Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Easy Chocolate Lava Cakes for New Year's Eve

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

Are you watching what you eat over the holidays, or are you giving yourself an-eat-whatever-you-want pass? 

I'm doing a little bit of extra indulging this year.  I'm not going crazy,  but I do think I need to be rewarded after spending the last two years in cholesterol jail.  

In fact, my doctor just gave me a get-out-jail-free card for the holidays!

Do Not Pass Go. 
Do Not Pass The Cheese Counter at Fairway...well, at least, just this one time.

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

For the past two years, my cholesterol has been inching higher, so I've been diligently watching what I eat to keep it under control. I really want to avoid the whole statin thing as long as I can. 

You have to understand that this has been torture for me! Cheese is my most favorite food on earth, and to cut it out of my diet has been cruel and unusual punishment. I can pass on the red meat...skip the egg yolks, and say no to shellfish...

But no pizza?????  No baked brie? No mac and cheese??? 

Torture, I tell you...Torture. 

I'll admit that this brutal diet has helped to keep my weight down.  Good thing, given all the baking I've done this year. And truth be told, I did get somewhat used to this cheese and butter-free lifestyle. 

The good news is that I just had my cholesterol tested again, and guess what?  It went waaaay down... it was my lowest number in years!

So at least for this holiday season, I'm ringing in the new year with saturated fats...

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

...including these Chocolate Lava Cakes.

I mentioned in this post about an easy New Year's centerpiece, that I'd be making the lava cakes for New Year's Eve, along with my Shortbread Sparkler cookies

You cannot believe how EASY they are to make. And they are quite impressive, I might add. You will get rave reviews. RAVES!

If you've been following me, you know I'm not the kind of baker to invent my own recipes.  I just like to bring you recipes that I've found to be really worth making. And this is one of them, which was an ad for Ghirardelli Chocolate that I ripped out of a magazine back in '06.   

Now these are admittedly not my best photos. My lava cakes do not look at all like these magazine photos: 

Photo by Ghirardelli Chocolate

It was not easy to get them out of the oven,  and set them up to be photographed, while they were still hot and lava-y, but before the whipped cream melted all over it.

I almost scrapped the whole post, because I didn't like the photos, but the cakes are just too good, so I went with it.  

Fortunately for you, you will not have to photograph them before serving.  As long as they look like this when you bring them to table...

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

 ...and like this when your guests dig their forks into them...

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

...they will be a hit...and you will be a New Year's Eve Baking Diva.

A couple of notes before you start...

Plan your time, because you will need two hours to chill the chocolate centers.

These should be served immediately after baking, while the chocolate centers are soft. 

Unless you are a confident and relaxed hostess -- which I am most definitely not -- who doesn't mind whipping up a dessert while your guests are waiting with their forks in hand, the cakes can be assembled in advance. Just keep them in the fridge, and take them out about 1/2 hour before you want to serve them; then bake as directed, below. 

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

Recipe by Ghirardelli Yield - 6 servings

1/2 bar (2 0z.)  60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
1/4 cup Heavy Cream

1 bar (4 oz.) 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
8 tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted butter
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup cake flour

Whipped cream for garnish

To make centers, melt chocolate and cream in double boiler. Whisk gently to blend.

Refrigerate about 2 hours, or until firm.  Form into 6 balls; refrigerate until needed. 

To make cake, preheat oven to 400°F.  Spray six 4-ounce ramekins or custard cups with cooking spray.  

Melt chocolate and butter in double boiler; whisk gently to blend.

With an electric mixer, whisk eggs, yolks, sugar and vanilla on high speed about 5 minutes, or until thick and light. 

Fold melted chocolate mixture and flour into egg mixture just until combined.

Spoon cake batter into ramekins.

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

Place a chocolate ball in the middle of each ramekin. 

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

Bake about 15 minutes, or until cake is firm to the touch.  

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

Let them sit out of the oven for about 5 minutes. Run a sharp knife around inside of each ramekin, place a plate on top, invert and remove ramekin. 

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

 Garnish with whipped cream and serve immediately. 

Chocolate Lava Cakes --- by Ms.Toody Goo Shoes

 Yes, these have lots of butter and heavy cream.  But so what? It's a special occasion.

And besides, that's what New Year's resolutions are for.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Linking With:
Tickled Pink Times Two 
Feathered Nest Friday
Be Inspired 
Weekend Bloggy Reading 
Sunday Showcase 
A Return To Loveliness 
Recipe Sharing Monday 
Metamorphosis Monday
Tweak It Tuesday  
Totally Tasty Tuesday
Time To Sparkle 
Brag About It Tuesday 
Home and Garden Thursday
Fabulously Creative Friday 
Feathered Nest Friday 
Home Sweet Home
Simple and Sweet Fridays 
Ladies Only Blog Share 
Bouquet of Talent 


  1. These kind of desserts are my favorite! I love the ones at Chili's restaurant, so I know I would like this. They look so pretty too. Thanks for the recipe. It doesn't seem too difficult, so I may give this a try.

    1. Not difficult at all, Kelly! And they are very quick to make, too, especially if you assemble them in advance and bake later. Try it! I've never had them at Chili's. I'll have to order it and compare to mine!

  2. Your photos look great. I can imagine how hard it was to get the pics but these look delicious.
    I need to try to bring my cholesterol down. Great job on your success at it. Happy New Year.

    1. I should have shown some of the "failed" attempts! I destroyed five of the cakes before getting the sixth one right! But we ate them anyway :)

  3. Amy, these chocolate lava cakes are divine and decadent and exactly what they should be to bring in the new year, hoping it is just as rich and delicious! Your pics are great, and I have new appreciation for food styling and photos since I did my two pie posts. Saying that, don't know if I'd do it again, as they demand planning, patience and persistence! Speaking of the last, kudos to you for your lowered cholesterol count!

    Happy New Year, all the best!


    1. Thank you for your rich and delicious wishes for the new year, Poppy! I wish the very same to you. I'm afraid I've gone a little too crazy this week with eating naughty foods...must go back to cholesterol jail after the holidays!

  4. That looks SO good! Sweets are my downfall. Don't even have salt in the house. Don't yearn for it or much else. Just sweets.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! Unfortunately, I yearn for it all...I have a sweet tooth, a salty tooth, and a cheese tooth.

  5. I know you are I are cheese sisters, Claire. That has been the hardest thing for me to give up. But I have to indulge every now and then! Happy New Year, and thanks once again for the pin!

  6. My cholesterol is "on the high side" according to my doctor... but they didn't tell me to stop eating cheese, thankfully! Or chocolate lava cakes ;)

    1. Oooh, I want to go to YOUR doctor! Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! Happy New Year!

    2. Seriously, they told me "eat oats and almonds and blueberries". That's advice I can live with!

  7. I'm adding this right now to the list of possible New Year's Eve desert!

  8. Dear Amy, I am glad to hear that you are doing well with the cholesterol is doing good! You have the best attitude and I love "listening" to your posts. Enjoy and start fresh for the spring. It is too cold out to worry now.
    The lava cake looks wonderful!!!! I would love to try this.
    Have a very Happy and Very Blessed New Year. Catherine xo

    1. Well, I did manage to go a bit overboard with the fatty foods over the holidays, but I am determined to start fresh on Monday! Thank you for "listening" -- I am so very glad we connected, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you cook up in 2014! Happy New Year, Catherine!

  9. My mouth is watering. I love chocolate. And you make it look so easy to bake. Wishing you the best for 2014, Darlene

    1. It really is easy to bake, Darlene. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be making it! I'm all about easy recipes. Thanks so much for stopping by. I just followed you on FB :)

  10. Hi, I'm visiting from #LOBS! :) Awww I am soo chocoholic! This choco lava cake is just awesome!! Good to hear that your health is going the right way.. Enjoy your cheatdays! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Rea! I just visited your blog (Love your Steve Jobs quote!). I've enjoyed my cheatdays...I've cheated many more days than I should have ;)

  11. I always wondered how they got the gooey center in those cakes. Yumilicious!! Congratulations on getting the cholesterol down.. cheese free lifestyle has got to be rough!! Bring on the grains and veggies, right? But I'm with you, celebrate every now and then!

    1. You gotta indulge every now and them! But, I've been overdoing, and must get back on track! These are SO easy to make, and everyone is always impressed with that gooey center. It looks so complicated, doesn't it?

  12. Double woot! Thank you, Ali! I will be back tomorrow for sure!

  13. Hooray for getting the cholesterol down! And double hooray for these lava cakes...I just love melty chocolate! Your pictures look great!

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn - the way I've been eating the last couple of weeks, it probably shot right back up!

  14. OMG I can't wait to make these...they look wonderful, I love your pictures showing step by step how you made them....found you on Inside Bru Crew Life her blog how she shows step by step pictures of her recipes too...... (kentuckylady 717)

    1. Thank you! Glad you stopped by - I hope you enjoy them - let me know how they turn out!

  15. This is a favorite for me (Sharon) because you just can't have too much chocolate in your life! Great share on your #simplybebetsy gallery... thanks.

    Sharon and Denise

  16. can u suggest an alternate for cake flour as it is very diificult to find it here in the middleast!!

  17. Replies
    1. Hi Sara, from what I've researched, here is what to do: Measure out 1 cup of all-purpose flour. Remove 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour and place it back in your flour canister. Replace the removed all-purpose flour with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. I have never made it that way, but it should work! Good luck, and thanks for your visit!

  18. What a mouth-watering cake!! It looks FANTASTIC !!


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