Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Mega Mansion Tour: Part 3

The Mother of all Mansion Tours - 52 rooms you've got to see! Ms Toody Goo Shoes
This is Part 3 of a multi-part series.

Would you like to live in a really big house?

I mean, REALLY big, as in 52 rooms.

Honestly, I would not.
I have a hard enough time as it is,
that no one hears me when I'm yelling
"Dinner's Ready!"
Nor can I imagine searching through 62,000 square feet 
to find my cell phone, 
which I misplace about 5 times a day.
And you know how the more space you have, 
the more you accumulate? 
Well, that's just too terrifying to even think about. 

There's one thing I might like, though.
The answer to "Where's Mom?" 
could take them hours to figure out...heh heh!

I know that some of you feel the same way...
and I am loving your comments on Part 1 and Part 2:

"My clutter would look so out of place."
"We'd have tore it up in no time."
"Who takes care of that house?"
"Where is the chippy paint and rusty things?"
"I never understand where you get the cozy factor 
in one that large."
"Couldn't image what you'd do with all that 
unless you were the Duggar family."
 "I'd get lost!"

It is fun to fantasize about it, though, isn't it?

Today, we'll finish up the first floor,
and then go upstairs to see a few rooms.
Once again, click here for the floor plan.
I'll number the rooms, so you can follow along. 

We finished up last time in the library,
so we'll leave there through these curtains, 
and make our way into The Lounge.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

The Lounge
Interior Decisions Inc.
Map Location 46

This room is so elegant.
I'm trying to picture Junior Goo Shoes in it, 
but it just doesn't compute. 

It looks more like a space where I'd entertain Kate Middleton, 
when she comes to visit.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes 
We'd talk about charity work,
and dish about Real Housewives of NJ.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

She'd have tea and crumpets...
I'd have a glass of chocolate milk, 
and Apple Cider Donuts.

Hopefully she wouldn't notice the pair of dirty socks
under her chair. 

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Speaking of food, I'm feeling a bit peckish.
Let's head over to the kitchen to see what's in the fridge.

The Kitchen
Canterbury Design
Map Location 47

Sorry these pictures are not the best.
It was really tough getting a shot when no one was in the way.
With my former crappy camera,
 it was a challenge to get the lighting right. 
But how could I not show you the kitchen?

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

I'm picturing the kitchen counter 
all sticky from peanut butter and jelly,
and strewn with empty boxes of Mallomars, 
sixteen used glasses,
 a paper plate with a half-eaten sandwich,
a dirty napkin... 
oh, and the milk would be left out, too.
Yeah, that would feel like home.  

Washing dishes wouldn't be half bad 
if I was looking out on my 500-acre property. 

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

I'd be able to roll out lots of fondant 
on this white marble counter. 
OH - I just thought of something! 
This would be a great place to fold my king-sized sheets!

Speaking of king-sized, how about this stove?
Even I wouldn't mind cooking on that.

I love the copper pots, 
but I'd burn them the first time out, I'm sure.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes 
While I'm making scrambled eggs, 
I could practice my pliés at the ballet bar 
that comes with the stove.  
Very clever! 

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

A fireplace in the kitchen is just too fabulous. 
I am completely in love with the black surround.
It's so George Washington. 

 Look at entirely separate room for the fridge, microwave, and other appliances 
that I would have no idea how to use.
This was the size of my entire kitchen in NYC. 

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

I'll make some turkey sandwiches with basil mayo,
but, has anyone seen the lettuce?

Garden Terrace
Studio MB LLC
Map Location 45

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Aha! The lettuce is growing here on the outdoor balcony,
right next to the kitchen.  
Now that's what I call a Kitchen Garden!

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

 I better save some room for dinner, 
which is being served in the formal dining room. 

The Dining Lounge
Greenbaum Interiors 
Map Location 50

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes 
Remember back in Part 2  when I invited 
you all over for New Year's Eve?
This is where we'd have dinner. 

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

  Don't worry, I'll order in. 
You wouldn't want to eat my cooking.
But I will make dessert!

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

We've seen the entire downstairs of the house. 
It's time to head upstairs.
Did I just see Junior Goo Shoes slide down that banister?

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

The Galarie
Hope Sferra Interiors
Map location 11

Just in case the stairs are too taxing, 
there is a lovely place to rest at the top of the landing.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

I'd make this my book-reading/cat-napping space.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

There's a bottle of champagne on the table for me and
Mr. Goo Shoes to have a little toast before bed.
Or in the morning.
Or both.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

I'm guessing you'd like to see your room.
On the way, you can admire the art collection.

Upstairs Gallery
Map Location 15

Now, wait just a minute, here.
This house has way more than 52 rooms...
unless this is the stairway to nowhere.
The third floor was not included on the tour.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

After a horseback ride around the property,
Mr. Goo Shoes could come up here and take a nap.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

The thought of Mr. Goo Shoes on a horse, and seeing him in that riding helmet,
would make me burst out laughing.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

After a spot of tea, he could sit here and pay the bills.
I can hear it now --
"Junior GS, you left TVs on in 28 rooms 
when you went out today!
Do you know how much the electric bill was this month?"

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Enough of that.
I'd like to show you to your room now.

The Deco Bedroom
Map Location 18 

Think you'd be comfy?  

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

I'm hoping you'd notice the fantastic ceiling, and gorgeous fabric walls, adorned with crystals!
Nothing but the best for you!

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

You could chillax here before getting dressed for dinner.
And by dressed, I simply mean clothed.
No dress code at my house.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Is that a lineup of martini glasses on the mantel?
Or is it just wishful thinking on my part?
Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

If you felt the need for a change of scenery,
you'd be welcome to go and hang out next door.

The Merlot Room
Map Location 17

We could meet in here for a glass of wine before dinner.
When I knock my glass of merlot over, 
at least it won't show on the rug. 
But with all that white furniture, 
maybe I should sit on the floor.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

This looks like a perfect desk to write love letters.
Or notes to teachers. 
Or food shopping lists.

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Why do I get the feeling that Junior GS is going to jump out from behind that screen,
and scare the daylights out of us?
Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes 

That's all for this time.
I hope you enjoyed Part 3 of the series.
Is there a room, or a piece of furniture that you liked best? 

I'll be back soon with more. 
Here's a little preview. 

Mansion Tour - Ms Toody Goo Shoes

You may also like:

Mansion Tour - 52 rooms you've got to see! Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Mansion Tour - 52 rooms you've got to see! Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Best of the Weekend


  1. Pretty to look at but TOO MUCH grandeur for me. I like it small, cozy and somewhat relaxed, a little something out of place! Definitely needs more rusty, chippy stuff around! I keep imagining how the people of the house sound as they whisper through the hallways!

    1. Same here, AnnMarie! I can't imagine walking around in my pj's in those hallways!

  2. When I look at a house I often wonder 'Where would I go if I were sick and needed to curl up and escape' this house? Hmmmmm Way to grand and full of marble for my idea of cosy. Maybe that little spot at the top of the stairs would do, but I'm not sure. As we down-size, heading from five bathrooms to two, four bedrooms to three, three acres to a back yard, all I could think of was 'there is waaaay too much room for accumulating stuff in that house!!!

    1. That is scary, thinking about how much room there is to accumulate stuff! There were some rooms that were cozy, but most were way to grand for everyday living, for me!

  3. Good grief that's a big house! It just keeps going and going. Does a family really live there? Love your thoughts on living there.

    1. I think a single man owns the house. That's what I heard on the tour. I wonder, is he young and single? Older and single with kids and grandkids? Or did he buy it just to save it from becoming run down and neglected?

  4. Funny stuff! I have the same leather ottoman as these rich folk! Thanks for sharing!

  5. And I'm having trouble decorating my little house!

  6. Way too much opulence for me, but a fun adventure. I'll take the kitchen though! Thanks for this fun "vacation". Hope to see you again at #theWeekendSocial. You're always welcome. Pinned

    1. It is something, isn't it? Most of the rooms were gorgeous, but there were just so many of them! How does one decided which one to sit in?


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