Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Best of the Weekend and Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, and welcome to Best of the Weekend!
Halloween is a really big deal in our neighborhood.
We get hundreds of trick or treaters,
and as you are reading this, I'm busy packing up tons of candy bags.

 I'm glad you stopped by the BOTW link party --
we're all about treats - no tricks! 
And no costumes are necessary!
Here at the Best of the Weekend party,
we'd love it if you would follow the BOTW co-hosts...


At Best of the Weekend, we feature all kinds of posts --  
recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
So link up your best stuff! 

Bloggers: Remember that each co-host selects her own favorite posts, 
giving you a better chance of being featured each week,
so be sure to check out Ginnie, Cindy, Paula and Jenna 
to see if you were featured on their blogs.
And...we'll each be pinning our features to a 
Pinterest "Best of the Weekend" Features board!

Follow our board -- Best of the Weekend Features! on Pinterest.

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post. 
This week's most clicked link was:

Free Free Coloring Pages for Adults from The Country Chic Cottage
The inner-child in me is "drawn" to this (pun intended)!

My features for this week are: 

Maple Pumpkin Butter from Pancake Warriors
I'm addicted to Trader Joe's Pumpkin butter, but it's a seasonal product.
Now I can make my own year-round. 
Nutella Cookie Bars from Only Taste Matters
 You know that anything with Nutella in it is going to get my attention. Tablescape For Two from Tabler Party of Two 
 I hope that one of the two place settings is for me, 
because I'd love to pull up a chair to this pretty fall table.

Lilly P. Inspired Pumpkins from Ramblings of a Southern Girl
This just may win the prize for most clever painted pumpkins ever! 

If you were featured, grab this button!

It's time to link up!

Best of the Weekend #128

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Turkey Chili...and Acorns Keep Falling On My Head

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 You know how when a small object falls from above,
it really hurts when it hits you?
High school physics wasn't my thing,
in fact, my friend and I would fake being sick, and go to the nurse every other day, just to get out of class.
But one thing I do remember is that 
Galileo did lots of experiments on falling objects...
velocity, acceleration, gravity, stuff like that.

 I'm no physicist, but I can vouch for the fact that if an acorn falls from 
high up in a tree, and hits you on the head, it hurts like the dickens.
I'm guessing that when the apple fell and hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, 
it didn't tickle,
although the fact that it helped him to discover gravity 
probably took his mind off the pain. 

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
This past weekend, I was in my yard, putting some things away for winter,
when suddenly...

It felt like a rock hit my head, but it was just an acorn.

I needed a hard-hat!
Junior Goo Shoes ran and got me a cowboy hat to wear, but it was too soft.

 I put a tupperware bowl on my head, with the cowboy hat over it,
so the neighbors wouldn't think I looked weird, 
although wearing a cowboy hat in your backyard in NJ
is pretty odd, in and of itself.
Maybe in Texas, I would have looked stylish, 
but here, they probably assumed I was dressed for Halloween. 
Or more likely, just strange.

All I can tell you is that when Mr. Goo Shoes got a load of me,
he wanted to take a picture -- badly.
 I told him that if he did, I'd be forced to flush his 
Hagen Daz ice cream bars down the toilet.
He backed down.  

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

As I was working in the yard, 
and getting pelted with acorns, my thoughts couldn't have been further 
from the Law of Universal Gravitation. 
In fact, I was thinking about what to make for supper --
which always gives me a headache (or maybe it was the acorns this time) --
when I remembered that I had some turkey chili in the freezer.

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
The recipe is Aunt Goo Shoes' (aka, my sister) creation.
It's easy, and it's healthy.
She's made it for us a bunch of times, but I've made it, too.
If it's easy enough for me to make, anyone can do it. 

 This recipe makes a ton of chili...perfect if you are having a crowd.
Or, it's great to keep some in the freezer for days when you don't feel like cooking,
which for me is every day. 
(I should probably triple the recipe, lol).

I am a wimp when it comes to spicy foods.
This version has a nice little kick to it, but if you prefer a spicier chili, 
just increase the amounts of chili powder, cumin and red pepper flakes. 

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Although it is simple to prepare, you need a good two hours to cook it,
so plan accordingly.
After cooking the meat and veggies, the chili should simmer for an hour. 
Then, after you add the kidney beans, it should cook another 30 - 60 minutes.
But, it's passive cooking -- once you've added the tomatoes, you can do your nails, 
fold the laundry, or write a blog post.
Just make sure to check on the chili and give it a stir every now and then.
Cook the chili uncovered, but if the liquid cooks out too much, 
cover the pot and continue simmering. 
  Top the chili with shredded cheese, sour cream, scallions, 
crumbled taco chips, whatever.
Serve it with a salad, and some corn bread or my zucchini parmesan bread,
and yell "Supper's ready!"

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

3 lbs. ground turkey 
2 onions, chopped
8 cloves garlic, chopped
2 green peppers, chopped
2 15 oz. cans tomato sauce
3 14.5 oz. cans fired-roasted tomatoes (I got mine at Trader Joe's)
1 6 oz. can tomato paste
2 tsp. chili power*
1 tbsp. salt
2 tsp. cumin*
1 tbsp. dried oregano
1-2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes*
2 15 oz. cans red kidney beans, rinsed
*Increase amounts if you prefer a spicier chili.

Brown meat in large frying pan.
Add onions and peppers; cook until vegetables soften.
Add tomato sauce, fire-roasted tomatoes and tomato paste.
Add all spices. 
Simmer uncovered on low for one hour.
Add kidney beans, and cook an additional 30-60 minutes on low flame. (If liquid cooks out too much, then cover).  

Turkey Chili that's healthy and easy to make. Perfect for a chilly day, game-day, or when you need comfort food! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 As I'm sitting here at the kitchen table writing, 
acorns keep falling...they keep falling.
I've nearly jumped out of my skin a dozen times already.
They are hitting the skylights with such force,
I'm thinking it might be wise to sit somewhere else,
before one crashes through, and lands in my bowl of leftover chili.

 You may also like:

Nacho Bites: Perfect for game day! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes #GameDay
Nacho Bites

Zucchini Parmesan Bread | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Zucchini Parmesan Bread


Friday, October 23, 2015

Best of The Weekend and Meeting Blog Friends!

Welcome to Best of the Weekend!
Guess what I did today?
I had lunch with two blog friends...

Julie from Julie's Lifestyle (remember we met over the summer?)
And...Ginnie from Hello Little Home,
yes, that's of the co-hosts of our Best Of The Weekend party! 
We met in midtown Manhattan, and gabbed and gabbed,
sharing and comparing blog stories,
but it wasn't until I was on my way home that I realized
not one of us remembered to take a picture!
Can you believe it?
In a couple of weeks, I'll be meeting two more bloggers -
I'm writing myself a note right now to remember to take photos!

Here at the Best of the Weekend party,
we'd love it if you would follow the BOTW co-hosts...


At Best of the Weekend, we feature all kinds of posts --  
recipes, home decor, DIY, gardening, travel, whatevah
So link up your best stuff! 

Bloggers: Remember that each co-host selects her own favorite posts, 
giving you a better chance of being featured each week,
so be sure to check out Ginnie, Cindy, Paula and Jenna 
to see if you were featured on their blogs.
And...we'll each be pinning our features to a 
Pinterest "Best of the Weekend" Features board!

Follow our board -- Best of the Weekend Features! on Pinterest.

Non-Bloggers: There are hundreds of fabulous ideas collected here each week;
just click on the links under the thumbnail photos,
and you will be taken directly to the blog post. 
This week's most clicked link was:

Tiny Living from Simply Vintageous
450 square feet? 
I'll gladly put most of our stuff into storage, 
if it means we can move into this little beauty. 

My features for this week are: 

Pumpkin Spice Funnel Fries from Domestically Speaking
Oh. My. Word.
Just when you thought funnel fries couldn't get any there's pumpkin spice?

Cookie Butter Cookie Cupcakes from Mommy in Sports
For years, it has taken all my willpower to avoid buying Trader Joe's Cookie Butter.
And now I find out they have cookie butter cookies, too?
That's it, it's over. I'm a lost cause.
What time is it? Are they still open? Where are my car keys? 

13 Amazingly Creative Halloween Pumpkin Carvings from Fun Money Mom
 Way beyond my pumpkin-carving skills, but wow, are these clever!
Each one put a smile on my face.

Autumn In Vermont by Househoneys 
Holy Maple Syrup! You have got to see these pictures!
If I leave right now, I wonder if I can get there before all the leaves fall off?

If you were featured, grab this button!

Show us your links!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach...and The Secret Life of Bees

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Don't you just hate spending money on household repairs?

It drives me bee-zerk, but it's a necessary evil of home-ownership.

So yeah, it's been a wacky few days here at the Goo Shoes house, 
and by wacky, I mean Not Good.

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The other day, I heard something vibrating the wall of my closet.
I didn't think much of it, until the next day, 
when I heard it again in the medicine cabinet of our bathroom.
This time, the sound was clear -- there was no mistaking it...


The few dead yellow-jackets we've found recently around the house 
suddenly made sense.
Unbeknownst to us, bees have been busy setting up shop 
inside the walls of our house.

One thing you may not know about me is that I am terrified of bees.
The thought of yellow-jackets in my house?
I can't imagine anything worse.
Except for squirrels.
Or bats.  

Ms. Toody was about to become unglued.   

Lucky for me, Mr. Goo Shoes is an ace problem-solver. 
If there is something wrong, he will figure it out.
Within minutes, he determined where the bees were getting in. 

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Their secret life was about to be exposed.
It was time for...

 The Exterminator.
Hasta la vista, babees!

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

We were still finding dead yellow-jackets all over the house, 
when we woke up yesterday to a broken hot water heater.
Ouch, now that stings.
Fortunately, we were able to replace it today.

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

It was time for a baking distraction.

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 Remember I told you about the rugelach from Israel?
They are impossible to replicate, yet that hasn't stopped me 
from trying to perfect my own rugelach-making skills.
For years, I've made my mother's recipe, 
which has a sour cream-based dough, and is rolled into crescent shapes.

I've always wanted to learn how to make the rolled kind.
When I had my family over to break the fast on Yom Kippur, I tried a new recipe.
They were really good, so, I made them again this week,
for some very special people.
I'm not going to tell you who just yet...that's a surprise.

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

This dough has a cream cheese base, and is richer than my mom's rugelach.
I feel guilty saying it, but I like this version better!
And, it's is less labor-intensive,
since each cookie doesn't need to be individually rolled. 
As you know, I've got an affinity for "easy."
It's how I "roll," lol. 

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

These rugelach are not difficult to make at all, 
but I've got a few tips to help guarantee your success.

I recommend regular cream cheese, not low-fat, for making the dough. 
Using low-fat cream cheese may affect the consistency, 
and the ability to roll it up into cylinders.
 It's very important for the dough to be chilled before rolling it out.
The dough is sticky, so make sure surface, rolling pin (affil. link) and hands are well-floured, and work with only one piece at a time,
leaving the other pieces in the refrigerator until needed.

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo ShoesBrown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Clean work surface thoroughly before rolling out a new piece of dough. 
It will be easier to roll.
 Keep rolled logs in refrigerator until all four are finished
so that they slice easily before baking. 

Now that you are adequately prepped, let's roll!

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Yield: 48 pieces

For the Dough:
8 oz. (2 sticks) butter, softened
8 oz. cream cheese, softened (I recommend regular, not low fat).
3 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tbsp light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 cups flour (plus extra for rolling out dough)

For the Filling:
3/4 cup finely ground walnuts
3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon 

For the Topping:
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 egg, lightly beaten, + 1 tsp water

To Make Dough:
In large mixer bowl, combine butter, cream cheese, granulated sugar, brown sugar and salt on medium speed until completely combined (about 1 minute).
Scrape down sides of mixing bowl, add vanilla and combine.
Mix in flour in four batches, on low speed, until combined.
With floured hands, shape dough into 6-inch square, wrap in plastic, and chill in refrigerator, at least one hour. 

To Make Filling:
With a fork, mix finely chopped walnuts, dark brown sugar, and cinnamon together until combined. If sugar sticks together, use fingers to separate. 

To Assemble and Bake Rugelach:
Adjust oven rack to middle position. 
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
Cut dough into four equal pieces. Work with one piece at a time, putting remaining pieces back into refrigerator in plastic wrap, until ready to use.
Roll out dough into 12" X 8" rectangle on well-floured surface, with floured rolling pin.
Spread one quarter of the filling mixture evenly over dough (approximately 1/2 cup for each log). Use hand to press filling into the dough, so it adheres.
With long side of dough near you, roll dough tightly into log (it will be 12 inches long). 
Place log seam side down onto baking pan.
Put baking sheet with log into refrigerator while making the remaining logs.
Clean work surface thoroughly, and re-flour.
Repeat with remaining dough to make three more logs.
Arrange four logs at least one inch apart on baking pan. 
Brush logs with egg wash, and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture. 
With a sharp knife, make 3/4" cuts into log (do not cut all the way through) at one-inch intervals. If dough is too soft, chill in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Bake rugelach until golden brown, about 20-25 minutes.
Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes; then cool completely on rack. 
Carefully transfer cooled logs to cutting board, and slice rugelach into individual pieces.  

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
 The rugelach was sitting on the counter waiting for its photo op,
when Mr. Goo Shoes was about to grab a handful.

He was literally within a second of pulling the rugelach right out from under me.

Luckily, I stopped him just in time.
"Can't I have some?"
I explained that I made it for something special, and I couldn't spare any.
He looked so forlorn, I had to let him have one.
Looks like I'll be busy as a bee, and making another batch pretty soon.

Brown Sugar and Walnut Rugelach: You won't believe how easy these are to make! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

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