Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Daffodils and an Exciting Saturday Night

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

What is the first real sign of Spring for you? 

For me, it's when daffodils and tulips start showing up at the supermarket.  

OK, that's not really my first sign, but it fits with the story, so play along with me here, won't you?

Normally, I might not be so attuned to their arrival, but this year, I was so anxious, I practically stalked the delivery truck while they were being unloaded. 

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I needed some Spring in my step...and in my house. 

Luckily, I was able to buy a little Spring in the form of miniature daffodils this weekend. 

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Saturday night, we had the pleasure of Junior Goo Shoe's company at dinner. He usually is busy with friends, but because he had a sleepover with a few friends the night before, and got very little sleep, I guess he was worn out. I couldn't help myself - I made a big deal about how happy I was that he was with us.  And then I asked if he wanted to watch a movie together. It was shaping up to be a great, unexpected Family Night!

"Mom, don't get all carried away or anything; I'm probably going to make plans for tonight."


Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

OK, then, I figured I'd go to the supermarket. Saturday night is not my usual food-shopping time, but we had plans for Sunday morning, and I had to get some food in the house before the major snowstorm that was coming...which by the way, we now know left a whopping ZERO inches on the ground. Not that I'm complaining. 

Don't you wish your life was this exciting? Saturday night at Shop Rite. Woo Hoo. Or make that Boo Hoo. 

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I needed to buy something to salvage the night. Ice cream? Cookies? Jelly Beans?

Then I spotted the daffodils, and decided that they were far better for my waist line, so into the cart they went. 

I took the jelly beans, too. 

Then I put them back... 

...and ate an entire bag of Skinny Pop Black Pepper Popcorn when I got home, instead. Have you ever had that? It is sooooo good.

But we're talking about daffodils, no? Yes...

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The little pot of Daff O'Dils (that is my tribute to St. Patrick's Day right there) went into the kitchen.  

It amazes me what one little plant can do for a room. It really did lift my spirits. 

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It won't be long  before the daffodils outside poke their heads through the ground. Last year they bloomed while there was still snow on the ground. 

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
March 20, 2013
Guess there's a fair chance for that happening again this year, except that the snow is much deeper.

That reminds me! I planted a bunch of bulbs around my mailbox last fall. It was daffodils, and crocuses, I think. I can't wait to see them bloom. If they bloom.
Until then, I'll just enjoy my indoor daffodils, here in my kitchen...

Daffodils in the Kitchen --- by Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

....with some Skinny Pop Popcorn...and the bag of jelly beans which may or may not have fallen into my shopping cart accidentally.

Linking With
Sunday Showcase 
The Scoop
Tweak it Tuesday  
Time To Sparkle
Wow Us Wednesdays 
Whimsy Wednesday
Wake Up Wednesday 
Home and Garden Thursdays 
Four Seasons Blog Hop 
Tickled Pink Times Two 
Feathered Nest Friday 
Fabulously Creative Friday 
Simple and Sweet Fridays 
Home Sweet Home 
Be Inspired 
Weekend Bloggy Reading 
Best of the Weekend 
It's A Spring Thing 


  1. Okay, you have zero snow. Yesterday we had snow fall, then sleet, then a thunder storm, then snow again. Your flowers are very fetching in your kitchen.

    1. That's a lot of weather, Brenda! They predicted that very thing for us, but we not not a drop nor a flake. And I'm thrilled! Between that and the daffodils, I'm feeling like spring might actually come!

  2. Love the yellow daffodils, the can sure brighten things up in dreary weather and any time! Love your touch of spring, so ready for spring too! Would like to know more about photo diaries!


    1. The daffodils are doing the trick, Nancy! That, and the fact that we go no snow :) Another blogger and I are going to invite people to link up their photo diaries for the month of April. The link party will be on May 1, so I hope you will join in! Get your camera ready! More details to come in an upcoming post!

  3. I love daffodils too. I agree that those and tulips definitely look like Spring to me. I kind of like the idea of a photo diary linky party, except that it could get lengthy to look at everyone's 30 pictures. Know what I mean? It might be better if it is set up for the highlights for the month instead.

    1. I love tulips best of all. I haven't had success with them outdoors - the deer always eat them! I agree; it could be a lot of photos to look at -- we're still working out the details, but as always, appreciate your suggestions, Kim!

  4. Beautiful flowers! Yellow is a happy color in my opinion. :) I adore tulips too!

    We had 84F on Fri, 82 Sat and yesterday snow, sleet, freezing rain and was 16 last night. Wind chill was 0 this morning when I had to get out and walk my dog. Bitterly cold! Glad you didn't have snow after all.


    1. Yikes, that is some wacky weather! I can't believe how it fluctuates! We were in the teens this morning, but it should be warming up to the upper 30's tomorrow!

  5. LOL- Your night sounds almost as exciting as ours except you can add two more kids! lol It has been so cold here and I still haven't seen a single Spring flower at the grocers yet. I can't wait for Spring. We will not get anything abloom here until the end of April. xo Diana

    1. I know, it's just so exciting around here! Saturday night food shopping - who could ask for more? I don't think our snow will melt for weeks, so I don't think my bulbs will show their faces till much later this year.

  6. I love your daffodils and most of all your clever writing!

  7. Daffodils! And I have a lot of it in my flat. One of the beautiful flowers that embellish the garden, not only for summer, but for the whole season! What strikes me most is your mini jar, I don’t know if it is correct. I enjoy your kitchen too!
    Sebastian Chuter

  8. How ABOUT that snowstorm, huh? :) Originally forecast to be 10-12 inches we ended with 4. Not complaining either! :)

    Lovely daffodils in your kitchen ...pre-Spring cheer ! :)

    I loved your photo diary though I am not sure I could be organized enough to do it, lol...though I'll give it a shot for April if you want to have this party, sure : )

    1. Yeah, I was thrilled that we didn't get a flake! Glad you will give the April photo diary a try! More details to come!

  9. Great minds think alike Amy. I bought myself a small pot of mini daffodils too :) And I took pictures of them too. Here is to hoping we will see them popping through the snow covered ground soon!

    1. I knew we shared something important, Eileen! It's our great minds! I hope this snow melts so those bulbs can grow!

  10. I love the mini daffodils! Your are very pretty!

  11. DAFFODILS by far are my favorite flower pretty much over any other. This fall I will go wild planting bulbs at the new house. Our old house I plant 600 myself. Now I will need a little help and my hubby will be happy to lend a hand. Thanks for the touch of my favorite!


    1. Wow, Cynthia, 600! That's impressive! Glad your house is moving along...I enjoy seeing the progress!

  12. Dear Amy, The pretty yellow flowers really do brighten a room. It is a little piece of spring.
    I do the same thing shopping. I want all the stuff that is not good for the waist-line! I then think how I will regret it when I want to put on my jeans that don't stretch!
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

    1. I am enjoying having flowers inside, Catherine! I try hard to resist tempting things in the supermarket, but I'm not always successful. I better get serious - it will be summer before we know it!

  13. Thanks, Claire! I planted a bunch of daffodils when we first moved here, but over the years, many of them stopped blooming. So we shall see if the ones I planted in the fall actually bloom! Looking forward to your April photo diary!

  14. Ok - would you believe me if I told you I stopped reading right in the middle of this post - got up from the computer - went downstairs - and threw a bag of popcorn in the mike? And then came up to continue reading LMHO
    And it's 3.30 in the morning -
    Your daffies look lovely!

    1. Haha! Yup, Suzan, I do believe it! Now about being up at 3:30 in the morning - don't you ever sleep?????

  15. I love daffodils!! They are so cheerful...just looking at them brightens my day! None are popping up here yet though. :(

    1. I need more! If the snow ever melts, and it warms up, I'm going to plant these outside and see what happens.

  16. I love how quickly a room comes to life with flowers. I need to run out and get me some! Beautiful photos!

    1. It sure does, Beth! I might just go on a flower-buying spree!

  17. I love your daffodils. I bought some last week and they did nothing. Your kitchen looks adorable! Jr. sounds like a hoot.

    1. Oh, he's a hoot, alright! Seriously, he does keep us laughing! I need more flowers -- and bigger bunches!

  18. Just looking at these pictures lifted my spirits! You can't be gloomy when you're looking at daffodils. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  19. I love mini-daffodils...even more than full-sized daffodils! I almost bought some yesterday as well, but we're going away for a few days and they wouldn't make it, I'm sure. Love the yellows!

    1. I hope you went someplace great, some when you get back!

  20. I love daffodils! They always make everything look bright and cheery!

  21. Oh my ... first that skinny popcorn caught my attention. I need to try and find that. Second, isn't yellow just the happiest color on earth? Those daffodils just make me smile.

    1. The popcorn is showing up in all of the markets around here. There is regular, black pepper, kettle and cheddar. I've only tried the first two -- so good! Yes, agree that Yellow = Happy!

  22. Flowers are truly a wonderful way to brighten your day and your house! I always look for the daffodils to pop out of the ground because I know it won't be long until I can start planting! Your post brightened my day! Thanks for sharing on the Four Seasons Blog Hop.

    1. I am glad to have added a light spring to your day! I noticed my daffodils just popped out of the ground yesterday! Spring IS coming!

  23. I totally agree that fresh flowers can definitely lift your spirits. It really is amazing how such a small thing can be so gratifying. I hope to get daffodils but so far have not seen any around here. Maybe soon...

    1. I hope you can buy some soon, Ann. Yesterday, I noticed that my daffodils were poking through the ground, which REALLY lifted my spirits!

  24. The daffodils are beautiful, and I can't wait to they start to pop out here. I think spring is thinking about arriving, we're having a day or two of warmer weather a week, so it's going to happen. Visiting from Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Heidi! I noticed yesterday that my daffodils are just poking out of the ground! It made me so happy to see that Spring is really coming!

  25. ''...Woo Hoo. Or make that Boo Hoo...'': you are too funny, my friend! Guess what? I found this post VERY exciting - simply following you around the supermarket was fun! Thanks for coming home with these pretty daffodils; they're delightful and look bright and bubbly on your kitchen counter! BTW, that photo diary linky party?Um...YES!!


    1. I'm so glad you'll be doing the photo diary, Poppy! I can't wait to see what you post! You can come with me to the supermarket anytime you want - hopefully, I won't be going again on a Saturday night for a long while!

  26. It sounds like you had a very exciting Saturday night - the daffodils were a wonderful find - I'm not a fan of jelly beans but the popcorn sounds interesting! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

    1. Thanks, Kathy! Yeah, that was a Saturday night for the record books! Thanks for hosting H & G Thursday!

  27. Amy, I love your daffodils in the pretty copper pot! I'll be featuring you this week at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Thanks so much for sharing your fun Saturday night!!

    1. Thank you so much, Jody! I really appreciate it! And - oh, if you ever want to have a Saturday night to remember, come food shopping with me!


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