Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Outdoor Fall Tablescape and a "Beautiful" Day

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Are the temperatures starting to drop 
in your neck of the woods?

It's definitely cooling down around here,
but not enough to pack away my flip flops just yet.

The mornings have been downright chilly,
but the afternoons?

While the afternoons are still mild,
it's nice to take a meal outside,
and so, I was inspired to do an outdoor fall tablescape.

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Nippy mornings and warm afternoons are fine,
it's just that I have no idea how to dress, 
especially if I'm going to be out all day...
like Wednesday, for instance.
 It was a jacket-on, jacket-off kind of day.

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 I had to be in New York City super-early...
 for an appointment on the Upper East Side.
It was almost chilly enough for a scarf.
Oh, get this - I'm walking up Lexington Ave. 
towards 78th Street, when I bumped into a friend. 
Remember I told you that crazy story 
about running into my sister?
I'm on a roll!

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

From there, I hopped on a subway and headed down to Soho for a hair appointment, brow tweezing, and cosmetics shopping.
Once I was cut, colored, plucked and made-over, 
I felt like a new person!

"You make me make me feel like a natural woman."

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes  
I was able to squeeze in a quick stop at the San Gennaro festival in Little Italy, for some lunch.
 It was early...the perfect time to go and avoid all the crowds.
I have to admit, I did indulge.
So what if I felt like a porker...
it was worth every bite! 

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 About 5pm, I headed up to midtown 
to meet my sister for dinner at Haru in Times Square.
 We had Sake-tinis at the bar...
 (oh, and some food, too)...
 ...and then, we walked down the street 
to the Steven Sondheim Theater to see the Broadway show,  
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical...
which was my sister's birthday gift to me!

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The show was outstanding!
If you are headed to New York,
and want to see a Broadway show, I highly recommend it!

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It was a perfect day...until the drive home.
I waited 15 minutes for my car, 
and then they brought me the wrong one!
It was very nice - I should have taken it.

Once I got the right car, I was zipping along, 
singing to the radio,
until I hit traffic on the West Side Highway
while I was still pretty far from the GW Bridge.
What the what? It was 10:00pm!

Where did everyone come from?
Doesn't anyone stay home at night?
With lyrics from the show fresh in my mind,
I couldn't help thinking...

"So Far Away...doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore... "

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Eventually, I made it to the bridge -- 
Really?... the upper level is CLOSED?
That meant I had to take a roundabout way to the parkway.
  I wound my way around to an alternate parkway entrance, 
to be greeted with the sign...
Entrance Closed.


"Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever gonna make it Home Again...
It's so far and out of sight..."
Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I finally pulled into the driveway at 11:00pm. 
It felt so good to be back home after a long... 

but "Beautiful" day in the city.

Fall Tablescape --- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

"Till I'm home again and feeling right.
I wanna be home again and feeling right."

Have a "Beautiful" weekend!

Linking With:
Tablescape Thursday
Weekend Bloggy Reading 
Feathered Nest Friday 
Home Sweet Home 
Simple and Sweet Friday
Best of the Weekend 
Bouquet of Talent  
Sunday Showcase
Metamorphosis Monday
The Scoop
Tweak It Tuesday 
A Return To Loveliness 
Treasure Box Tuesday 
Time To Sparkle  
Wow Us Wednesday
Wake Up Wednesday 
What's It Wednesday  
Weekend Social 
Let's Get Real 
Home and Garden Thursday
Share It One More Time 
Totally Talented Tuesday 
Big Fall Bash 


  1. I love Carole King and want to see that musical when it starts to tour the country! Love your table - you gave me the idea to put pumpkins in the lantern on my patio. I have seen that idea before, but you reminded me :-)

    1. Definitely see it, Vicki, you will love it! Glad I inspired you with the pumpkin lanterns!

  2. Love the combo of Carole King and the Fall decor!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I really had no idea where this was going when I started it!

  3. What a fun post Amy! Your fall tablescape is gorgeous and I love those Carole King songs - perfect! Glad you finally got home.

    1. Thanks, Rosella! It's funny, I didn't plan the post that way, it just kind of happened!

  4. love love love these photos! no it's not Autumn here it's Spring but Fall is my favourite season :-)

    1. Thanks, Amy! I do love Fall, but the dread of winter (after last year's HORRIBLE one), is taking away some of the joy! It's just starting to cool down here - the leaves are still green, but it's coming!

  5. Oh i think I had every word of her songs memorized back in the day ! :)

  6. So all the colors. Those soup bowls are great.

    1. Thanks so much! I've had those bowls for years. They were a gift.

  7. Your days in the city sound like so much fun! I love your fall scape on your porch. We actually have had fall like temps down here which is unusual and they have predicted a cooler than normal winter. I hope that doesn't mean you all are in for another humdinger of a winter up there. Thanks for popping in at my place. Have a great weekend.

    1. They are a lot more fun now that I'm not working! That was a good one, especially since it was such a gorgeous day. I heard that we are in for another bad winter :( I don't think I can take it!

  8. Beautiful fall vignettes, Amy, so cozy and inviting! I LOVE the pic of the pears and apples - how cute are they?! Must be so relaxing to sit out here with a cup of coffee and a sweet treat, just chatting with a friend!


    1. Thanks, Poppy! I'm hoping that the weather cooperates tomorrow, since a friend is coming for coffee, but it may be too chilly!

  9. Gorgeous fall outdoor setting! I love it, so very pretty and unique.
    Glad you made it home, sounds like a fun time!

  10. You really know your way around NY city! It's fun to hear all that you do there. For me, I'd have to take a plane and find a hotel! Your outdoor table setting is very pretty. I love all the Fall colors and the texture of the chargers.

    1. Thanks, Kelly! It's funny, because I lived there for 22 years, and then worked there another 10 years, and now that I go in only once a week, I feel like I'm not as city savvy as I used to be! And when, someday, you do come to NY, I'll tell you where to stay, and where to eat...and hopefully meet you for a glass of wine!

  11. Oh my gosh, why oh why can't we be friends lol!! I mean like real friends, real neighbors. I would so enjoy sitting there with you. Of course, I love the rooster mugs. So pretty Amy!!!

    1. Well, now that would be the best thing ever, to sit and chat with you! I know you love, too. The mugs were from Home Goods, years ago.

  12. Love those small world stories in a city of millions of people! It's crazy! Thanks for the pin, and enjoy your warm weather. We had a warm one today, but I think that's the end of it.

  13. We saw Carole King last year at Tanglewood with James Taylor. She was an unbelievably prolific writer...more so than most people realize. I think I would enjoy that show!

    We pretty much have the same weather as you (Massachusetts). Chilly mornings and evenings but warm afternoons. Love it!

    Beautiful tablescape Amy! You've inspired me to do something outside too!


    1. I saw her a few years ago with James Taylor at Madison Square Garden. It must have been something to see them at Tanglewood! Enjoy the warm afternoons while we have them, Doreen!

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sherry! The teapot is from Home Goods, a few years back.

  15. Your pictures are inspiring me. After 3 years of living in Malaysia where it's always summer weather, I am so excited about experiencing the changing seasons again. Of course, I practically froze walking my daughter to school this morning because it was all the way down to 64F. Once my house is no longer in shambles, I plan on decorating for the season. My renter is still living here with us, so there are 2 households of stuff crammed in the house. All your talk of NYC is also rubbing off on me because I have planned a Thanksgiving trip there. I can't wait to explore the Big Apple.

    1. You made me laugh, Michele, about freezing in 64 degree weather! How exciting that you are going to NY for Thanksgiving! You'll have to watch the parade (or go the night before to see the balloons being blown up). I'm assuming that you've been before, because I know you travel a lot, but if you need any pointers, feel free to ask me!

  16. Happy Birthday Amy! I love hearing about your day in the city. What a wonderful day!

    Even though I'm a country girl, I've dreamed of living the life in New York City. I have a romanticized image in my mind of how it must be. It leaves me feeling giddy thinking about it.

    And Carole King is fabulous. My sister and I have/had the Tapestry album that we loved and played over and over again. This post brings back so many memories associated with the music of Carole King.
    Thank you for sharing the gorgeous outdoor décor. You've got style girl! So inviting!

    1. Thank you, Gibbygoo, for the birthday wishes! NY is an exciting place to live. I did it for 22 years. I guess that makes you "GiddyGibbyGoo!" I definitely associate certain memories with that Tapestry album!

  17. Lovely setting, love the rooster mugs for fall, and great plates too!

    1. Thanks! I think I got those mugs at Home Goods a few years back. The plates, too, actually!

  18. OMGosh I so want to have day like that! Heck I'd take just the first half ... lol Oh wait I want the food and drinks .. lol

    So was it a nicer car? lol

    1. It was definitely a fun day! Usually, I am in and out after meeting someone for lunch, so it was nice to have a full day!

  19. Love your autumn colours! My neighbours are going to NewYork next month, I'll ask them if they know and like Carole King (not that obvious for French people) and tell them about the show. I want them to have fun while I stay in the old world and feed their cat ;)

    1. If they like her, they will love the show! They will have fun, knowing their kitty is in your good hands!

  20. Your decor is gorgeous and I LOVE the dishes. Thank you for sharing with us at Wake Up Wednesday.

  21. You need to come to my house and teach how to put all those patterns together so perfectly. Love this. Thanks for sharing at #theWeekendSocial. Pinned!

  22. Gorgeous fall setting... so cozy and inviting! Sounds like you had a very eventful and good day! :) ~Rhonda

  23. Your story makes me glad that I don't drive often! I've heard so many great things about Beautiful ... what a great treat. Your fall tablescape is stunning, absolutely gorgeous!

  24. So if I ever get to NYC to see "my" statue-- maybe you can be my tour guide? : )


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