Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Best of the Weekend and Stormy Weather

Greetings, all, and welcome to Best of the Weekend!

Are you in the path of Hurricane Joaquin?
Here in my part of New Jersey, 
it's looking more and more doubtful that we will be affected. 
Latest predictions show the storm to be veering east, away from the coast, 
which is good news.
Along the NJ shoreline, however, 
folks are bracing for  strong winds and severe flooding,
while those in the mid-Atlantic states continue to be deluged 
with historic amounts of rainfall and flooding.
Wherever you are this weekend, I hope you stay safe.

Let's start the weekend with some great inspiration --
Grab a cup of coffee, or some tea, or better yet, a cocktail...
put your feet up, and check out all of the awesome creativity in our link-up!

Here at the Best of the Weekend party,
we'd love it if you would follow the BOTW co-hosts...


At Best of the Weekend, we feature all kinds of posts -- 
 recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
so link up your best stuff! 

Bloggers: Remember that each co-host selects her own favorite posts, 
giving you a better chance of being featured each week,
so be sure to check out Ginnie, Cindy, Paula and Jenna
to see if you were featured on their blogs.
And...we'll each be pinning our features to a 
Pinterest "Best of the Weekend" Features board!

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post.  

Follow our board -- Best of the Weekend Features! on Pinterest.

This week's most clicked link was:

Pumpkin Popcorn Balls from Cooking On the Front Burner
Are these cute, or are these cute?
I know, I was right the first time.

My features for this week are: 

Pumpkin Monkey Bread with Brown Sugar Glaze from A Little Claireification
When I make this bread, I'll need 24-hour security
in my kitchen to keep me from devouring it all by myself. 

Blue Ribbon Concord Grape Pie Filling from The Joy of Caking
I'd like to have been the judge who had to taste this 
in order to award the blue ribbon...
"Uh, another piece, please? I need to be sure." 

A Fall Table For Two Alfresco from Savvy Southern Style
How inviting is this? I sure hope it's me who's invited!

French Secretary Desk Makeover from The Interior Frugalista
I purposely didn't show the "before" so you would go and check it out for yourself.
And don't forget to look in the drawer!

If you were featured, grab this button!

It's time link up your best stuff!


  1. Thanks so much for the party Amy !
    Glad to hear you'll be safe from Joachim - here in Montreal we are as well but the Maritimes ( east Canada) are in the path........

  2. Trying to skim past the yummy recipes, Amy- as we are doing the Whole 30 is NOT my friend! Glad you are not going to get hit hard by Joachim. Those storms can be so scary. xo Diana

  3. Glad to hear you are out of the storm's way. We are too but have been having yucky weather anyways! Thanks for the party!!

  4. Those pumpkin popcorn balls look delicious!

  5. Hi Amy,
    Do you feel you need hip boots to go anywhere this weekend? i sure do in Philadelphia it's been raining since Wednesday. Even with the hurricane not making a direct hit to the coastline the continued rain will cause massive flooding. i will enjoy checking out your link party, gonna make those cute Pumpkin popcorn balls.

  6. I love joining in on your parties! If you were here I'd make you a grape pie to celebrate all of the creativity that flows here each week. Thanks for hosting!

  7. Thanks for hosting.

    It's crazy how the east coast is experiencing crazy rain and we in southern California are desperate for rain. Actually, we're hoping for rain tomorrow.

  8. I hope you are staying dry. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Well done ... thanks for sharing some great reads.

    All the best Jan

  10. Amy, thank you so much for featuring my French Secretary Desk at the party this week. Thanks also for the awesome comments along with the feature - made my Monday (and it's been a crappy one so thanks for putting a smile on my face too)!

  11. Great features, and I'm blaming it on our Canadian Thanksgiving next week but I'm sure I hear those desserts calling my name ;) Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments on my Fall kitchen tour.


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