Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Are there certain scents that that you find irresistible?
Maybe it's a particular perfume that reminds you of someone.
Perhaps it's the smell of spring rain that sends you over the moon.
Or possibly it's the aroma of a certain food that makes you crave it.

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes 
I bet there are a few you can think of.

My list?

Sauteed peppers and onions
Barbequed chicken
A baby's head
 Chanel No. 5 
Wood-burning fireplace
Thanksgiving turkey
Just-mowed grass
Coffee beans
Hot apple cider with cloves 
Freshly baked cinnamon anything

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
 Ahh, cinnamon.

It takes every ounce of my willpower to walk by a Cinnabon store...
the whiff of baking cinnamon buns is so enticing. 

 In fact, I just have to see the word "cinnamon" on paper, 
  and my olfactory reflectors get cranked.
So you can understand that when I saw this recipe for cinnamon donuts by Buns In My Oven, on Pinterest, they moved right to the top of my fall baking list. 

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I have to admit that I made these twice before posting them.
The first time, I overcooked the topping, by letting it boil a tad too long, 
and then, I over-baked the donuts a wee bit.

I tend to get distracted when I'm baking.
I've got Attention-Deficit-Baking-Disorder.
I start cleaning the bathroom, or go upstairs and try on six different outfits, 
when suddenly I remember...


Take the other night, for instance.
I made a noodle pudding for the Yom Kippur break-fast, totally spaced out, 
and went to the supermarket while it was baking. 
I don't care how good that timer is...
I wasn't going to hear it while I was in the produce aisle, 3 miles away. 
Fortunately, Mr. Goo Shoes did,
and called me to ask if he should take it out of the oven.

He always jokes that 99% of the time, I do something wrong while baking.
I deny it, but the truth is, he's right.

The second time I made the donuts, I was much more careful,
and followed the directions precisely.
I removed the topping as soon as it started to boil.

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

  But, uh, I forgot to add the vanilla.
Mr. Goo Shoes just shook his head when once again, he heard me yelling, 
"Oh, crap!"

Let me tell you, though, the donuts were still delicious, even without the vanilla. 

I also watched them like a hawk this time, while they were in the oven.
I did not go to yoga class, or wash my hair. 

When it came time to take the donuts out of the pan,
I was half-expecting them to stick because of the brown sugar mixture. 
But...they came out perfectly.   

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

The recipe makes six donuts, which is fine with me, 
since having too many of these around would be very dangerous.
Fortunately, Mr. GS and Junior GS loved them,
and they were gone before I had a chance to hide a few for myself.  

There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts 

Yield: 6 donuts

For the Donuts:
1 cup flour
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons buttermilk
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 tsp vegetable or canola oil

For the Cinnamon Topping:
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp cinnamon
5 tbsp dark brown sugar
1 tsp milk
1 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla

For the Glaze:
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tbsp plus 2 tsp heavy cream


Preheat oven to 325 F. Lightly grease donut pan.

To Make Cinnamon Topping: 
Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Stir in the cinnamon, brown sugar, milk, and cornstarch.
Heat just until it begins to boil. Remove from heat, and stir in vanilla. Spoon cinnamon topping evenly into each well of greased donut pan

To Make Donuts:
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, and salt.
In a small bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, egg, and oil.
Add wet ingredients to the dry, and stir with a wooden spoon, until fully incorporated. 
Drop spoonfuls of the batter into the donut pan over the cinnamon topping.
Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned and cooked through.
Remove from oven and cool in pan for 2 minutes. Using a butter knife to loosen donuts, gently lift them out of pan, and transfer to a wire rack.  
Cool donuts completely before glazing.

To Make Glaze:
Whisk together sugar and heavy cream until smooth. 
Spoon into a baggie, and snip off a small corner of the bag. 
Pipe glaze onto the donuts.
There's nothing better than warm Cinnamon Bun Baked Donuts, right out of the oven -- Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 What's on your list of irresistible scents?
 Is cinnamon one of them?

You may also like... 

Cinnamon Muffins
Baked Apple Cider Donuts

Baked Pumpkin Donuts with Nutella Glaze

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  1. Oh lord help my thighs..hear my prayer:)! These look awesome Amy!

    1. Mine, too, Debbie! I'm terrified to make them again - I may not share, and eat them all myself! Sorry I haven't been visiting regularly - it's been crazy on the home front. Going to catch up tonight!

  2. I agree with every one of those on your "favorite smells list"! And yes, cinnamon is hard to beat. Those donuts look yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe. You're going to make me fat, btw!

    1. I think I've gained 5 pounds since blogging! I may have to start featuring salads! I feel bad that I haven't been visiting your blog regularly- I've been overwhelmed on the home front. Going to catch up on all your posts tonight!

  3. Hmmm, 4 for me, 2 for you? Oh, oh, we'll split them fair and square! Thanks for the pin!

  4. I really need to get a donut pan. These look amazing.

  5. Those all look and sound amazing - but NOT conducive to slimming :-(

    1. Not at all, Mick! Blogging is fattening! I could eat 4 of these at once!

  6. I just love reading your posts! If only we could get together with some lovely wine, I'll bet we'd raise some good hell. :) The donuts look divine. I too love the smell of a baby's head, fresh cut lawn. the rain in the desert, the pines in our mountains and apple wood burning in the fire. I just wrote a novelette in your comments. thx for coming by to say hello. Hugs!

    1. Forgot to add.. ~ denise

    2. Well, I enjoyed reading your novellete, and thank you for enjoying my posts! I can't think of anything more fun than getting together with some wine - who knows, maybe someday, some way!

  7. Cinnamon is absolutely one of them! :)

    Then I think peppers & onions simmering...hard to beat that one too.

    Your baking looks delicious as usual! : )

    1. Thanks, Deb! I had to make sausage and peppers/onions last night because I had it on the brain!

  8. Those look absolutely delicious, Amy. I love the idea of using those little bundt pans-otherwise I barely use them. SO cute!!!!
    The scent that reminds me of home is always apples and cinnamon. My mother was a baker and she loved using apples. AND- she was a farm woman and lived accordingly but she wore Chanel No.5. I think it is the only scent she ever wore when she went someplace. xo Diana

  9. These would be great to serve for out of town company or holiday breakfast! Now I just have to remember to include all the ingredients...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Oh Amy, these look AMAZING!! Pinning right now and will share on my Facebook page tomorrow! I so want to make them!

  12. Amy - These look amazing! Pinned and would love for you to link up at A Peek Into My Paradise! Have a terrific weekend!

  13. I didn't know there was such thing as a donut pan. I can see how baking them would be better than frying. They look delicious. Thanks for sharing at Foodie Fridays, have a wonderful week.

  14. My husband sprinkles cinnamon on the coffee granules when he starts a coffee pot. Cinnamon goes with everything.

    A question: what is the texture of these donuts, Amy? Are they fluffy like regular fried kind, or more muffin-y? Either way, I am sure they are irresistible. Gone to shop for the donut pan.

  15. I can smell the wonderful aroma of the cinnamon, and I loooooooooooooove connamon :)
    I've just received Wilron's donuts pans (via Ebay) and I can't wait to try your recipe


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