Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Halloween Candy Centerpieces

 Simple Halloween centerpieces using candy corn and candles #Halloween #CandyCorn #Centerpieces

When it comes to candy, what do you find more irresistible... 
chocolates or sugary confections?

I am a sucker for all things sugary and chewy...
you know what I mean...the kind of stuff that gets stuck to your teeth.
I do draw the line at Skittles, however. Feh.

Simple Halloween centerpieces using candy corn and candles #Halloween #CandyCorn #Centerpieces

Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE chocolates!
Remember what I did when I bought a box of Belgian chocolates for Mr. Goo Shoes?

Simple Halloween centerpieces using candy corn and candles #Halloween #CandyCorn #Centerpieces

Some sugary treats don't interest me in the least.  
You can keep your Sweet Tarts, Jolly Ranchers, Smarties, Jawbreakers and Lollypops.
I could have a swimming pool full of those, and never feel tempted to dive in.

But when it comes to Jelly Beans, Gummy things, Salt Water Taffy, Twizzlers and Candy Corn...
let's just say it's not beneath me to exhibit some pretty clandestine behavior, such as in hiding candy from the rest of the family, or eating it when no one is looking. 
You might recall me telling you how my sister caught me red-handed buying a huge bag of jellybeans that I intended to share with...uh, no one.

Simple Halloween centerpieces using candy corn and candles #Halloween #CandyCorn #Centerpieces

It's no surprise, then, that candy came to mind when I was thinking about decorating ideas for Halloween.

You know by now that I am all about doing things the laziest easiest way possible,
so I simply filled bowls and vases with candy, added candles (the battery-operated kind), and used them to decorate my buffet. 

Simple Halloween centerpieces using candy corn and candles #Halloween #CandyCorn #Centerpieces

The best part is, you can eat your centerpieces when you are through with them :)

Or, you can sneak a few pieces whenever you walk by...
not that I did that...of course not.

I think the buffet looks pretty "sweet"...guess I'll have to plan a Halloween party. 

Simple Halloween centerpieces using candy corn and candles #Halloween #CandyCorn #Centerpieces

 Or, I could just eat all the candy, and call it a day.

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  1. I could never make centerpieces like that, as cute as they are! I would eat it all as I walked by and then feel guilty when I do it the next day!!!

  2. I love your candy centerpieces. I love chocolate, so I would go for the little fun size candybars if I could choose. I love smarties too! So, you could give me all of yours that you didn't want. LOL! You've reminded me that I need to start buying candy now for the trick or treaters. I hate the temptation this time of year.

  3. Such a cute idea and I love the raffia addition. I am an idiot for chocolate covered nuts! I love to freeze the mini ones and try to eat only one or two at a time (always works - lol!). Halloween at your house is going to be fun and delicious!

  4. Such a SWEET idea :) Love it!! Just don't have me over or all that candy will be GONE! Especially them candy corn - yup!

  5. And too bad I don't have a facebook account - rats!

  6. love your decorations. I forgot about those little candy pumpkins. Gosh I always loved those!

  7. Love the candy decorations! I'm not sure I could trust myself making them..I'd have to divide what I got to eat and what was dedicated for decor :) Great giveaway. I'll share on my FB this evening!

  8. Now, THAT'S a centrepiece! I mean, come on, there's no competition - you can EAT this! Good luck to all!


  9. That is a super sweet idea for Halloween decor' - well done!

  10. Candy looks great for Halloween decor. And you get to eat it after the holiday is over!


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