June was bustin' out all over, here in NJ!
Hydrangeas, Spirea, Irises, Lilies...
Oh, wait, no lilies...
The deer ate every last bud,
so no lily blooms this year, nope, not a one.
June was action-packed...
School ended...Camp started.
Baby birds were born...and my Mac died.
We went to the beach,
the Stock Exchange,
and hung out on our deck.
Backyard creatures from tiny bumble bees...
to giant wild turkeys paid us a visit.
Heeeeeeere's June!
We went to the beach,
the Stock Exchange,
and hung out on our deck.
Backyard creatures from tiny bumble bees...
to giant wild turkeys paid us a visit.
Heeeeeeere's June!
June 1
Junior Goo Shoes kicks off the month with an ice cream bar.
Believe it or not, these do not tempt me in the least.
Believe it or not, these do not tempt me in the least.
June 2
A cucumber martini, however, is quite tempting. Must find a recipe for this.
June 3
Morning sunlight. I never saw the sun streaming in on this vase before. Within minutes, it was gone.
June 4
Way-cool cocktail party on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Unfortunately, all of my photos of this were lost when my computer drowned (see June 6), so this is a bad one from my cell phone.
June 5
Escalator to hell...aka, Port Authority, NYC. Took the bus home today...Haven't had to do that too often since I stopped commuting into the city, thankfully.
June 6
The day my laptop died. RIP, Mac.
June 7
Another June weekend, another Greek festival. Yummy cheese pie for an appetizer, and I ate the WHOLE thing. Myself.
June 8
Beautiful Sunday morning on the deck.
June 9
Flatiron Building, NYC (opened in 1902). Killing time before meeting blogger Joani Geltman at her book reading for A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens. She's awesome!
June 10
Chillaxin' on the back deck.
June 11
NYC Public Library. Walking to meet a friend for lunch.
June 12
I waited a week, hoping my old laptop would miraculously come back to life, but no such luck. My new laptop will never know what liquids are.
Monopoly night with Junior Goo Shoes. My idea of a perfect night, even though he beat me badly!
June 14
Saturday evening in Belmar, NJ, having dinner with friends, across the street from the beach. Beautiful evening, especially with ocean in view!
June 15
Father and Son. Father's Day and Mr. Goo Shoes' birthday, celebrated at one of our favorite restaurants in Dobbs Ferry, NY.
June 16
The living room has become packing central. Camp trunks are almost finished!
June 17
Times Square subway stop...a photo I would never have taken when I lived in NYC. Now, who cares? Heading downtown to meet a friend.
June 18
Went to go out on my deck this morning, and THIS greeted me. UGH! Not a great shot, but it was with my phone through a glass door.

June 19
Last day of school! Junior Goo Shoes taking it easy in the hammock.
June 20
Busy Bee in the spirea.
June 21
Junior Goo Shoes playin' the blues at his guitar concert.
June 22
We're at the beach! Mini-vacation in Beach Haven, Long Beach Island, NJ.
June 23
Beach rules!
June 24
This pig's got swagger, doesn't she? She borrowed my sunglasses, while we ate like pigs at Uncle Will's Pancake House, a Beach Haven institution.
June 25
Barnegat Lighthouse, Long Beach Island, NJ. About seven years ago, Junior Goo Shoes and I climbed to the top. Not t-t-today, Junior!
June 26
Remember the birds that moved in back in May? Here are the babies!!! Get a load of the spider they're about to eat.
June 27
Mr. Goo Shoes took this amazing picture of purple petunias.
June 28
THE BIG DAY!!! Junior Goo Shoes leaves for camp! All the parents wave goodbye!
June 29
First day of camp! Mr. Goo Shoes and I will be glued to the camp website scanning photos for the next seven weeks. Junior Goo Shoes is front right, in the green t-shirt.
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Photo Courtesy of Camp |
June 30
No hummingbirds have visited, but "Chip" would sure like a drink of nectar.
Have a wonderful July!