Did the month of April fly by in a nanosecond, or what?
I can't get my arms around the fact
that tomorrow, it will already be May 1.
There are months, and there are months.
April was SUCH a month.
After March being as dull as dull could be,
April was one of the best months I've had...
well, in months!
The weather warmed up,
Flowers started blooming,
I did a bit of traveling,
and Mr. Goo Shoes and I celebrated
our 20th wedding anniversary!!!
I hope that you are going to link up
with Claire (a little CLAIREification) and I
starting tonight at midnight for our
Show Us Your April Party!
Don't worry, if your not quite ready tomorrow,
the party will be open for about a week.
We'd love to see what you've been up to
this past month...
Every day has a story, after all.
What's yours?
Here's some snaps from my April.
April 1I hope that you are going to link up
with Claire (a little CLAIREification) and I
starting tonight at midnight for our
Show Us Your April Party!
Don't worry, if your not quite ready tomorrow,
the party will be open for about a week.
We'd love to see what you've been up to
this past month...
Every day has a story, after all.
What's yours?
Here's some snaps from my April.
Remember I told you I saw these wacky soaps? I decided I had to have this, and put it in Junior Goo Shoes' bathroom for an April Fools joke. Aha! I can make him laugh in the morning!
April 2
Flowers from Mr. Goo Shoes...because.
April 3
Spotted outside Harney and Sons tea shop in Soho, NYC, on the way to my hair appointment.
April 4
A weekend in Boston with my sister and girl cousins for a wedding!
SO many laughs -- Can anyone say "Depends?" We had a view of
Faneuil Hall from our hotel room.
April 5
Our cousin and his beautiful bride! What a wedding! Glorious views of Boston from the 33rd floor of The State Room. My way overdue post about Boston is coming soon.
April 6
So much fun walking around Boston. Yes, those are sneakers filled with flowers in the window boxes. Love the reflection of blue sky in the windows with the white curtains.
April 7
Coming in for a landing at Birdbath International.
April 8
First blooms of the spring season!
April 9
I can't believe that one of the Faberge eggs on display at Rockefeller Center has a picture of ME on it!
April 10
I think this cardinal knows I've been stalking him.
April 11
Three years ago this week, we were in Bruges, Belgium. This has to be one of the most picturesque spots ever, even waterlogued.
April 12
April 13
Cruise Day 1: Ship departing out of NYC. The Statue of Liberty is balancing our police escort on her torch. I cannot believe I got this photo!
April 14
Cruise Day 2: At sea, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of the Carolinas, maybe?
April 15
Cruise Day 3: Excursion to Kennedy Space Center at the Atlantis space shuttle exhibit.
April 16
Cruise Day 4: Remember The Kids In The Hall? - I'm crushing the cruise ship!
April 17
Cruise Day 5: The tip of Paradise Island.
April 18
Cruise Day 6: Taking a cake decorating class! So much fun! Wait till I show you my cake!
April 19
Cruise Day 7: "G54."
HOLY CRAP!!! I won the Jackpot! What a way to end the cruise!
April 20
Beautiful blossoms are a perfect "welcome home" from our cruise.
April 21
In need of a little spring on the front porch.
April 22
I'm all conflicted. It's Earth Day and Jelly Bean Day. I'm stepping up
my conservation efforts with a mouthful of jellybeans.
April 23
Shopping mall ritual: Frozen yogurt for lunch.
April 24
Happy 20th Anniversary to us! Junior Goo Shoes made us this cheesecake, because he wanted us to have something special on our anniversary. We do -- him.
April 25
Beautiful fabrics at Pearl River Mart in Soho, NYC. If only I sewed...

April 26
Friends catching up at the local bath.
April 27
Are you kidding me? Skateboarding on my hardwood kitchen floor? Wait -- let me take a picture before I yell at you!
April 28
Pre-lunch photo shoot in Columbus Circle, NYC, flanked by Time Warner Center towers.
April 29
My friend Jacky, a 62-year old fashion model, on the Today Show this morning!
April 30
Closing out the month with a cold, rainy day...but it's warm inside with my sweet Sadie girl.
See you at the linky party starting at midnight tonight!
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