Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Cinnamon Muffins, A Visit, and a Phone Call

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

If you could have whatever you want for breakfast,
without worrying about health or calories, 
what would you eat?

I would choose muffins, without a doubt.

I love them all...
blueberry, lemon poppy, banana, pumpkin...
but one of my favorites is just plain ol' cinnamon. 

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

I rarely allow myself to give in to my craving,
in fact, the only muffin top I see on a regular basis 
is the one around my middle.

But on Wednesday, I had invited a friend over
for coffee,
so we could catch up,
and I decided that a muffin morning was in order...
specifically, Cinnamon Muffins.

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

Can I tell you how EASY these are?
Yes, I can!
They. Are. So. Easy. 
I whipped them up in no time flat,
right before my friend arrived. 

In my opinion, they are best served warm.
It's great to get together with friends for lunch or dinner,
but there's something that I really love about  
having coffee and a nosh on the deck,
on a beautiful summer morning.
 So relaxing.

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

I was anxious to hear about my friend's summer, 
since she and her family had spent a part of it in Israel.

After all the news reports,
I couldn't imagine what it was like 
to be there during such a turbulent time,
when a bomb could go off anywhere, at any time. 
And in fact, the warning sirens went off twice 
on their first day in Tel Aviv,
and several times during the remainder of their stay. 
Can you imagine having to run to a bomb shelter,
no matter what you are doing?   
I'm glad that they are back, safe and sound.  

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

Conversation turned to the start of the school year,
and all of the things that parents of teenagers worry about...
at which time I broke out into a cold sweat,
and had to eat another muffin to calm myself down.

Junior Goo Shoes' ears must have been ringing, 
because suddenly my phone was.
He was calling from San Francisco!
I still can't get used to his deep voice...
he sounds so grown up!

This year, being the oldest campers,
four of their seven weeks of camp 
was spent on a trip out west.
This was the final day of their adventure, 
and they were going on a tour of Alcatraz,
before heading back to camp.

 "I'm going to get you a souvenir today, mom."

OMG, I hope it's not a t-shirt that says  
Alcatraz Psycho Ward on it!
Because, if it is, I will have to wear it
to show JGS how much I appreciate it...
and you know there will be people
who will look at me and say,
"Yeah, I can see it."

Anyway, it turned out to be a perfect muffin morning...
with a visit from a friend,
and a call from my 6-foot tall baby boy.

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

The original recipe, which is from Taste of Home, 
is for mini muffins,
however, this time, I made them full size
(it only makes eight regular-size muffins).
In hindsight, I wish I didn't, 
so that I could have called this post
"Cinna-Mini Muffins."
My bad.

Cinnamon Muffins by #muffins

Yield: 2 dozen mini muffins; 8 regular-sized muffins

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 cup nonfat milk
1/3 cup butter, melted

2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup butter, melted

In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and allspice. 
Combine the egg, milk and butter; mix well.
Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.
Spoon into greased or paper-lined muffin cups. 
Bake at 400°F for 15-18 minutes (or 12-14 minutes for mini muffins), or until cake tester comes out clean. 
For topping, combine sugar and cinnamon.
Brush the tops of warm muffins with butter; sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. 

If you see someone wandering the streets,
huffin' and puffin'...
and stuffin' her face with a muffin,
mumbling to herself,
and wearing nuffin' 
but an Alcatraz Psycho Ward T-Shirt...
 That'll be me...


  1. A friend of mine's daughter just got back from Israel - 22 years old - guts I tell you - I couldn't go there right now if they offered me a free trip - seriously !
    Your muffins look divine and a morning chat sounds even more divine in my world right now !
    Happy weekend !

    1. I know, I'd be freaked out to go now! My friend's 15-year old son was there for FIVE weeks! I'd love to sit down with a muffin, and you, for a chat!

  2. Delicious, Ms. Toody! Muffins in the morning are fabulous...hmmm if I could eat anything I wanted without worry I would have to say chocolate cake! :D

    Happy to hear you friends are safe and well too! What a relief.


    1. Thank, Tammy! I'm definitely more of a cinnamon person than a chocolate person. Not that I'd turn down the chocolate cake ;)

  3. Warm muffins and coffee on the deck in the morning - heavenly!

  4. Oh I must give these muffins a try, they look so yummy! I could almost smell their deliciousness coming through my iPad! Our summer here in southwest missouri has turned into a scorcher. We enjoyed our deck until a couple of weeks ago, now the sun is turning everything brown, and it is hot from sunrise to sunset.

    1. They smell so wonderful when they are baking! How it cools down for you in Missouri! We've been having glorious weather here in NJ!

  5. This is my kind of morning; muffins, a good friend and coffee.
    I am happy that your friend is safe. These are very stressful times to be in.
    I remember hearing my sons voice on the phone and thinking the very same thing..times passes so quickly. I know you will love and enjoy whatever the present.
    Blessings, Catherine

    1. It was a perfect morning, Catherine, especially since my friend had just returned. You know I will love whatever Jr. GS brings :)

  6. In my house it today were muffins, chocolate:-) I'm doing them with my three-year-old daughter.
    best wishes

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun, Iwona! I bet she had fun baking with you!

  7. I'm so glad your friends are safe. I really cannot imagine. The muffins look delicious. So glad your baby boy is having a good trip.

  8. That sounds like a little bit of perfection to me. I'm Pinning that recipe so I can invite a girlfriend over for coffee and muffins. :)

    1. Thanks, Stacey! I hope you have a great muffin morning with your girlfriend!

  9. Those muffins look yummy! I love sweets, so this would satisfy me immediately. Wow! Your son goes away to a 7 wk long summer camp? That's a long time! I would miss mine terribly being gone that long. My son has already gone back to school now! It's so early here though. Glad that you got a chance to catch up with your friend and that she is safe now.

    1. I have a hard time eating just one, that's the downside. Yes, 7 weeks is a long time, but it goes SO fast, believe it or not. I do miss him, but he loves it so it's worth it. I can't believe you son is back at school already! We start right after Labor Day.

  10. You've got me giggling over here! Nothing like another muffin to steady your nerves! Those muffins look so delicious - Taste of Home has some of the best recipes for sure! I know what you mean about muffin tops - ugh! Morning coffee times with friends are my favourite times! So glad JGS is having such a fantastic summer but I'm sure you will be happy to have him back home. These are sad days in Israel and Palestine - it hurts my heart!

    1. I'm very calm, now that I ate many muffins, LOL! I really need to do the morning coffee thing on my deck with friends more often. It was so nice! JGS will be home on Sunday, and I can't wait!

  11. You're too funny! And these muffins look delicious. They are my favorite thing to whip up on a busy morning!

    1. Thanks, Adrian! People are always impressed if I bake something right before they come - little do they know how EASY these are! Thanks for your visit.

  12. They are so simple, but SO yummy, Claire! Thanks for pinning!

  13. those are the best looking cinnamon muffins I have ever seen!
    Marie @ In Our Happy Place

  14. Still can't believe my sons' grown up voices or that sometimes I can't tell them apart until they say a few words. Love cini muffins too. Seems I always have those ingredients on hand. visitng from Miz Helen's. Have a good weekend, Linda

    1. Thanks so much for your visit, Linda! Whenever I hear my son's voice on the phone, I say, "Who IS that?"

  15. This looks great! I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams, starts on Fridays :D Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party.

  16. Love cinnamon muffins! Terrific recipe - we have friends in Israel and keep in touch - and pray for them! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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