Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces and Relaxing Retreats (Part 6)

Are you ready for the final installment of the Mega-Mansion house tour?

It's hard to believe that I visited Blairsden Mansion just about a year ago! 
When I wrote Part 1, I'd envisioned it as a weekly series,
but one thing or another always side-tracked me. 

And now, I'm finally hitting the "home" stretch, 

with this segment on outdoor areas, 
as well as a few other relaxing spaces within the house. 

If I have learned one thing,
it is that I am not meant to live in a house this grand.
Nope, I'd feel guilty all the time for not spending enough time in each room. 
I can just imagine it...
"Oh, crap! I haven't sat in the Great Room since February!"
As it is, I feel guilty that I hardly ever use my living room.

Or more likely...
"I can't remember where the Salon de Thé is!"
I'd need a map to find my way around.
 And...I'd have to yell "Dinner's ready!" a half-hour before it was on the table, 
just to give everyone time to commute to the kitchen.
But who would hear me?
We'd need to install a P.A. system. 

Yet -- the outdoor areas are spaces where I could feel quite at home. 

Before we head outside, there are just a few spots left 
to show you on the inside of the house.

If you're interested in following along on the floor plan, click here

The Blue and White Room
Elizabeth Guest Interiors, LLC
Map Location 39

My amateur photos don't do this room justice.
It was just gorgeous.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
A beautiful desk and chair...way too nice for paying bills.
It looks more suited for writing love letters.
Does anyone write love letters any more?
Do they even make stationary?
Or has modern day letter writing been reduced to...

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Now that's a mirror that would make anyone look good!
Holy moly. 

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

  A "Techless" Retreat
Landy Plante Interiors, LLC
 Map Location 38

No cell phones, TV's or laptops allowed in here, as decreed by the decorator.
Works for me. I like the idea of a tech-free zone.
Just peace, quiet, and a good book.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It's a good place to come when I have insomnia,
so I won't disturb Mr. Goo Shoes.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Back To Black
Map Location 37 

And then there's this little nook. 
I'll tell you, there's no lack of relaxing retreats in this house.
There's a room for every activity.
What could I do in here?
Play Words with Friends, maybe?

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 I've always thought it would be great to paint the right room black,
but  Mr. Goo Shoes won't go for it.
In a house this big, he may not notice!

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 OK, let's go outside.
We'll head out via the dining room, through its rounded wall of doors and columns. 

Walled Garden
Bldg. 39
Map Location L3

Now here is where I could feel right at home.
I'd plant vegetables, herbs, and a cutting garden...
hang some wind chimes and bird feeders, fill a bird bath or two...
maybe put in a nice water fountain. 
I'd be able to hear it from the patio.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Alfresco Colonnade 
Garden Cottage
Map Location 51

I'd probably spend every waking moment out here...
and likely some sleeping moments, too,
sprawled out on that couch, catching a few zzzz's.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I have visions of sitting in this hanging chair,
and being spun around by Junior Goo Shoes like a twister in The Wizard of Oz.
Ah, there's no place like home.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

What a view!
Is this really New Jersey, or have I landed in Tuscany? 

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Would you like to come for cocktails next weekend?

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 We'll throw something on the grill for dinner. 
No worries if it rains...I've got that covered.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The Belvedere
Map Location 52 

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Be still my heart!
Now, this is what I call dining al-fresco.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Forget the main house, I'll just live in this.

 Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I'll light the place the flowers in the vase that you bought today.

Mega-Mansion Tour: Outdoor Spaces | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I hope you enjoyed this long and drawn-out mega-mansion tour.
Sometimes, you go on a home tour, and have house-envy.
In this case, yes, it is stunning, and all of the designers created jaw-dropping spaces...
but in the end, I'm happy with my own little abode.
It's not picture-perfect, but it's a very fine house.

"Our house is a very very very fine house.
With two cats in the yard,
life used to be so hard.
Now everything is easy 'cause of you."

If you've missed any of the other parts, you can find them here. 

Mega-Mansion Tour: Part 1 || Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Mega-Mansion Tour - Part 1
Mega-Mansion Tour: Part 2 || Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Mega-Mansion Tour - Part 2
Mega-Mansion Tour: Part 3 || Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Mega-Mansion Tour - Part 3
Mega-Mansion Tour: Part 4 || Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Mega-Mansion Tour - Part 4
Mega-Mansion Tour: Part 5 || Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Mega-Mansion Tour - Part 5

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  1. Yowza!

    ( '>

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  2. Great to look at these photo's and read your post.

    The house/mansion looks great but the gardens too look so lovely

    All the best Jan

  3. Great to look at these photo's and read your post.

    The house/mansion looks great but the gardens too look so lovely

    All the best Jan

  4. OMGoodness, Amy! that is absolutely beautiful! You have some really great photos here. I would love to see it in person-just to experience it myself-but your pictures fill the bill instead. xo Diana

  5. I am with you.....I like my only little abode! Beautiful to look at and visit and perfect for someone else!

  6. I'll take that location with the swinging chairs! :)

  7. I think I would be happier with a much smaller house too. that one is HUGE! It's interesting to see how they try to furnish those large spaces to make them seem cozy. the gardens outside are amazing.

  8. Everything is stunning, though just like you, I'd rather live in a smaller house... Imagine the cleaning madness or the hours spent looking for your glasses every time you can't remember where you left them!

  9. Wow...that outdoor area is amazing! I could definitely spend some quality time there! I'd actually prefer a big outdoor space to a big indoor space (especially if it looks anything like this)

  10. Oh wow! What a beautiful outdoor space! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  11. I just love those reading nooks - pinning both of them !
    And that desk? How gorgeous !
    I'll be there for cocktails - what time?


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