Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lavender Lemonade and a Bunny Tale

Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

 Do you use lavender in recipes?

Until recently, I hadn't, 
but now, I think I'm in "lovender."

Ever since I tried lavender in lemonade, 
I've been searching for other things to use it in.
 I'm so taken with it, that I hereby declare...
Lavender is my new Basil.

Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

It's used in everything from 
drinks to chicken, potatoes to desserts.
Who knew?

And I thought it was just used to stuff sachet bags.

 My interest was piqued when I spotted  Lavender Flower Sugar at the Farmer's Market during our Kiawah vacation.

(By the way, it's one of the gifts I sent to Linda of 
 the winner of my "Where is Ms. Toody?" contest. 
If you are interested in seeing what else I sent her, 
check out this lovely blog post she wrote.) 

Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

The woman who sold it to me handed me a recipe.
Lavender Lemonade?
Oh baby!
You'd have thought she handed me a voucher 
for a free meal at Per Se.
What can I tell you, 
it doesn't take much to excite me these days.

The sugar was almost too pretty to use.
But I got over it.
I waited for a perfect summer afternoon
to make the lemonade.
It's all about setting the stage, isn't it? 

While I was making the lavender lemonade,
Mr. Goo Shoes came home with a story.

He was driving to the store, 
when he noticed four crows in the road.
From a distance, he could see that 
they were picking at something.
As he drove closer, he saw that 
whatever they were attacking, jumped.
And jumped again. 

Mr. GS pulled over, to see what it was, 
since it obviously was still alive
(If you know Mr. GS, this doesn't surprise you at all).
It was a teeny tiny, bunny, 
no more than 4 or 5 inches big small.

Bunny was about to get a second chance.  

Mama Rabbit, who had been about 10 feet away, 
ran off as Mr. GS approached. 

Bunny scampered over to a pile of rocks, 
trying to squeeze in and hide, 
but his little bunny butt was sticking out.

Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Mr. Goo Shoes got a towel from the trunk,
laid it over the rocks,
and Bunny bunny-hopped right into the towel.

The crows were watching all of this from the trees above.

He must have gotten there in the nick of time,
because Bunny didn't appear to have a scratch on him. 
Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

 Mr. GS looked around for the mama,
but didn't see her.
Gently, he moved Bunny under a bush,
hoping it was out of harms way.

He waited a bit to see what was going to happen, 
but Mama didn't show herself,
and the crows didn't budge from the trees.

Mr. GS had done all that he could.

He left. 
Bunny's destiny was in the hands of a higher authority. 

Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

Lavender Lemonade

1 cup sugar* or lavender sugar
(*add 1 tablespoon lavender with plain sugar)
5 cups water, divided
1 cup fresh lemon juice (can substitute lime or orange)

Make simple syrup: Dissolved sugar in 2 1/2 cups of water in pan over medium heat. Remove from heat. (If plain sugar was used, add in the lavender now).
Allow lavender to steep for at least 30 minutes, up to several hours.  Strain and discard lavender.
Add simple syrup to the lemon juice and additional 2 1/2 cups of water.

Blueberry Lavender Lemonade: Add 1 cup blueberries with sugar and water to make the simple syrup. 

Lavender Lemonade: Just a hint of lavender flavor makes this so much better than plain old  lemonade. Just squeeze, steep and stir!  Ms Toody Goo Shoes

There are some who say that lavender brings good luck.
There are others who believe a rabbit's foot is lucky. 

Perhaps Bunny made it after all.


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  1. Praying for the little bunny, I got a little bunny in much the same way. We had her for 3 beautiful years.
    The lemonade sounds heavenly, I'll have to give lavender a try!

    1. Try it, Patti, it's wonderful! I hope that bunny made it, too!

  2. That looks refreshing and I have never thought of using lavender for recipes either. I sure hope bunny made it.

    1. All I want to do is cook with lavender now! It's such a great flavor!

  3. I had never heard of cooking with lavender either until I saw the movie It's Complicated. I thought maybe it was some California thing. LOL! Glad to hear that it tastes good. I know it must smell good!

    1. Oh, I did see that movie, but I didn't remember about the lavender. I think lavender started being used a lot more fairly recently. Either that, or it just never hit my radar before!

  4. Well I've made home made lemonade before on many an occasion and love it but have never heard of this! Lovely photos that would make anyone want to try it !:)

    1. Thanks, Deb! It gives it such a nice flavor. And steeping the lavender smelled wonderful!

  5. I had never used lavender on my food before:) You lemonade is so pretty!

  6. Looks and sounds awesome! I was turned on to lavender water this summer. I LOVE it, with basil and cucumber my goodness it is so good!

    1. Lavender water? It sounds SO good, I just had to search your blog to find your post. Pinned it!

  7. Oh, poor little bunny! What a sweet, sensitive hubby you have too! I hope bunny made it. I have heard of using lavender in food but haven't tried it. Sometimes it's smell is lovely and other times too strong for me. Maybe I will start small and try little bits of it!

    1. A good way to start small is the lemonade, AnnMarie. I'm going to try baking with it next.

  8. Lavender cupcakes in Italy? OMG, I need to book a flight right now. Just tell me where I have to go to try them!

  9. Lovely photos of your pretty and refreshing lavender lemonade, Amy. I've never really been keen on lavender as an edible herb, usually playing it safe with the more common ones, but I must say, this looks mighty refreshing!


    1. I'm finding that people either love lavender, or hate it! My friend told me she can't stand the smell or the taste! I guess it's one of those controversial herbs, like cilantro!

  10. There's a cocktail recipe I've been dying to try that calls for lavender infused simple syrup. Your lemonade looks delicious!!!

  11. I hope Bunny made it. Thanks to Mr. Goo Shoes. I haven't tried too much lavender but this sounds wonderful.

    1. I hope Bunny made it, too. I honestly don't recall seeing recipes with lavender until fairly recently, but I may be sheltered!

  12. I love lavender and I love lemonade. I'm trying this today! Thanks for the idea. And of course, you know me, I loved the bunny story!

    1. I hope you liked the lemonade, Magali! And I'm not surprised that you loved the bunny story!

  13. I do hope the Wee Bunny survived to hop off after Mama.
    I love lavender in cooking too - lavender pound cake with a lavender drizzle on top - mmmmm

    1. Oh, now that sound like something I need to make! I guess people have been cooking with lavender for, well, forever! But it's new to me, and I want to try everything now! I hope Bunny made it, too!

  14. Isn't the lemonade great? Of course I had to make some too and we all enjoyed it...

    thank you for including me in your post today, you are most kind

    1. It was wonderful! I'm so glad you all enjoyed it! Always happy to link to other blogs :)

  15. I love lavender so I had to take a peak over from "The Scoop". Yours looks so refreshing! I use lavender a lot around the home for pretty and aromatic projects but haven't gotten to edible forms yet. Thanks for sharing the inspiration ;)

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I'm intrigued by using lavender in recipes - I can't wait to try more!

  16. Love lavender recipe and am intrigued by the lavender flower sugar - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  17. I have had lavender in my pantry and no idea how to use it. This looks awesome, going to give it a shot! Thanks!


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