How did it get to be the end of May so fast?
After the longest winter ever,
spring is zipping by way too quickly for me.
After the longest winter ever,
spring is zipping by way too quickly for me.
The first order of business is to thank those
who participated in "Show Us Your April."
I loved having a peak into your day-to-day,
and the creative ways you packaged your photos.
who participated in "Show Us Your April."
I loved having a peak into your day-to-day,
and the creative ways you packaged your photos.
A special thank you to my friend, Claire,
who co-hosted the party with me.
Check out a sampling of everyone's photos, below,
and hop on over to their blogs for a visit.
Tell them Ms. Toody sent you.
Check out a sampling of everyone's photos, below,
and hop on over to their blogs for a visit.
Tell them Ms. Toody sent you.
This past month for me was all about enjoying the outdoors,
so lots of photos from around the homestead.
Without further ado...
"May" I show you my photos?
May 1
Today is Show Us Your April party day! The nice thing about so few link-ups is that everyone gets featured!
Photos 1 & 2: Corinne at Reflections Enroute
Photos 3 & 4: Debra at Frugal Little Bungalow
Photos 5 & 6: AnnMarie at Musings of a Vintage Junkie
Photos 7 & 8: Claire at A Little Claireification
Photos 9 & 10: Chel at Sweetbriar Dreams
Photos 11 & 12: Jenn at Jenn's Random Scraps
Photos 13 & 14: Katie at Let's Add Sprinkles
Photos 15 & 16: Zenda at Lady of the Manor
Photos 3 & 4: Debra at Frugal Little Bungalow
Photos 5 & 6: AnnMarie at Musings of a Vintage Junkie
Photos 7 & 8: Claire at A Little Claireification
Photos 9 & 10: Chel at Sweetbriar Dreams
Photos 11 & 12: Jenn at Jenn's Random Scraps
Photos 13 & 14: Katie at Let's Add Sprinkles
Photos 15 & 16: Zenda at Lady of the Manor
May 2
I could sit outside all day and take pictures of birds. I think they are onto me now, because they are actually posing.
I could sit outside all day and take pictures of birds. I think they are onto me now, because they are actually posing.
May 3
Yes, I really did pull right off the road on the way to pick up take-out sushi to take this picture. "I'm always chasing rainbows..."
Yes, I really did pull right off the road on the way to pick up take-out sushi to take this picture. "I'm always chasing rainbows..."
May 4
Red, white and blue.
Red, white and blue.
May 5
Bleeding Hearts are bloody gorgeous.
Bleeding Hearts are bloody gorgeous.
May 6
Glad I had time to stop at Bryant Park before meeting a friend for lunch on this perfect spring day.
Glad I had time to stop at Bryant Park before meeting a friend for lunch on this perfect spring day.
May 7
No t-shirts for me from souvenir was a whisk! I used it to whip up my fondant birthday cake.
May 8
Celebrating my sister's birthday tonight! She's still younger than me, darn it.
May 9
Six turkeys crossed the road...why? I don't know, but only two of them signed the release allowing me to use their picture.
May 10
I set up an "open bar" for local hummingbirds, but so far no takers. What am I doing wrong, I wonder? No pretzels, maybe?
May 11
Mother's Day gift from Junior Goo Shoes...he knows what his mama loves!
May 12
First day it is warm enough to sit on the deck, and work on my blog. Heaven!
May 13
Move-in day for these little birdies.
May 14
Seems most everything was late to bloom this spring, but not the azaleas...right on time.
May 15
"Waterlogued" my house today...

May 16
Remember the birds that moved in a few days ago? I guess they didn't like the neighborhood. A new family is living here now.
May 17
I took a dozen photos of this butterfly, and they came out crappy. Mr. Goo Shoes took one with his phone, and nailed it.
May 18
The day I look forward to every year -- the Greek festival at a local church. Greek pastries make me swoon!
May 19
Peek-a-boo! Or maybe I should say, Peck-a-boo!
May 20
Lunch and a show in Bryant Park. It's Fleet Week in NYC, and the US Navy Jazz band gave a free concert. For a little taste of it, here's a video.
May 21
Let the summer planting begin!
May 22
I finally bought myself three of those flower pots that I gave as gifts on Mother's Day.
May 23
More flowers to be planted. I haven't even made a dent!
May 24
Sadie put on her patriotic outfit for the start of Memorial Day.
May 25
We kicked off the weekend with Skinny Sparkling Raspberry Margaritas...a recipe that I found over at Vicki's Life In My Empty Nest. Delish!
May 26
Yes, that is potato salad on my hotdog. I think the only people on earth who eat hotdogs this way, are from my hometown.
May 27
This was the mother of all Designer Showhouses! Thirty eight stunning rooms! Thanks to one of my readers for sending me an email about it. Watch for a house tour post (or three) in the next few weeks.
May 28
Had to park in a new lot when I went to get my hair cut, which was right smack in the middle of Little Italy. Hey, how did these cannolis get in my car?
May 29
Pretty Lilies of the Valley. Ann from On Sutton Place inspired me to take some from the front of my house, and plant them in the backyard, in this post.
May 30
So this was waiting for me this morning in my new flower box....
May 31
May comes to a close with the rhododendrons at their peak.
Wishing you all a Happy June!