Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mega Mansion Tour - Part 4

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

This is part 4 of a multi-part series.

Do you remember the mansion tour series that I started many months ago?

I kind of put it on the back burner because 
there was always something more timely to write about.

As I was skimming through my photo library, 
I remembered how "ab-fab" that mansion was,
so even though it's been a few months, I'm bringing it back. 
I am determined to finish showing you the entire home!

If you missed the first three parts, click here for part 1, here for part 2, and here for part 3.

If you are interested in seeing where the rooms are located, click on the floor plan.
I'll number the rooms so you can follow along.

Let's continue making our way through the second floor. 

Salon De Thé
British Home Emporium
Map Location 20

Who wants tea?
You want tea?
We've got a room for that...

the Salon de Thé!

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Even though Ms. Toody Goo Shoes is a "Miss Goody Two Shoes," I might be tempted to break the rules and sip a cup of joe in this lovely space.
Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Looks like the table is all set with some macarons and palmiers.
Ooh la lah!
Very appropriate choices for a room with toile drapes.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

I wonder if it's ok to save your teabag for a second cup, in the Salon de Thé.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

I bet even castor oil would taste good in this pretty tea cup.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Time to move on down the hallway.

Great Room
Map Location 21
Not only is there a room for every day of the week, in this house,
there's a room for every day of the month, and then some...
This would be my Sunday morning room. 
You know, for those times when you're feeling too lazy 
to shlep downstairs to eat breakfast? 
Does that ever happen to you?
Nah, me either...
I'd walk a mile in my pajamas for food.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

But, it's nice to know that if I was feeling slothful,
I could simply drag myself down the hall for some
pancakes, a little TV, and the Sunday papers...

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

And, after the table is cleared, it would be a darn good place to fold sheets, 
don't you think? 

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Map Location 22

Hmmm, I don't have a baby.
Maybe I can get one of those dolls that they give kids in school 
to teach them about responsibility...
you know, the ones that are like real babies. 

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

It would be worth it, just to have an excuse to come into this sweet room.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

I may be sticking my neck out here, but who invited Mr. Giraffe to tea?
Oh...he must be the waiter!

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Children's Room
Map Location 23

First off, I need to find me some kids named Florence and Marjory,
since their names are already on the beds.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

I wonder if Flo and Marj will leave their clothes in a heap on the floor...

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours
and if they will put a big sign on the door that says "KEEP OUT!"

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Will they tape posters of One Direction all over the walls?
Will they fight over who gets the bathroom first? 

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Speaking of bathrooms...

Shared Bathroom
Map Location 24

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

So this is where the kids bathe, huh?
I hope that Florence and Marjory don't throw the fake baby out with the bathwater.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

If Flo and Marj are anything like Junior Goo Shoes, 
this gorgeous sink is going to be splattered with gobs of blue toothpaste...
and I fear for those pretty white towels.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Living Room
Map Location 25
I'm feeling generous, so I'm going to designate this room 
to be used exclusively by Mr. and Junior Goo Shoes.
I'm nice like that...
plus, there are 51 other rooms in this house that I can lay claim to.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

They can watch TV, play cards, nap and snore to their hearts' content...
or do whatever it is that men do in their man caves.
I don't want to know.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

They can leave their stinky shoes and smelly socks lying around here if they want...
As long as I don't have to see it, who cares???
Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

I'll have to cover up these light couches though, with some throws,
or else they will be covered in buffalo wing sauce, in no time.
 Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

And maybe they won't notice if I steal this coffee table 
and put it in one of my rooms.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Linen Closet
Map Location 27

A walk-in linen closest...need I say more?

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

If I ever go missing, I suggest you look for me, in here, first.
I'm likely to be sitting on floor reading a good book.
What a great place to sneak off to! 

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

La Chambre Du Chiot (The Puppy Suite)
Map Location 29

These pictures  are not the greatest, 
but how could I omit the pupster's private boudoir? 
This is where we literally let sleeping dogs lie, eh?

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

I suppose even Sadie needs her own space every now and then,
but I'm guessing she'd still end up in our bed at night.
 (Yeah, we're into the the canine co-sleeping thing).
Then again, if she was dog-tired, 
she'd probably like to curl up in here for an afternoon nap.

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

It's a dog's life, for sure.

Art Collector's Sanctuary
Map Location 30

Junior Goo Shoes created a lot of "fine" art over the years,
and this would be the perfect place to display it, lol! 

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

Seriously, how inspiring would it be to sit in a room surrounded by phenomenal art?

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

We could lounge around for hours debating Realism vs. Impressionism...

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

We could discuss the similarities between Michaelangelo and da Vinci...

Mega Mansion Tour - 52 rooms that you've got to see to believe! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #BlairsdenMansion #housetours

 And when those subjects are exhausted, we can critique "The Kramer"...
and decide whether or not to add it to our museum-quality collection. 
"He is a loathsome, offensive brute, yet I can't look away."

Ah, yes, the so-called good life...
Stay tuned for Part 5.


  1. I am not sure I could feel at home in a fancy schmancy place like this.....unless you forced me or maybe paid me! I picture the children with those names and that room walking around with their noses up in the air! I think I would stick with the linen closet and hang out there!

  2. Now THAT is truly a mansion! A person could get lost in there. I loved the grey and white bathroom and the first room you shared.

  3. Now that I've read your post, I think I need a room for tea and a different one for coffee, a baby's room, just in case and each cat wants his own room!

  4. what a lovely house but I think I would get lost in it. lol

  5. So fun! I love big houses, mansions, palaces, the bigger the better.

  6. Love every inch of this gorgeous mansion. Going back to find your earlier posts.

  7. OMGosh I did this tour too last May! It was fabulous! I was so thrilled to be able to actually take photos inside the mansion. I also visited the Glenallyn Castle in 2012 but no pics allsowed inside. Thank you so much for linking up to the first Share Your Style link party. Please stop by tomorrow evening to link up again!
    Have a wonderful day!!!
    XO Barbara

  8. Yes, please! I'll have a palmiere and tea!!! :) What an amazing tour. These photos are gorgeous. Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  9. Pretty! We have featured you on Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party. Hop over to check and to grab the Featured Button.



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