Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SImple Macaroni Salad and Welcome Home!

Macaroni Salad --- Ms Toody Goo Shoes

How do you prefer your macaroni salad --
Mayonnaisey or Vinegary?
I am on the mayonnaise side of the fence;
in fact, I do not like macaroni salad at all 
if it has vinegar in it. 
Maybe it's because I like the way my mother made it. 
In fact, this is her recipe.

Well, I doubt that it is her recipe.
She probably got it from the back 

of a mayonnaise jar, or box of macaroni.
It's nothing fancy...
just plain, old-fashioned, simple macaroni salad.

Junior Goo Shoes likes Mayonnaisey Macaroni salad, too.
It must be hereditary.
In fact, he can eat massive amounts of it.
Not me.
 No, I can restrain myself and eat dainty, lady-like portions. 
Contrary to what you may think,
I do not use a shovel to dish it onto my plate.
Of course not.

When Junior Goo Shoes came home from camp on Sunday, 
I made one of his favorite meals...
Filet mignon, corn on the cob, and macaroni salad.

Macaroni Salad --- Ms Toody Goo Shoes

We were so excited to hear all about his summer, 
because four of his seven weeks at camp
were spent on a cross-country tour,
visiting lots of national parks.
We didn't even get to go to Visiting Day this summer,
because the kids were traveling then,
so we were chomping at the bit to hear all about the trip.  

"It was great." 

WHAT? That's it? 
Four weeks in five different states, 
seeing some of the most awesome places in this country, 
and all he could summon up were three little words?
I swear, I was ready to say,

"No macaroni salad for you!"

Not really.
The poor kid was so tired
he practically fell asleep in that big ol' plate of mac salad.

After a good night's sleep, and some macaroni leftovers,
Junior GS was ready to tell us all about 
"The Trip..."
 which he says, was "the best summer of my life."  

Who could ask for more than that :) :)

Macaroni Salad --- Ms Toody Goo Shoes
but this mac salad is so easy, 
 it's barely considered cooking. 
A pound of macaroni will make a ton...
a half-pound will make about 8-10 side-dish servings,
or four servings, if you're us. 

You can use whatever vegetables you have on hand...
I usually use grated carrots, diced celery,
and finely chopped red onion,
but I've used peppers, cucumbers and scallions, too.
Don't feel like you have to measure the vegetables...
adjust the amounts to your personal preference.  
I think it tastes best when it's made the day before serving.

Macaroni Salad --- Ms Toody Goo Shoes

1/2 pound Elbow Macaroni
1/2 cup grated carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1/2 cup mayonnaise + 1/4 to 1/2 cup additional
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook macaroni according to package directions.
Rinse with cold water, and let macaroni cool.
Mix in vegetables; then mix in mayonnaise.
Season to taste.
Refrigerate until chilled.
Before serving, add more mayonnaise, since the mayonnaise will have soaked into the macaroni.



  1. Replies
    1. Well, I am glad you are on my side of the macaroni salad fence, Dayle!

  2. Love a good basic mac salad with mayo too! Sometimes I add canned tuna in too! I am in the first week of not having my son around (he's at camp for two weeks) and I kinda (love) like it! You had 7 weeks?! My son will be having lemon chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole (yes, he ordered both!) and Almond Joy cake for his homecoming meal. I too have to force myself to take small lady-like portions!!

    1. Oh, yum, AnnMarie - I love the idea of adding tuna! Kind of like a cold tuna noodle casserole. I am going to try that. Truth be told, I kinda love when my son is at camp, too! I hope yours is having a great time and I'd like to be invited over for his dinner - it all sounds delicious! Almond Joy cake sounds fantastic! Have you posted a recipe?

  3. I never eaten macaroni salad. Italians love to make what they call Insalata Russa, which reminds me of macaroni salad. It is made with potatoes instead of macaroni, and boiled cubed vegetables, celery, string beans, carrots and and the like. Everything cubed, hard-boiled eggs added and mixed with homemade mayo. I also remember cubes of beets, maybe that was the Russian element. I never liked that one either. ;-)

    1. I'm sure I would love Insalata Russa, and I'm sure that homemade mayo would make it amazing! Sounds like potato salad!

  4. Looks good, maybe I'll even try it and I like to cook even less than you do. A variation to this would be to add poached salmon broken up into small pieces and it would make an entire meal.

    1. Love the idea of adding poached salmon, Phyllis! Sounds like a perfect, easy summer meal.

  5. I'm not much for vinegar. Sure wish you were my cook.

    1. Well, if I were your cook, you would probably get a meal of macaroni salad and dessert! If you are good with that, then I'd be happy to be your cook!

  6. Peppers, tomatos and onions. I use (dare I say it?) Miracle Whip but it's best with half mayo and half Miracle Whip. Yours looks delicious. I'll have to try carrots next time. I'm so glad Jr. had a great summer. Enjoy every minute until he goes back to school.

    1. Katie, can you believe that I've never had Miracle Whip (at least not that I know of!). I'm going to add tomatoes next time. That sounds good.

  7. Sounds like the perfect homecoming meal to me!! I adore macaroni salads and especially the mayonnaise kinds for sure. I agree - it tastes better the next day! So glad your young lad made it home safe and sound and that it was his best summer ever!

    1. I can eat massive amounts of mac salad, Rosella. It's embarrassing!

  8. Yum! What a lucky boy to have his mom fix his favorite meal upon his return! That camp experience sounds wonderful. Do the kids get to take cameras with them? It would make for a great scrapbook!

    1. He was so tired, he could barely eat! He had an amazing time, and yes, they could take cameras (but no cell phones, yay!). I'm making him a photo book. It will probably take me a year to do it!

  9. Drooling - I love mac salad with mayo! I especially love it left-over the next morning for breakfast! With a shovel!!! I would love if you would link to Merry Monday (Sundays 6pm PST) ~ it would be an honor to have you!!! Julia

    1. For breakfast with a shovel? You and I could be great friends! That sounds like a fabulous idea!

  10. I don't have a preference for mac salad, but I do for potato! I like potato salads to be vinegar based because like you said, that's how my mama makes it. Your welcome home dinner looks delicious! Glad the little one had fun at camp. :)

    1. Hmmm...and I like my potato salad with mayo, too (again, how my mom made it!).

  11. I love macaroni salad! I need to get the ingredients to make this soon! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Shambray! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. This macaroni salad sounds delicious and perfect for a summer side dish. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the weekend.

    1. It is, Julie, and many have commented that they add tuna, which would make it a great light supper dish!

  13. Sounds delicious! I'm going to add a few extra drops of vinegar, (I like mine a little spicy!)
    Glad Little Goo had a good time at camp, what a wonderful experience!

  14. Definitely mayo kinda girl here...hate the vinegar taste. This looks awesome!

    Pinning it!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I like vinegar in other things, just not in my mac salad! Thanks for visiting, Bobbi!

  15. Mayonnaise in mine, please - and some squares of very old cheddar cheese!

  16. I make mine almost exactly like yours. However, I add a can of tuna or chicken to mine. YUMMY!

    1. I'm going to try that - great idea for a light summer supper!

  17. Like you, my macaroni salad recipe is exactly the one I grew up with, my mother's, and indulging in it brings back lovely childhood memories of picnics in the park. I always add green peppers, green onion and a little splash of vinegar, a bit of 'BAM!', as Emeril says. Glad Junior Goo Shoes had a marvellous time; he will remember it forever!

    Happy weekend, Amy!

    P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment on my current post!:))

    1. There are so many ways to change it up...I could live on mac salad! Of course, I'd be a blimp...

  18. Thank you for hosting and I'm looking forward to this party for sure!!!
    Inspirational wood Loft Design

  19. Thanks for coming and linking up at #The Weekend Social. Please be sure to come back next week starting Thursdays at 9PM EST on ! I hope to see you there!

  20. I make mine with mayonnaise only and add tuna, frozen peas and salt and pepper. No other veggies. I sometimes add a little onion powder, but no raw onions as they aren't my husband's favorite thing to eat. It's so simple but so good.

    1. I'm going to try it your way, Joanie! It would be a great light summer supper! Thanks for visiting!

  21. It seems like whenever I go to a restaurant and it comes with macaroni salad, it's got a lot of vinegar, and just a bit of mayo. I like vinegar in other things, just not my mac or potato salad!

  22. I'll eat macaroni salad either way, but I am a vinegar girl. I love vinegar!! But I don't think I ever met a macaroni salad that I didn't like. :) Thanks for linking it up with us at Foodie Fridays! I love the recipes you share!

    1. I love vinegar, too, just not in my mac salad. Thank you, Michelle - that's so nice to hear!

  23. I haven't had macaroni salad in a long while! This sounds great! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  24. This looks delicious! My oldest son would approve!

  25. Maybe I should go away to camp, then someone can make me an amazing welcome home meal. ;) I usually make Hawaiian Macaroni Salad, but it has potatoes and pickle juice in it. I guess the pickle juice would be considered vinegar? I am seriously drooling over your macaroni salad...I need to give it a try!!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I hope you like it. The Hawaiian Macaroni Salad sounds wonderful, pickle juice and all!


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