Thanks, Rosella. I know, we had no idea that the ride to Petra would be it's own adventure!

  8. Replies
    1. It was awesome, Katie. Hoping to crank out the Petra post by end of week.

  9. What an amazing trip! Your pictures are beautiful. I had to laugh about the tea incident. I would've been nervous about that too. LOL.

    1. I know, it was a bit creepy, and we all looked at each other before drinking that tea, but we didn't want to hurt the man's feelings. And the tea was so good!

  10. I was in Israel many years ago, and the experience has stayed with me in a BIG way. I didn't get to Petra - would love to go now. I too have a passion for travel........and a new passion....kayaking.

    1. Kayaking! I have never really done it (except in the lake at my son's camp, which hardly counts). I hope you share some of your kayaking adventures!

  11. I know, if I don't plan it, we don't go...except for beach vacations.. that my husband will always suggest! I want to go back to Italy so badly! Only went once...

  12. Such lovely shots. Wonderful one of the camel drinking from the bottle of water!

    1. Thanks so much, and thank you for hosting the link party. I just subscribed via email.

  13. These are great photos! Love the water bottle.

    1. Thanks, Corinne! It was a fun experience. I just popped over to your blog -- Loved it, and signed up!

  14. Looking forward to Petra! What an incredible journey!

    1. Thanks! It was pretty fantastic! I'm so happy that we made the decision to go. Thanks so much for stopping here at my blog!

  15. What an exciting trip! I love your photos!

    1. Thank you, Laura! I'm really happy we made the decision to add this onto our Israel trip.

  16. Dear Amy, I loved reading your post and I can't wait to read more. I would have wondered the same thing, "how were these glasses washed and when and who drank from them last???" lol
    It sounds like such an exciting and historical and adventuresome time. All I kept thinking of was Indiana Jones.
    Thank you for sharing. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

    1. Thanks, Catherine! It was one of the most exciting things I've ever done! We kept expecting to see Indiana Jones around every bend, LOL!

  17. I think I would like to visit Jordan in this way. I wondered why the camels had carpets on them - tourist camels! I love camels they faces are so expressive and I haven't been spat on yet. Fingers Crossed. :)

  18. Hi Amy,

    Don't know how I missed this amazing post!! Wow! What drama, the scenery, the walk over the border, the tea, the camels! The third photo of Jordan, from your hotel is INCREDIBLE!! Thanks so much for being OUR guide on this most memorable trip!


    1. Thanks Poppy! It was an incredible day. I thought I'd get Part 2 posted about Petra this week, but...I somehow ran out of time! I will definitely get to it next week.

  19. Wow, what an amazing place to visit. The scenery and the camels are wonderful.. a great travel experience. I would say travel is my favorite "hobby" , I want to go everywhere too. Thanks for sharing your trip! Have a great week ahead!

    1. It's great to meet another "traveler!" I'm always thinking about where I want to go next, but I keep changing my mind!

  20. this is nice example of good post because you have added so many image with your post.
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  21. Ooooo, can't wait for the next installment!

  22. What an adventure! Beautiful pictures of what must have been an amazing trip!

  23. Love this post and your fabulous photos! I am so glad I've discovered your blog via these link ups. . . seems we both decided to give up the 'dress for success' life and do some living! I'll be back!

    1. Thank you so much - you made my day! It's great doing some living, isn't it!

  24. Petra has been at the top of my bucket list for a long time, I may be a new visitor, but I will be back next week to see your photos. Two years ago we had a similar plan to yours, walking across the boarder from Israel to a guide in Jordan but our plans changed and we missed that portion of the middle east. Wonderful camel photos and I love the way you tell your story. Visiting from weekend travel inspiration.

  25. Oh how fun! I can't imagine seeing camels in real life in their natural habitat. I bet it's not every tourist that can say they got to have tea with camels in the desert.


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