Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rosemary & Fig Chicken

Is there one food that shows up on your dinner menu more than anything else?

I'd have to say that chicken is the hands-down winner at our house. 

If I wasn't concerned about packing on the pounds, 
I'd serve pasta every other night.

If I wasn't worried about my cholesterol,
steak would make more than just a "rare" appearance.

If Junior Goo Shoes wasn't so picky,
I'd dish up some fish at least twice a week.

And...if I wasn't such a lazy cook,
I'd be cooking up a lot of exotic meals.

But, that's not my reality.

Rosemary & Fig Chicken: Lots of flavor in this super-easy recipe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Chicken is often my go-to protein.
Even though I have dozens of chicken recipes
I'm always on the look-out for new ways to prepare it.
Lately, my Facebook wall is loaded with those super-quick "how-to-cook" videos,
and the other day, a recipe for Rosemary & Fig Chicken from Jewlishious  
practically jumped out and grabbed me.
Just when I was in a quandary about what to make for dinner,
I heard figs and rosemary calling my name.

Rosemary & Fig Chicken: Lots of flavor in this super-easy recipe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I grabbed my jacket, and dashed out the door to round up the ingredients 
(don't you hate it when you forget the car keys, run back to get them; get in the car, 
only to discover that you've forgotten your phone, too? 
Happens to me more often than I'd like to admit).

Rosemary & Fig Chicken: Lots of flavor in this super-easy recipe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

As luck would have it, my supermarket was out of fresh rosemary,
so I used dried, and the little bit of fresh I had left in the fridge.  
The fig jam I used was Bon Maman's Fig Preserves (affil. link).

The recipe calls for all legs, but Mr. Goo Shoes isn't a leg man,
so I got some breasts thighs, too (ahem).
(that is the extent of my attempt at adult humor, heh-heh).  

Put everything in a bowl, roll up your sleeves
and use your hands to get that chicken nice and coated.
You can watch the video here -- it's all of 36 seconds.
  In order for the flavors to absorb, the coated chicken 
needs at least 2 hours in the fridge before cooking,
but the longer the better. 
Although this recipe is simple, it does need some advance planning.

It's very important to bake the chicken on a rack,
so the jam mixture gets all crispy and sticky, and finger-lickin' good.

Rosemary & Fig Chicken: Lots of flavor in this super-easy recipe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

And good it was
It got three thumbs-up from my family
and that's not easy to come by. 

Rosemary & Fig Chicken: Lots of flavor in this super-easy recipe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Rosemary & Fig Chicken 
(Recipe from Jewlishious)

8 chicken legs (I used legs and thighs)
3 rosemary sprigs, needles separated
1 cup fig jam
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

Combine rosemary, jam, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper in large bowl.
Add chicken and toss to coat chicken pieces.

Refrigerate 2-6 hours (the longer, the better).
Preheat oven to 400°.
Place chicken on oven rack over baking tray lined with foil or parchment paper.
Roast 30-45 minutes, until chicken is golden brown. 

Rosemary & Fig Chicken: Lots of flavor in this super-easy recipe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Rosemary and Fig Chicken is everything I like in a recipe:

Five ingredients (not counting S&P).

It will be making a regular appearance at our dinner table.


I've been semi-off the blogging grid lately, as the big fundraiser I've been planning is this Sunday!  In addition to a case of the pre-gala jitters, I've been swamped with last-minute details, and have barely had time to reheat this leftover chicken for dinner, let alone respond to all of your comments on my last few posts.  Once again, I find myself asking for your forgiveness :(  
After Sunday, things should be a little more calm, and hopefully, I'll be back to a more regular schedule. Thanks for understanding!

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  1. Hello Amy,
    Wow you have me drooling for that chicken! We too love chicken in my house. Thanks for the recipe.
    Julie xo

  2. You hit it out of the park with this one Amy! I don't know if you know this, but I'm a fig nut! Of course, the fresh ones are always preferred, but I've been known to stock up on fig jam now and again. This recipe looks very similar to one I have on the blog, Apricot Chicken. It uses apricot jam and any kind of dried fruit you want.

    I happened to be sitting at my desktop when I saw your email come in and I had to jump over when I saw 'fig' in the title lol.

    (Qnd I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who forget their phone..keys..underwear. Oh, you didn't say that did you) ;).


  3. Good Luck Sunday! Can't wait to hear about it here I hope. In the meantime, I'll be making that chicken. I have started South Beach again after many years and noticed that some new rules allow for a little jam in Phase 1 (presumably in a recipe like this) and i even have a jar of fig jam to use up, so this was just perfect timing!

  4. Hi Amy
    Is that "fundraising" as in gorgeous new dress and fancy hair? If so, we will require photos.
    I have fresh rosemary growing g st my back door. I have chicken thighs and I will pick up the Bonne Maman on the way home from work (yes, I am reading this at work). There will be a post about it!
    Regarding not responding to comments - please, please don't ever think that you have to do that for my comments. We can converse by email when we need to but I herewith absolve you from ever needing to respond. It just sounds like a lot of work to me!

  5. This sounds wonderful! Love the fig jam ingredient. Chicken thighs are my favorite part of the chicken so this is a great recipe to keep. I am sure your fundraiser will go perfectly. Is this the same one you did last year?

  6. Isn't chicken great!
    So many lovely recipe ideas, just made for sharing, thank you.

    Hope all goes well on Sunday - I'm sure it will.

    All the best Jan

  7. Amy, this sounds fantastic! I actually have all of the ingredients on hand. I grow rosemary in the summer but can never keep a pot of it alive over the winter so I dry it---have more than I need right now!

    I try to do chicken twice a week for all of the same reasons you do. And I am so tired of the same old, same old. Definitely doing this one. Chicken + fruit = YUM!

    Thank you!


  8. Oh my can you see my smile? I am so making the chicken and fig recipe... Like tomorrow, thanks Amy you rock.

  9. Hey - that looks like a very yummy chicken recipe! All the best with your fundraiser - let us know how it went!

  10. that looks so good! I eat a lot of chicken too. It's easy to make and everyone likes it. I may give this recipe a try. I'm often looking for new ways to prepare chicken as well.

  11. This looks delicious! Saw your recipe on Let's Get Real Friday. Just pinned, tweeted and yummed it. We'd love to have you share it with us at Savoring Saturdays linky party {at Recipes to Nourish}. It goes live today at 7 pm EST. Have a great day and weekend!

  12. It does look yummy and I think I'll try it, just without garlic. I have fresh rosemary in my garden.

  13. That sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing at HSH!

  14. Wow! This sounds so amazing!

    I would love for you to share this at my Facebook Group for Recipes, Crafts, and Tips and Tricks!!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  15. You know, I'm not big on figs, but the recipe and the photo have my mouth watering. I think I need to share this one with the head chef.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Oh gosh this looks delicious! You know I have only ever eaten a fig on a cruise ship. lol! I want to try this! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe with SYC.

  17. Looks yummy! I will put this on the menu soon. We love figs!

  18. I found my way over here via my long time blogging friend Pondside.

    Thank you for sharing this delicious looking recipe that certainly brought kitchen happiness to Pondside...and probably many other folks, too. I'm lucky to have a friend who makes fig jam, so might eventually get around to preparing it myself, in my tiny NYC kitchen.

    Best wishes.

  19. Can you make this with skinless chicken? Trying to watch the fat intake at our house. Thanks!

    1. I haven’t tried it that way but I think it would be tasty, although probably more like a sauce than a glaze on the crispy skin.


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